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Vivekananda School of Law and Legal Studies (VSLLS)

Subject: Public International Law (LLB 304)

Semester – VI

1. The inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs

against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures
necessary to maintain international peace and security is stated in:

a) Article 51.
b) Article 52.
c) Article 53.
d) Article 54.

2. All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force
against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other
manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations is given under:
a) Article 2(4)
b) Article 3(1)
c) Article 4
d) Article 5

3. What is the 'Lotus principle'?

a) The so-called Lotus principle is that 'restrictions upon the independence of States cannot
therefore be presumed', or, as it has been construed, 'whatever is not prohibited is permitted
in international law'

b) The so-called Lotus principle is that States are free to choose the Court that they will
submit their disputes

c) The so-called Lotus principle is that States are not prohibited to assert their enforcement
jurisdiction on the high seas

d) The so-called Lotus principle is that customary law derives from the combination of
State practice and opinio juris

4. Vienna Conference of 1961 is related to

(a) Diplomatic inter course and immunities
(b) Prisoners-of-war
(c) Recognition of states
(d) None of these

5. Who is called ‘the father of International Law’?

(a) Hago Grotius
(b) Oppenhein
(c) Suerez
(d) None of these

6. The main ingredients of an international customary principles are

a. Uniformity and consistency
b. Long duration
c. Generality of the practice
d. All the above

7. Contiguous Zone is limited to a maximum of

(a) 24 nautical mile
(b) 50 miles
(c) 12 miles
(d) None of these

8. The proponents of monistic theory do not include

a. Kelsen
b. Starke
c. Westlake
d. Triepel

9. The chief exponents of dualistic theory are

a. Triepel and Anzilloit
b. Starke
c. Wright
d. Westlake

10. Recognition of a new state is

a. Political act
b. Legal act
c. Quasi legal act
d. Constitutional act

11. Foreign ships sailing and anchoring in the coastal waters of another state are
(a) Subject to the law of Flag State
(b) Subject to the law of Coastal State
(c) Subject to the law of both the States
(d) None of these

12. Piracy is an offense within the jurisdiction of the

(a) Flag State
(b) Offenders State
(c) All the States
(d) None of these

13. Territorial Waters are

(a) Water outside the territorial limits of a state
(b) Waters dividing territory of Two or more states
(c) Waters Adjacent to the contiguous Zone
(d) None of these
14. Diplomatic staff enjoys complete immunity from
(a) Civil Jurisdiction
(b) Criminal Jurisdiction
(c) Both
(d) None of these

15. principal of “double criminality” means that:

(a) the person who is being extradited must be tried in both the states
(b) the person who is being extradited must be tried in both the states but may be
punished in one
(c) that the offence for which a person is extradited must be an offence in both the
(d) none of these

16. principal of “specialty” means that:

(a) the person extradited must be awarded special punishment by the requesting state
(b) the person extradited must not be awarded special punishment by the requesting
(c) the person extradited must be punished only for the offence for which he has
been extradited
(d) none of these

17. which of the following is not a source of international law?

(a) treaties and conventions
(b) custom
(c) judicial decisions and teachings
(d) none of these

18. which of the following is not an example of Extra-Territorial Asylum:

(a) asylum granted in a ship in high seas
(b) asylum granted in the premises of an international institution
(c) asylum granted in an embassy
(d) none of these

19. Continental Shelf” means:

(a) that portion of land which belongs to no state
(b) that portion of land on the South Pole which can be used by any state
(c) submerged bed of sea contiguous to a continental land mass
(d) none of these

20. Littoral State” means:

(a) situated on the sea coast
(b) an independent state
(c) under the suzerainty of another state
(d) none of these

21. “Contiguous Zone” means:

(a) that portion of land which belongs to no state
(b) that portion of land on the South Pole which can be used by any state
(c) that portion of sea which is adjacent to territorial waters
(d) none of these

22. “Maritime Belt” means:

(a) that portion of land which belongs to no state
(b) that portion of land on the South Pole which can be used by any state
(c) that portion of sea which is adjacent to the territory of a coastal state
(d) none of these

23. A state has the right to exploit in the Continental Shelf:

(a) living resources
(b) non-living resources
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these

24. The principle of rebus sic stantibus means:

(a) a state cannot use force
(b) there is no crime without a law
(c) fundamental change of circumstances
(d) none of these

