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Choose the 2 best options from a, b, c, d or e:

1. You see an injured man, and you work with the emergency services; what can you do to
rescue him?
a) CPR b) bedding c) evacuation d) allergy e) first aid
1 a–e first –aid ‫– أو اسعافات أولية بشكل عام‬CPR ‫ االنعاش القلبي الرئوي‬:‫المقصود‬
2. We often see ......................... in the morning, and we can’t see the ground.
a) sun b) mist c) fog d) trial e) truce
2 b–c mist = fog ‫الضباب يسمي‬
3. He travelled abroad last year, but he …………… in touch with his old friends by text
a) misses b) loses c) stays d) keeps e) saves
3 c–d ‫ (يفقد‬lose touch with ‫ و المضاد‬keep in touch = stay in touch )‫يبقي علي اتصال (متالزمات لفظية‬
4. The nurse put a bandage on my …………. to stop the bleeding.
a) cut b) wound c) sleeve d) chain e) truce
4 a-b bleeding ‫ و أيضا النزيف‬bandage ‫ و المعني "الجرح أو االصابة" – الحظ وجود‬cut = wound
5. The bird made a loud ................... and then flew from the trees.
a) chain b) truce c) anchor d) noise e) cry
5 c–d ‫أصدر الطائر ضوضاء أو صيحة‬
6. The cruel boy picked up a ………… from the ground and threw it towards the small bird
which hit it in the head.
a) sand b) stone c) dust d) rock e) soil
6 b–d ‫ في رأسه‬hit ‫التقط الطفل القاسي "حجرا" أو "صخرة" و ألقاها تجاه الطائر و أصابه‬
7. To avoid hitting the little girl, the driver had to …………. the car away from the main road.
a) steer b) paddle c) drive d) fly e) go
7 a–c ‫ يجدف‬paddle ‫ بمعني يقود طائرة و الفعل‬fly ‫ و الفعل‬.‫الفعالن مترادفان و المعني قاد سيارته بعيدا عن الطريق الريئسي‬
8. The criminals were ………………. as soon as they got out of the rich man’s house.
a) sailed b) attracted c) stayed d) caught e) arrested
8 d–e )‫تم القاء القبض علي المجرمين (مترادفات و الجملة في صيغة المبني للمجهول‬
9. You have to ………………… your son with a blanket; it’s very cold out here.
a) change b) cover c) wrap d) recover e) catch
9 b–c ‫يلف الطفل في بطانية‬
10. The students answered all the questions in the ............ and then checked their scores.
a) quiz b) test c) feedback d) mast e) trial
10 a–b test = quiz ‫الكلمتان تعبران عن نوع من االمتحان‬
Choose the best option from a, b, c or d:
11. There’s a lot of smoke in here; I can’t ………………
a) breathe b) breath c) walk d) think
11 a ‫ فهي اسم و يعني "النفس" (الحظ وجود كلمة الدخان) ليس لها عالقة بالمشي أو التفكير‬breath ‫ يتنفس أما كلمة‬breathe ‫الفعل‬
12. Research has shown that you should only wear a ……. of trousers for one day.
a) bar b) pair c) pear d) bear
12 b "‫ أي "زوج من‬a pair of ‫المالبس التي بها "جزئين" مثل البنطلون و الحذاء و غيرها يأتي معها كلمة‬
13. My sister has a / an …………… to cats; it makes red spots on her skin.
a) soil b) bedding c) allergy d) hygiene
13 c allergy ‫الحساسية تجاه القطط‬
14. Before you enter my house, please ……………. your shoes; I’ve just cleaned it.
a) take off b) put off c) make up d) give out
14 a (phrasal verb) take off ‫يخلع الحزاء‬
15. The authorities ordered the ………….. of the building which was on fire.
a) freeing b) vaccination c) vacuum d) evacuation
15 d evacuation ‫إخالء الناس من المبني المشتعل‬
16. Technology has pros and cons. The word ‘pros’ is a synonym for …………
a) prose b) disadvantages c) advantages d) goods
16 c "‫ تعني "السلع و البضائع‬goods ‫ أما‬... pros = advantages ‫المميزات‬
17. If you don’t know how to find a place, use the ………..
a) GPS b) CPR c) HR d) UK
17 a ‫ تعني االنعاش القلبي الرئوي‬CPR ‫ أما‬GPS ‫نظام التموضع العالمي لتحديد المواقع‬
18. Robots can help companies to save money when they make cars. The antonym for ‘save’
is ……….