25. De facto recognition is:

(a) legal recognition
(b) recognition in principle
(c) circumstantial recognition
(d) none of these

26. Extradition is normally granted:

(a) in all cases
(b) in criminal cases only
(c) in civil cases only
(d) none of these

27. Pacta Sunt Servanda means:

(a) A diplomat not acceptable to the receiving state
(b) Agreement between states are to be respected
(c) A pact of ceasefire between the belligerent parties
(d) None of These
28. Briand Kellog Pact was meant to:
(a) End War between France and Britain
(b) Establish peace in western Europe
(c) Denounce war as an instrument for settling disputes.
(d) None of These

29. Treaty of Westphalia was signed in:

(a) 1658
(b) 1680
(c) 1776
(d) None of These(1648)

30. Re Meunier and Re Castioni cases are test cases for:

(a) Extradition of military offenders

(b) Extradition of political offenders
(c) Determining the enemy Status of aliens during war
(d) None of These
31. The name of the present secretary general of the UN is:
(a) Kofi Anaan
(b) Boutros gali
(c) Ban ki Moon
d) )Antonio Guteress

32. The right of innocent passage means:

(a) right of a foreign merchant ship to pass un-hindered through the territorial sea
of the cost
(b) Not to publicize dangers to navigation in the sea
(c) To over look regulations of marri-time traffic
(d) Non of these

33. With drawal of recognition is more easily achieved with respect to:
(a) Defacto recognition
(b) Collective Recognition
(c) Implied Recognition
(d) Non of these

34. The father of International Law is:

(a) David Dudley field
(b) Hugo Grotius
(c) Geremy bentham
(d) Non of these
35. The doctrine of open sea was eloborated by:
(a) Blunt schilli
(b) Pufendorf
(c) Grotius
(d) Non of these
36. Hot persuit is the principle designed to ensure:
(a) Vessells voilating rules of coastal state cannot escape punishment by fleeing to
high sea's
(b) Capture
(c) Cancellation of Registration
(d) Non of these

37. International law is not a true law but a positive international morality:
(a) Brierly
(b) Oppenheim
(c) John Austin
(d) None of these

38. The Law of War and Peace was writtern by:

(a) Hegel
(b) Kelsen
(c) Grotius
(d) None of These

39. When there is no extradition treaty between two states, an offender may still be
returned to a state to stand trial there, by an adhoc special arrangement. Rendition is a
wider term than extradition
a) Rendition
b) Extrditable offence
c) Both of these
d) None of these

40. According to this doctrine, nations are under a duty not to recognize a government
that has seized power by means contrary to international law.
a) Stimson Doctrine
b) Estrada Doctrine
c) Speciality Doctrine
d) None of these

41. In India, which legislation regulates the law of sea?

a) Maritime Zones Act, 1976
b) Maritime Belt Act, 1972
c) Both
d) None of these

42. What are the various freedoms a every state enjoys in High Seas?

a) Navigation
b) To lay submarine cables and pipelines
c) Scientific research
d) All of the above

43. What are the main effects of recognition?

a) Right to sue in the courts of recognizing state
b) The courts of recognizing states give effect to past as well as present legislation and
executive acts of the recognized state
c) In case of de jure recognition diplomatic relations are also established
d) All of the above

44. What are the two main theories of recognition?

a) Constitutive Theory
b) Declaratory Theory
c) Both of these
d) None of these

45. What do you mean by Asylum?

Asylum means :

a) refuge and
b) active protection granted by a state to a person seeking such refuge and protection on
the territory under its control.
c) Both of these
d) None of these

46. Responsibilty to Protect is designed to operate at three levels:

a) The responsibility to prevent,
b) The responsibility to react, and
c) The responsibility to rebuild.
d) All of the above

47. Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v The
United States of America) ICJ Rep 1986 is related to:
a) Exception to the Use of force
b) Recognition
c) Law of the Sea
d) None of these

48. The persons seeking refuge shall not be rejected at the frontiers or if he has already
reached the territory where he seeks asylum he shall not be expelled or deported.
Provisional asylum shall be granted and request of asylum shall be considered or
provisions made to convey the person to some other country where he wishes to seek
asylum. This principle is known as:
a) principle of non-refoulement
b) principle of double criminality
c) principle of speciality
d) None of these