a) rescue b) waste c) make d) take
18 b "‫ "يبدد و يهدر‬waste ‫ تعني "يوفر" و مضادها‬save ‫كلمة‬
19. An app is ………………
a) questions to find out how much you know
b) a test of how much you have learned
c) information about how much something costs
d) software on your smartphone
19 d ‫ و تعني "تطبيق" و هو برامج علي الهاتف الذكي‬app ‫تعريف كلمة‬
20. To stop a boat or a ship from moving you use …………….
a) a steer b) a sail c) an anchor d) a paddle
20 c anchor ‫المرسي يسمي‬
21. He’s a / an …………….; his parents are dead. He lives in an orphanage.
a) sailor b) pirate c) servant d) orphan
21 d ‫ الملجأ‬orphanage ‫ مست و أيضا‬dead ‫ الحظ كلمة‬orphan ‫اليتيم‬
22. In the nineteenth century, many of the children from rich or important families had
lessons with a teacher who came to their homes. This teacher was called …………..
a) governess b) governor c) housekeeper d) maid
22 a ‫ تعني الحاكم أو المحافظ‬governor ‫ أما كلمة‬governess ‫المربية و المعلمة الخاصة في الماضي كانت تسمي‬
23. Many businesses are ……….. to give jobs to young people with STEM skills.
a) interesting b) keen c) caring d) kneeling
23 b ‫ و كلمة‬... ‫ تعني ممتع أو شيق‬interesting ‫ أما‬... keen to + inf. – keen on + ‫حريص أن يفعل كذا‬
‫ تستخدم لوصف مراعاة شعور األخرين‬caring
24. The accident has caused him a disability which may ruin his sporting career. The word
‘ruin’ is synonymous with ………..
a) remain b) deck c) dock d) wreck
24 d "‫ بمعني "يفسد و يدمر‬ruin ‫ تعني حطام إذا جاءت اسم و لكنها هنا جاءت فعل مرادف‬wreck ‫كلمة‬
25. It’s the coach who must take the responsibility for losing the last match. The synonym for
‘take’ in this context is …………
a) hand b) head c) shoulder d) arm
25 c ‫ يتحمل المسئولية‬shoulder responsibility ‫متالزمات لفظية‬
26. Children must swim in pools with shallow water. The antonym for ‘shallow’ is ….
a) deep b) fresh c) clean d) clear
26 a ‫ تعني عميق‬deep ‫ تعني مياه "ضحلة" أي غير عميقة و المضاد‬shallow ‫كلمة‬

27. The fan is too high to ………….; I must get a ladder.

a) see b) carry c) arrive d) reach
27 d ‫ سلم متنقل‬ladder ‫ الحظ كلمة‬.‫ يعني أن تمد يدك و تمسك بشيء بعيد أو مرتفع مثال‬reach ‫الفعل‬
28. To be able to see your way in the darkness, you have to use a / an ……..…..
a) mast b) torch c) anchor d) gun
28 b flashlight ‫ و ترادف‬torch ‫كشاف أو شعلة للرؤية في الظالم‬
29. When there is a trial, a …………. decides if someone did or did not break the law.
a) criminal b) pirate c) judge d) governor
29 c ‫ تعني محاكمة‬trial ‫ و كلمة‬... ‫ هو الذي يقرر‬judge ‫القاضي‬
30. Nursing is a very ………………….. job; especially when sick people get better.
a) rewarding b) awarded c) rewording d) illegal
30 a "‫ تعني "إعادة صياغة الجملة‬rewording ‫ أما‬rewarding ‫مجزي‬
31. The emergency room in a hospital is called …………….. department.
a) casually b) causality c) casual d) casualty
31 d ‫ و الحال منها‬... )‫ تصف المالبس غير الرسمية (كاجوال‬casual ‫ أما‬... casualty department ‫قسم الحوادث‬