49. What kind of asylum was granted in Asylum case

a) Extra territorial Asylum
b) Territorial Asylum
c) Both of these
d) None of these

50. Which are the methods used to measure a baseline under United Nations Convention
on the Law of the Sea 1982?
a) Straight baselines
b) Low waterline (Equidistance)
c) Both of these
d) None of these

51. Mark the correct statement

(i) International law is not a law at all
(ii) International law has no judicial system to enforce the law by applying

a) Only i is true
b) Only ii is true
c) Both i and ii are true
d) Both I and ii are not true

Answer: b

52. The international rules governing use of force are:

a) Unilateral use of force

b) Collective use of force
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Rules of just and unjust wars

Answer: c

53. Who said that International law can indeed be described as law only by courtesy:
a) Starke
b) Brierly
c) Holland
d) Oppenheim

Answer: c

54. Individual is governed by:

a) The United Nation Charter

b) The Statute of the ICJ
c) Municipal Law
d) None of the above

Answer: c

55. According to Starke, the term “Subject of international law” possess the
following attributes:

(i) Incumbent of rights and duties

(ii) Holder of procedural capacity for enforcing a claim before an international
(iii) Possessor of interest for which provisions is made by international law

a) Only i is true
b) Only ii is true
c) Both i and ii are true
d) All are correct

Answer: d

56. The main difference between de jure and de facto recognition is that:

a) Former is legal while the latter is factual

b) Former is provisional and the latter is definite
c) Former is informal while the latter is formal
d) Former is explicit while latter is implicit

Answer: a

57. While granting recognition to a State, which one of the following need not be
taken into consideration:

a) That it does not have a friendly attitude towards the recognizing State
b) Stability of the State
c) Violation of international law by the territory
d) Its capacity to control people of the territory

Answer: a

58. On which date India became a member of the United Nations”

a) On 24 October, 1945
b) On 25 November, 1945
c) On 26 June, 1945
d) On 26 January, 1946

Answer: c

59. Which of the following is not a prinicipal organ of United Nations Organization:
a) International Court of Justice
b) Economic and social council
c) Trusteeship Council
d) Human Rights Commission

Answer: d

60. Which of the following Articles in the Indian Constitution reflects the doctrine of
incorporation of International law into Municipal law:
a) Article 254
b) Article 372
c) Article 51
d) Article 253

Answer: d

61. Provisions of Municipal Law:

a) are enforceable in international relations without any qualification

b) are enforceable in international relations if they are not in conflict with international
c) are not at all enforceable in international relations
d) None of the above

Answer: b

62. The main source of International law in Article 38(1) of the statute of ICJ is:

a) Judicial decisions and Teachings

b) International Convention and Customs
c) General principles of Law recognized by Civilized Nations
d) All of the above

Answer: b

63. Declaration is a treaty between the contracting parties which:

(1) is always subject to ratification

(2) is not needed to be ratified
(3) may or not be subject to be ratification
(4) None of these

Answer: b

64. Which one of the following doctrines requires that the parties to a treaty be
bound to observe its terms in good faith?

(1) Doctrine of equality

(2) Right of asylum
(3) The Drago doctrine
(4) Pacta Sunt Servanda

Answer: d

65. International Law also develops through State Practices, it is known as:

a) International Treaty
b) International Comity
c) International Customary Law
d) International Morality

Answer: c

66. A method by which a State may, in certain circumstances, become a party to a

treaty of which it is not a signatory is called:

(1) Ratification
(2) Negotiation
(3) Accession
(4) None of the above

Answer: c

67. Reservation to a treaty:

(1) Does not modify the provisions of the treaty for other parties to the treaty inter
(2) Modifies the relation between the reserving States and accepting States
(3) The States making an objection may consider that the reserving State is not a
party to the treaty
(4) All are correct

Answer: d

68. The bulk of the rules of International law are derived from:
(1) Judicial decisions
(2) work of publicist
(3) Customs
(4) None of these

Answer: c

69. The Main Ingredients of an International Customary Principles are :

a) Uniformity and Consistency

b) Long Duration
c) Generality of Practice
d) All the Above.