‫ تنطق (كوزاليتي) و تعني السببية‬causality ‫ أما كلمة‬... casually
32. A period of time working in order to learn skills needed to do a job is called ….
a) appearance b) apprenticeship c) application d) qualification
32 b )‫فترة التدريب (و خاصة في ورشة‬
33. A ……….. is someone whose job is to fix pipes and taps leaking water.
a) plumber b) baker c) officer d) mechanic
33 a ‫ المياه‬leak ‫السباك يصلح المواسير و الصنابير التي تسرب‬
34. The hunter killed the gazelle. The gazelle is dead. The antonym for ‘dead’ is ….
a) death b) dying c) alive d) life
34 c )‫ تعني الحياة (اسم‬life ‫ أما كلمة‬alive ‫ تعني "ميت" و مضادها‬dead ‫كلمة‬
35. The lion was ……. in the hunter’s net; he couldn’t escape.
a) evacuated b) released c) tried d) trapped
35 d couldn’t escape ‫ الحظ‬.... ‫األسد "محبوس و محتجز" داخل الشبكة‬
36. To realise your ambitions, you must work hard. The synonym for ‘realise’ is …..
a) achieve b) archive c) recognise d) miss
36 a )‫ تعني "أرشيف" و تنطق (أركايف‬archive ‫ الحظ أن‬... realise = achieve ‫يدرك طموحاته أي يحققها‬
37. The highs and ................ of something refer to successful and unsuccessful times.
a) laws b) lows c) lies d) down
37 b ‫ أوقات النجاح و أوقات االخفاق‬highs and lows ‫متالزمات لفظية‬
38. Environmentalists often ……….. against the destruction of rainforests.
a) activate b) ramp c) campaign d) down
38 c "‫ أيضا اسم بمعني "حملة‬campaign ‫يقوم بحمالت بيئية ضد تدمير الغابات و تأتي كلمة‬
39. The police took ten hours …………… with the terrorists to release the hostages.
a) engaging b) nodding c) chatting d) negotiating
39 d hostages ‫ الطالق سراح الرهائن‬terrorists ‫يتفاوضون مع االرهابيين‬
40. A ………. is something unknown.
a) mystery b) weaver c) solution d) page-turner
40 a ‫تعريف اللغز الغامض أو الغموض هو شيء غير معروف‬
41. If you ................................. your keys to your bag, you won’t lose them.
a) touch b) attach c) link d) contact
41 b ‫يرفق المفاتيح بالحقيبة‬
42. Adverts always put ...................... on you to buy something new.
a) treasure b) stressed c) pressure d) opportunity
42 c ‫ الضغط‬Pressure
43. I offered him a cup of coffee and he …….. his head as a sign of agreement.
a) nodded b) shook c) pushed d) hit
43 a ‫ هز رأسه رافضا‬shook ‫ يعني أومأ أو أشار برأسه موافقا في حين أن الفعل‬nod ‫الفعل‬
44. The electrician has just fixed a new fan and a light on the ……….
a) steering b) floor c) ground d) ceiling
44 d ceiling ‫ركب مروحة و لمبة في السقف‬
45. The witness couldn’t say who the criminal was, so he ………. at him.
a) steered b) printed c) pointed d) painted
45 c pointed ‫أشار الي المجرم‬
46. Adam works for a ……….. store where he sells women’s clothes.
a) grocery b) stationery c) pet d) fashion
46 d ‫ الموضة‬fashion ‫محل مالبس لذلك نستخدم كلمة‬
47. Winning the gold medal in powerlifting was the greatest ............................ of his life.
a) achievements b) failure c) activation d) campaign
47 a ‫الحصول علي الميدالية الذهبية تعتبر أحسن انجازاته‬
48. Nadia wants to .............................. in the national swimming championships next year.
a) campaign b) compete c) activate d) cycle
48 b compete ‫تشترك في بطولة‬
49. The applicant arrived an hour late for the interview. He’s not very …………..
a) honest b) flexible c) punctuate d) punctual
48 d .‫ تعني يضع عالمات الترقيم في جملة‬punctuate ‫ أما كلمة‬... punctual ‫منضبط في المواعيد‬
50. After the accident, Yara couldn’t walk, so she had to use a / an ……….….
a) wheelchair b) armchair c) hybrid vehicle d) goggles
48 a ‫كرسي بعجل للممصابين و ذوي االحتياجات الخاصة‬

Revision on grammar
Choose the best option from a, b, c or d:
1. Mona says that she ……… revising for her tests next week.
a- would be b- is c- was d- had been
‫ و من هنا يبقي الزمن كما هو‬says ‫فعال القول مضارع‬
2. My wife said that she ….. well the night before.
a- didn’t sleep b- hasn’t slept c- hadn’t slept d- wouldn’t sleep
‫ نستخدم الماضي التام‬the night before ‫ مع وجود كلمة‬said ‫هنا فعل القول ماضي‬
3. Adham ……. his father watched the match with his friends.
a- told b- promised c- asked d- said
watched ‫ ثم فعل‬his father‫ لوجود جملة بعدها تبدأ بفاعل‬said ‫استخدام‬
4. Kamal told me that if I ………. a car, we could go to Tanta to meet them.
a- had had b- was having c- had d- have
‫ في جواب الشرط‬could + inf. ‫ نستخدم ماضي بسيط لوجود‬If ‫هنا الحالة الثانية من‬
5. My mother …….. when you came, I would tell you everything.
a- said b- told c- asked d- admitted
asked ‫ و ليس‬said ‫ رابط و ليست كلمة استفهام و من هنا نستخدم‬when ‫هنا‬
6. The teacher told us that the Nile …… the longest river in the world.
a- was b- is c- had been d- had
‫هنا الجملة حقيقة ثابتة نستخدم مضارع بسيط‬
7. My mother asked me ………… I could help her with the housework.
a- weather b- that c- whether d- for
if - whether ‫ نستخدم‬asked ‫مع‬
8. They ……. her if she knew about yesterday’s problems.
a- wanted to know b- wondered c- explained d- asked
wanted to know - ‫ ال يجوز استخدام‬her ‫ و هنا مع وجود مفعول‬asked ‫ و بعدها جملة واحدة نستخدم‬if ‫هنا مع وجود‬