Answer: d

70. A provision of treaty may also generate a rule of customary international law,
was held in the case of:

(1) The right of passage case

(2) Asylum case
(3) North Sea Continental Shelf Case
(4) Only (a) and (c)

Answer: d

71. Which among the following is not an example of General Principle of law
recognized by civilized States:

(1) Rebus sic stantibus

(2) Res judicata
(3) Right of self-defence
(4) Rule of pacta sunt servanda

Answer: a

72. Res Judicata is as a part of General Principle of law was decided in the case of:
(1) S.S. Lotus case
(2) Serbian and Brazilian Loan case
(3) U.N. Administrative Tribunal case
(4) Mavrommatis Palestine Concessions Case

Answer: c

73. Mark the correct statement:

(1) The decisions of International Court of Justice do not create a binding general
rule of international law
(2) In practice, the decisions of international court of justice have assumed such
an importance that these constitute a source of international law and are not
merely subsidiary means for determining the rule of law
(3) Decisions of municipal courts of a State have little value in international law
except in cases of nationality, extradition and diplomatic immunities.
(4) All of the above

Answer: d

74. Calvo clause and Drago doctrine are the result of:

a) The Decisions of ICJ

b) Writings of Jurists
c) State Judicial Decisions
d) None of The Above

Answer: b

75. A member of United Nations which has persistently violated the principles
contained in the charter may be expelled from the organization by:

(1) General assembly

(2) Security council
(3) The general assembly upon the recommendation of Security Council
(4) None of the above

Answer: c

76. The decisions of the General Assembly on important matters are made by:

(1) A two third majority of the members present and voting

(2) A two third majority of the members present
(3) A majority of all members
(4) A two third majority of its members

Answer: a

77. What is the name of the sixth committee of the United Nations General

(1) Legal committee

(2) Economic and Financial Committee
(3) Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee
(4) Disarmament and International Security Committee

Answer: a

78. Decisions on procedural matters in the Security Council are to be made by an

affirmative vote of:

(1) Eight members

(2) Seven members
(3) Ten members
(4) Nine members

Answer: d

79. The Article of U.N. Charter under which the Security Council may use armed
force against a state:

(1) Article 40
(2) Article 42
(3) Article 51
(4) Article 41

Answer: b

80. The right of self-defence provided in the UN Charter is subject to the judgment
of the:

(1) Security council

(2) General assembly
(3) International court of justice
(4) Secretary general of the UN

Answer: a

81. The following organ of the United Nations has been given the power to set up
Commission for the promotion of human rights:

(1) The trusteeship council

(2) The security council
(3) The economic and social council
(4) The General assembly

Answer: c

82. Which principal organ of the United Nations has no work, and is not therefore

(1) The economic and social council

(2) The trusteeship council
(3) The secretariat
(4) The international court of justice

Answer: b

83. The official language of the international court of justice are:

(1) Arabic and English
(2) German and English
(3) French and English
(4) Spanish and English

Answer: c

84. Who can be parties in cases before the International Court of justice:

(1) Individual
(2) States
(3) General Assembly and Security Council
(4) Specialized Agencies of U.N.

Answer: b

85. A judge of the International Court of Justice can be dismissed by:

(1) Security council

(2) General assembly on the recommendation of the Security council
(3) Unanimous opinion of other judges of the court
(4) Unanimous decision of the General Assembly

Answer: c

86. The judgment of international court of justice is to be signed by:

(1) The president and Registrar of the court

(2) All the judges who heard the case
(3) Only by the president of the court
(4) Only by the registrar of the court

Answer: a

87. Advisory opinion of International Court of Justice:

(1) Is binding on the organization or organ which has requested it

(2) Lacks the binding force of a judgment
(3) May be subject to judicial review
(4) Is appealable

Answer: b

88. In the event of a dispute as to whether the international court has jurisdiction or
not, the matter shall be settled by:

(1) Security council

(2) General assembly
(3) Decision of the international court of justice
(4) None of the above

Answer: c

89. The first Secretary General of the United Nation was:

(1) Kurt Waldheim

(2) Dag Hammarskjold
(3) U. Thant
(4) Trigve Lie

Answer: d

90. A State becomes an international person by recognition and recognition alone.

This is called:
(1) Constitutive theory
(2) Declaratory theory
(3) Evidentiary theory
(4) Facultative theory

Answer: a

91. Which of the following recognition is permanent?

(1) De facto
(2) De jure
(3) Precipitate recognition
(4) Both (a) and (b)