9. Ali inquired if the weather was good ……………..
a- today b- this day c- that day d- these days
that ‫ الي‬this ‫هنا تم تحويل الكالم من مباشر الي غير مباشر و تتحول‬
10. The headmaster inquired …….. so many boys were absent that day.
a- when b- where c- why d- who
)‫هنا االختيار حسب المعني (هو استفسر لماذا هناك عدد كبير من الغياب‬
11. I wonder if ………….. at home now.
a- does he b- has he c- he is d- he has
now ‫ و من هنا يبقي الزمن كما هو مضارع مع‬wonder ‫فعل القول مضارع‬
12. My father always asks me ……….. my best to get the best marks.
a- if do b- did c- had done d- to do
‫ حسب المعني‬to/not to ‫ بمعني يطلب ياتي معها‬asks ‫هنا‬
13. My friend recommended that…………… my lessons regularly.
a- revising b- I revise c- revise d- to revise
‫ بدون فاعل او مفعول‬v-ng ‫ ياتي بعدها فاعل ثم المصدر او‬recommend that ‫هنا‬
14. She warned her child …………. with matches.
a- to play b- not to play c- that play d- they play
not to + inf. ‫ بعدها مفعول ثم‬warned ‫كلمة‬
15. It is a ………. for Adam to get up early to catch the school bus.
a- must b- necessary c- necessarily d- forbidden
It is a must / It is necessary ‫للتعبير عن االلزام نستخدم‬
16. If you don’t like the tea, you …….. drink it. I’ll bring you mango juice.
a- must b- should c- haven’t to d- don’t have to
don't have to ‫المعني لست مضطر الي‬
17. Do you ………… wear a uniform to work?
a- must b- have to c- need d- should
have to ‫ و من هنا نستخدم‬Do ‫هنا بدأنا السؤال ب‬
18. On school days, we …………. get up early to catch the first lesson.
a- ought to b- mustn’t c- don’t have to d- have to
have to ‫هنا الزام خارجي نستخدم‬
19. You ……… come and see me tomorrow.
a- must b- mustn’t c- have d- had to
must ‫ نستخدم‬invitation ‫هنا الجملة تعبر عن دعوة‬
20. We …… run to the museum because it was already closed when we got there.
a- don’t have to b- didn’t have to c- needn’t have d- mustn’t have
needn't have p.p. ‫هنا الفعل تم رغم اننا لم نكن مضطرين لذلك‬
21. He had to take the early train to Alex. It ………… for him.
a- is necessary b- was necessary
c- is forbidden d- was unnecessary
It was necessary ‫الزام في الماضي و بدأنا ب‬
22. I think you ……… sleep early and get up early to be healthy. I only advise you.
a- ought b- can't d- might d- had better
should – had better – ought to ‫ نستخدم النصيحة‬I think ‫مع بداية الجملة ب‬
23. He is so sad and disappointed. He ………….. the exam.
a- must pass b- can't pass c- must have passed d- can't have passed
)‫هنا استنتاج منفي في الماضي (اكيد لم يحدث‬
24. I did badly in the last exams. I ………….. my time.
a- can't have wasted b- shouldn't have wasted
c- should have wasted d- can't waste
)‫هنا الجملة تعبر عن ندم او لوم (مكنش الزم اضيع وقتي‬
25. My brother ………… sent me an e-mail yesterday. I have no idea.
a- must have b- might have c- can't have d- should have
‫ الن الزمن ماضي‬might have p.p. ‫ نستخدم‬I have no idea ‫هنا احتمال و عدم تاكد لوجود‬
26. You should help your friend. It is ………… to do so.
a- necessary b- advisable c- inadvisable d- wrong
should ‫ تساوي‬It is advisable ‫هنا نصيحة‬
27. This watch …….. have cost a lot of money. It is made of plastic.
a- must b- might c- can't d- can
)‫هنا استنتاج منفي في الماضي (اكيد لم يحدث‬
28. If you want to be always happy, you …………
a- will pray b- should pray c- would pray d- pray
if ‫هنا التعبير عن النصيحة في جواب الشرط مع المضارع البسيط بعد‬
29. If she put water in the fridge, we ………. some cold water.
a- get b- will get c- would get d- would have got
would + inf. ‫ مع المفرد و من هنا جواب الشرط‬s ‫ في الماضي البسيط لعدم وجود‬put ‫هنا الفعل‬
30. If I had used clothes, I ……………. them to a charity.
a- would give b- will give c- can give d- would have given
would + inf. ‫ اسم بمعني مالبس مستعملة و من هنا جواب الشرط‬used clothes ‫ ماضي بسيط الن‬had ‫هنا‬
31. If you go out, please ………. me the newspaper.
a- will buy b- buy c- would buy d- bought
‫هنا جواب الشرط فعل امر لعدم وجود فاعل و هنا نستخدم الفعل في المصدر‬
32. Mona …………. to the party if we invited her.
a- will come b- might come c- might have come d- comes
might + inf. ‫ ماضي بسيط و من هنا جواب الشرط‬if ‫فعل الشرط بعد‬
33. If she …….. hard, she will win next week's race.
a- train b- had trained c- trained d- trains
she ‫ مع المفرد‬s ‫ و من هنا فعل الشرط مضارع بسيط باضافة‬will ‫جواب الشرط‬
34. I wish I ……. a cheaper car rather than this expensive one that I bought.
a- could buy b- would buy c- had bought d- will buy
‫ في الماضي و لذلك نستخدم ماضي تام‬I wish ‫هنا التمني مع‬
35. I wish ……….. a nice time on the beach with my family.
a- had b- to have c- having d- had had
to + inf. ‫ لم ياتي بعدها فاعل و من هنا نستخدم‬I wish ‫هنا‬
36. My dad wishes he ……… a bigger car.
a- has b- has had c- had d- is having
‫ في المضارع نستخدم ماضي بسيط‬wish ‫هنا التمني مع‬
37. They would be in London now ……… they caught the midday plane.
a- unless b- provided that c- in case of d- without
provided that – on condition that – as long as ‫ و هناك بعض الكلمات تساويها في المعني‬If ‫هنا المعني‬
38. He will catch the bus …………. running fast.
a- in case b- if c- in case of d- without
Without ‫ اما اذا كان المعني (بدون) نستخدم‬v-ing ‫هنا المعني (في حالة) و ياتي بعدها اسم او‬
39. ………… she come on time, she won’t be punished.
a- Should b- If c- Had d- Unless
‫ بعدها فاعل ثم مصدر‬Should ‫ و هي‬If ‫هناك حاالت تساوي‬
40. Were Noha ……… the phone, I would know about her mother.
a- answer b- answered c- answers d- to answer
to + inf. ‫ بعدها فاعل ثم‬Were ‫ هي‬If ‫من حاالت تساوي‬
41. …………. having healthy food is necessary for me, I will try to have it regularly.
a- If b- Unless c- Without d- In case of
‫ حسب المعني‬If/ Unless ‫ و بالتالي جملة نستخدم معها‬is ‫ فاعل لوجود الفعل‬having healthy food ‫هنا‬
42. The metro .................. by two million people every day.
a. has used b. is using c. been used d. is used
)‫الجملة مجهول الننا بدانا بما يقع عليه الفعل (المفعول‬
43. No sooner .................. left the office than it started to rain.
a. he had b. he did c. had he d. has he
p.p. ‫ بعدها فاعل ثم‬had ‫ بمعني‬No sooner / Scarcely / Hardly ‫هنا نستخدم صيغة االستفهام بعد‬
44. The woman .................. waiting over there is my cousin.
a. whose b. whom c. who’s d. who
who is ‫ اللي هي اختصار‬who's ‫ نستخدم‬v-ing ‫هنا عاقل و بعدها‬
45. It was ......... when I had seen him coming that I realised he returned home.
a. that b. only c. hardly d. sooner
only ‫ نستخدم‬when ‫ و معها‬It was ‫هنا الجملة تبدأ ب‬
46. I .............. tried Chinese food before I ate at that restaurant.
a. have never b. never have c. never had d. had never
‫ بعدها ماضي بسيط قبلها ماضي تام‬before ‫هنا ماضي تام لوجود‬
47. Goods ..................... in China are usually cheap.
a. are made b. which made c. made d. that made
who are made ‫ بدال من‬p.p. ‫ في حالة المبني للمجهول و استخدمن‬which ‫هنا تم حذف‬
48. The boy .................. in the garden is my son.
a. who playing b. playing c. who play d. that play
who is playing ‫ بدال من‬v-ing ‫ في حالة المبني للمعلوم و استخدمنا‬who ‫هنا تم حذف‬
49. Before the thief was discovered, he ................... many things from the flat.
a. had stolen b. had been stolen c. has stolen d. has been stolen
‫ ياتي الحدث االخر ماضي تام‬Before + past simple ‫هنا ماضي تام الحدث االول‬
50. The boss asked Leila .................. make him a cup of tea.
a. she could b. if can she c. if she could d. she can
‫ بعدها فاعل وفعل في الماضي‬if / whether ‫ نستخدم معها‬asked ‫هنا فعل القول‬
51. Captain Ahmed, ........... is a clever officer, caught the thieves.
a. whose b. who c. whom d. who’s
‫ بعدها فعل‬who ‫هنا فاعل عاقل نستخدم‬
52. Maha .............. me that she had watched a wonderful movie.
a. said b. wanted c. ordered d. told
that ‫ بعدها مفعول ثم‬told ‫هنا الجملة خبرية و يوجد مفعول‬
53. The computer is a useful machine ........... stores a lot of information.
a. which is b. when c. what d. that
which / that ‫هنا غير عاقل نستخدم‬
54. This is the house .................... I was born in.
a. where b. which c. what d. when
in ‫ لوجود حرف جر‬which ‫هنا المكان مع‬
55. My father often .................... me to drive his car.
a. lets b. makes c. allows d. denies
to + inf. ‫ بعدها مفعول ثم‬allow ‫هنا بمعني يسمح‬
56. ................. finished my homework, I watched TV.
a. After b. Before c. Having d. Had
‫ بمعني بعد‬Having ‫ نستخدم‬p.p. ‫هنا بعد الفراغ‬
57. This is the place ................... they had a meeting yesterday.
a. where b. when c. which d. this
where ‫هنا قبل الفراغ مكان و بعد الفراغ جملة نستخدم‬
58. I ....................... married next Friday. Everything is arranged for that.
a. have got b. will get c. going to get d. am getting
‫هنا ترتيب مع المستقبل نستخدم مضارع مستمر‬
59. She wanted to know if .................... my friend the day before.
a. had I met b. I meet c. did I meet d. I had met
‫ نستخدم فاعل ثم فعل في الماضي‬if / whether ‫هنا بعد‬
60. Many crimes .................. in slums.
a. are happened b. happen c. happening d. have been happened
‫ بمعني يحدث ال يبني للمجهول‬happen ‫الفعل‬

Choose the best English Translation
‫ في كل المدن فهي العمود الفقري للنمو االقتصادي‬, ‫ مثل الطرق والجسور وإدارة النفايات ومعدات االتصاالت‬, ‫ يجب تحسين البنية التحتية‬-1
a) Infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, waist management and communication equipment,
must be improved in all cities as it is the backbone of economic growing and development.
b) Infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, waste administrative and communication
equipment, must be enhanced in all countries as it is the backbone of economic growth and
c) Infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, waste management and communication
equipment, must be improved in all cities as it is the black-bone of economic growing and
d) Infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, waste management and communication
equipment, must be improved in all cities as it is the backbone of economic growth and
‫ و هم الذين سيشكلون خارطة‬.‫ فهم قيادات المستقبل في مختلف القطاعات‬.‫ يلعب الشباب دورا حيويا في المساهمة في تحقيق تقدم األمم‬-2
.‫الطريق لألجيال القادمة‬
a) Youths play a vital role in contributing to the progress of nations. They are the leaders of
the future in various sectors. And they are the ones who will shape the road map for future
b) Youths play a vital rule in contributing to the progression of nations. They are the leaders
of the future in various sectors. And they are the ones who will form the road map for future
c) Youths play a vital role in sharing to the progress of nations. They are the leaders of the
future in various sectors. And they are the ones who will shape the road map for future
d) Youths play a vital role in contributing to the progression of nations. They are the leaders
of the future in various sections. And they are the ones who will form the road map for future
‫ يجب أن نتحلي بالقيم األخري مثل التفاهم و التعاطف و‬.‫ فهذا يحسن العالقات مع األصدقاء و الجيران‬, ‫ ينبغي أن يحترم بعضنا البعض‬-3
a) We should to respect each other, as this improves relations with friends and neighbors.
We must have other values such as understanding, empathy and affection.
b) We should respect each other, as this improves relations with friends and neighbors. We
must have other values such as understanding, empathy and affection.
c) We should respect each other, as this improves relations with friends and relatives. We
must have other values such as understanding, empathy and affection.
d) We should respect each other, as this improves relations with friends and neighborhood.
We must have other values such as understanding, empathy and affection.
Choose the best Arabic Translation
1. Education is one of the pillars that a nation’s progress depends on, especially technical
.‫ وخاصة التعليم التكنولوجي‬، ‫( يعد التعلم أحد الركائز التي يعتمد عليها تقدم األمة‬a
.‫ وخاصة التعليم الفني‬، ‫( يعد التدريس أحد الركائز التي يعتمد عليها تقدم األمة‬b
.‫ وخاصة التعليم الفني‬، ‫( يعد التعليم أحد الركائز التي يعتمد عليها تقدم األمة‬c
.‫ وخاصة التعليم التقني‬، ‫( يعد التعليم أحد األعمدة التي يرتكز عليها التقدم المحلي‬d
2. We have to balance between our private life and work. Too much work can result in stress
and depression.
.‫ الكثير من العمل الجاد يمكن أن يؤدي إلى التوتر واالكتئاب‬.‫( علينا أن نتوازن مع حياتنا الخاصة والعمل‬a
.‫ الكثير من العمل يمكن أن يؤدي إلى التوتر واالكتئاب‬.‫( علينا أن نوازن بين حياتنا العامة والعمل‬b
.‫ العمل الكثير يمكن أن يؤدي إلى التوتر و الكاَبة‬.‫( هل علينا أن نوازن بين حياتنا الخاصة والعمل‬c
.‫ الكثير من العمل يمكن أن يؤدي إلى التوتر واالكتئاب‬.‫( علينا أن نوازن بين حياتنا الخاصة والعمل‬d

3. Determination, stamina and patience are the keys to achieving success.

.‫( العزيمة و القدرة علي التحمل و الصبر هي مفاتيح تحقيق النجاح‬a
)‫ تحقيق‬: ‫ (حذفت كلمة‬.‫( الجلد و القدرة علي التحمل و الصبر هي مفاتيح النجاح‬b
.‫( العزيمة و القدرة علي التحمل و الذكاء قد تكون مفاتيح تحقيق النجاح‬c
.‫( العزيمة و الجلد و المشقة هي سر تحقيق النجاح‬d
‫مع تحيات فريق التأليف لكتاب‬
My Reference

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