Answer: b

92. De facto recognition dates back in the same manner as de jure recognition was
held in the case of:

(1) Luther v. Sagor

(2) The Arantzanu Mendi
(3) Tinocco concession case
(4) None of the above

Answer: a

93. Extradition means:

(1) Capturing a criminal

(2) Exchange of Diplomats
(3) Exchange of criminals to other states
(4) None of these

Answer: c

94. Principle of “double criminality” means that:

(1) the person who is being extradited must be tried in both the states
(2) the person who is being extradited must be tried in both the states but may be
punished in one
(3) that the offence for which a person is extradited must be an offence in both the
(4) none of these

Answer: c

95. Which of the following is not an example of Extra-Territorial Asylum?

(1) asylum granted in a ship in high seas
(2) asylum granted in the premises of an international institution
(3) asylum granted in an embassy
(4) none of these

Answer: c

96. Territorial asylum is:

a) An exercise of territorial sovereignty

b) An impingement of territorial Sovereignty
c) Granted by mutual consent
d) None of these

Answer: a

97. “Littoral State” means:

a) situated on the sea coast

b) an independent state
c) under the suzerainty of another state
d) none of these

Answer: a

98. Every State has the right of search and seizure in high seas under certain

(1) Right to visit

(2) Right of hot pursuit
(3) Right of exploitation of natural resources
(4) Both (a) and (b)

Answer: d

99. The doctrine of open sea was elaborated by:

a) Bluntschli
b) Pufendorf
c) Grotius
d) None of these

Answer: c

100. “Vassal State” is the one which is:

(1) situated on the sea shore

(2) an independent state
(3) under the suzerainty of another state
(4) none of these

Answer: c

101. What does Chapter VII of the UN Charter deal with?

a. Regional Arrangements
b. Pacific Settlement of Disputes
c. Action with respect to threats to the peace, breaches of peace and the acts of
d. Security Council

102. The UN Charter:

a. Permits use of force
b. Prohibits use of force
c. Prohibits use of force but does not impair the inherent right of individual or
collective self defence if an armed attack occurs against the member of the
United Nations
d. All of the above

103. What are the main theories of Recognition?

a. Constitutive theory
b. Declaratory theory
c. Both
d. None

104. As per the Constitutive theory,

a. It is the act of recognition by other states that creates a new state and endows
it with legal personality and not the process by which it actually gained
b. a new state or a new government exists independent of recognition.
c. It is merely an acceptance by states of an already existing situation
d. A new state acquires capacity in international law not by virtue of the consent of
others but by virtue of a particular factual situation legally constituted by its own

105. As per the declaratory theory,

(1) a new state or a new government exists independent of recognition.
(2) It is merely an acceptance by states of an already existing situation
(3) A new state acquires capacity in international law not by virtue of the consent
of others but by virtue of a particular factual situation legally constituted by its
own efforts
(4) All of the above

106. Who was the father of international law?

a. Jeremy Bentham
b. Hugo Grotius
c. Pufendorf
d. Arvid Pardo

107. Who coined the term ‘international law’?

(1) Jeremy Bentham
(2) Hugo Grotius
(3) Pufendorf
(4) Arvid Pardo

108. What is the primary purpose of the UN?

(1) To maintain international peace and security
(2) To advocate equitable utilization of the resources
(3) Both
(4) None

109. Is there any hierarchy amongst the sources of international law?

(1) Yes
(2) No

110. Stimson Doctrine stands for

(1) Doctrine of non-recognition
(2) Doctrine of retroactive recognition
(3) Doctrine of express recognition
(4) Doctrine of recognition

111. What is true about the dualist theory?

(1) Triepel and Anzilotti are propounders of this theory
(2) International law is created by the will of the state
(3) International law and municipal law operate at different levels
(4) All of the above

112. What is canon shot rule?

a. Internal waters extend upto 3 nm
b. Territorial waters extend upto 3 nm
c. Both
d. none

113. Territorial sea extends upto

(1) 12 nautical miles from the baseline
(2) 12 nautical miles from the internal waters
(3) 24 nautical miles
(4) 12 nautical miles from where the internal waters end

114. Contiguous zone extends upto

(1) 12 nautical miles from the baseline
(2) 12 nautical miles from the internal waters
(3) 24 nautical miles
(4) 12 nautical miles from where the territorial sea ends

115. Gulf of Maine concerned with

(1) Right of innocent passage
(2) Legal Personality of International Organizations
(3) a “single maritime boundary” for the continental shelves and the
exclusive fishing zones in the Gulf of Maine between Canada and the
United States.
(4) Delimitation of territorial sea in the Gulf of Maine between Canada and the
United States.

116. PCIJ in SS Lotus case held

(1) There is no rule of international law in regard to collision cases to the effect
that criminal proceedings are exclusively within the jurisdiction of the the
State whose Flag is flown
(2) Turkey while exercising its jurisdiction is not in conflict with the principles of
international law
(3) Turkey while exercising its jurisdiction is in conflict with the principles of
international law
(4) Both a and b
117. High Seas
(1) Article 87 of the 1982 Convention provides that the high seas are open to all
states and that the freedom of the high seas is exercised under the conditions
laid down in the Convention and by other rules of international law.
(2) It is an area beyond 200 nm of the baseline.
(3) Ships sailing in the high sea are pursuant to the jurisdiction of the State whose
flag they are flying if there is a genuine link between the ship and the flag
(4) All of the above

118. Extradition is
(1) surrender by one State to another of an alleged or convicted criminal in respect
of a crime over which the latter State has territorial competence to exercise
(2) An obligation under international
(3) It generally depends upon a treaty and in its absence it depends upon the
reciprocal relations
(4) All of the above

119. Asylum:
(1) means refuge and active protection granted by a State to a person seeking such
a refuge and protection on the territory under its control.
(2) is granted on the request of the person concerned.
(3) is closely connected with extradition, and both are interdependent in as much
as where the asylum stops extradition begins.
(4) All of the above

120. Civil Air Transport Inc. v. Central Air Transport Corp deals with
(1) Retroactive Recognition
(2) Express Recognition
(3) Implied Recognition
(4) All of the above
121. Which case dealt with the personality of international organisations?
(1) Advisory Opinion of ICJ on Reparation of Injuries suffered in the Service
of the United Nations (1949) ICJ Rep. 174
(2) Advisory Opinion of ICJ on Western Sahara (1975) ICJ Rep. 16
(3) Corfu Channel Cae (1949) ICJ Rep. 4
(4) None of the above

122. North Sea Continental Shelf cases deal with

(1) The ICJ determined the adequacy of the “equidistance principle” in the North
Sea Continental Shelf cases
(2) Application of equidistance principles would lead to inequitable results,
therefore, equitable principles to be followed in the absence of the agreement
between the states.
(3) Both of the above
(4) None of the above

123. Tinoco Claims Arbitration (Great Britain v. Costa Rica) concerned with
(1) A government need not conform to a previous constitution if the government
had established itself and maintained a peaceful de facto administration and
non-recognition of the government by other government does not destroy the
de facto status of the government.
(2) The non-recognition of the Tinoco regime by Great Britain did not dispute the
de facto existence of that regime. There is no estoppel since the successor
government had not been led by British non-recognition to change its position.
(3) Both of the above
(4) None of the above

124. EEZ
(1) It is an area beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea extending upto 200
nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial
sea is measured.
(2) It is an area beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea extending upto 200
nautical miles from the territorial sea
(3) Both of the above
(4) None of the above

125. Concept of Common Heritage of Mankind was given by

a. Jeremy Bentham
b. Hugo Grotius
c. Pufendorf
d. Arvid Pardo

126. Internal Waters:

(1) Deemed to be such parts of the seas as do not form part of the high seas or
territorial waters or the contiguous zones or eez. Classes as appertaining to the
land territory of the coastal state
(2) They are found on the landward side of the baselines from which the width of
the territorial and other zones is measured. (harbours, lakes or rivers). They
are assimilated with the sovereign territory of the state.
(3) No right of innocent passage.
(4) All of the above

127. In which case did the PCIJ held that the normal method of drawing baselines
that are parallel to the coast was not applicable in this case because it would necessitate
complex geometrical constructions in view of the extreme indentations of the coastline
and the existence of the series of islands fringing the coast?
A. North Sea Continental Shelf Case
B. Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries case
C. Libya v. Malta
D. Qatar v. Bahrain

128. In Qatar v. Bahrain

(1) the ICJ emphasised the close relationship between the CS and the EEZ
delimitations and held that the appropriate methodology was first to
provisionally draw an equidistance line and then to consider whether
circumstances existed which must lead to an adjustment of that line.
(2) the PCIJheld that the normal method of drawing baselines that are parallel to
the coast was not applicable in this case because it would necessitate complex
geometrical constructions in view of the extreme indentations of the coastline
and the existence of the series of islands fringing the coast
(3) the PCIJ emphasised the close relationship between the CS and the EEZ
delimitations and held that the appropriate methodology was first to
provisionally draw an equidistance line and then to consider whether
circumstances existed which must lead to an adjustment of that line.
(4) none of the above

129. Which of the following statement/statements are true?

(1) In Nicaragua V. U.S.A; the World Court by majority has taken the view that
the sources of International Law are hierarchical
(2) In Nicaragua V. U.S.A; the World Court has taken unanimously the view that
the sources of International Law are not hierarchical
(3) In Nicaragua V. U.S.A; the World Court by majority has taken the view that
the sources of International Law are not hierarchical but are necessarily
complimentary and interrelated (4) In Nicaragua V. U.S.A; the World Court
has taken unanimously the view that the sources of International Law are not
hierarchical but are necessarily complimentary and interrelated.

Answer (3)

130. Which of the following statements are correct?

a) Chapter VI of the UN Charter deals with the pacific settlement of
b) The purpose of United Nation Organisation is World Peace
c) The Security Council comprises of 14 members
d) The non permanent member are elected by the General Assembly
for a period of three years.
Choose the correct option :
(2) (a) and (b)
(3) (a) and (c)
(4) (b) and (c)
(5) (b) and (d)
Answer (1)

131. In which of the following cases, the rule, that there is no distinction between
de facto and de jure recognition for the purpose of giving effect to the internal acts of
the recognised authorityî was not applied?
(1) Bank of Ethiopia v. National Bank of Egypt
(2) Luther v. Sagor
(3) Bank of China v. Wells Fargo Bank & Union Trust
(4) The Arantzazu Mendi case
Answer (3)
132. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other
is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A: According to Article 7 of the United Nations Charter, the International
Court of Justice is one of the principal organs of the United Nations
Reason R: The International Court of Justice consists of 15 judges who are elected by
the Security Council
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given
(1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(2) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(3) A is true but R is false
(4) A is false but R is true
Answer (3)

133. Which one of the following bodies has played a significant role in the
codification of International law
a) ICJ
b) Security Council
c) International Law Comission
d) Trusteeship Council
Answer : (c)

134. The responsibilities of Economic and Social Council regarding improvement

and protection of human rights is laid down under which Article of U.N Charter?
a) Article 62(2)
b) Article 68
c) Article 76(c)
d) Article 96
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(2) (a) only
(3) (b) only
(4) (c) only
(5) (d) only
Answer (1)

135. Give the chronological order (year wise) of these cases decided by the courts –
a) West Rand Central Gold Mining Company Ltd. V.R.(1905)
b) Portugal v. India (1960)
c) Burkina Faso v. Mali (1986)
d) Mavrommiatis Palestine Concessions case (1924)
e) Chorzow Factory (Indemnity) case (1927)
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(2) (a), (c), (d), (b), (e)
(3) (a), (b), (c), (d), (e)
(4) (a), (e), (b), (c), (d)
(5) (a), (d), (e), (b), (c)
Answer (d)

136. 14.Which of the following statements are NOT correct ?

(a)In the Hague Conference of 1930, a convention on the conflict of Nationality law
was signed and adopted
(b) Nottebohm case is related to statelessness
(c) On 7th November 1967, the General Assembly of the U.N adopted the declaration
on elimination of discrimination against women.
(d) The Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, 1961 came into force on
December 13, 1965.
(e) The Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons was adopted on 28 th
September 1954 and entered into force on 6th June 1960.
Codes :
(1) (a), (c), (e) only
(2) (b), (d), (e) only
(3) (b), (c), (d) only
(4) (a), (b), (c) only
Answer (3)

137. Which of the following provisions of the Statute of International Court of

Justice lists General Principles of Law Recognized by Civilised States as the third
source of International law?
(1) Article 38 (a)
(2) Para (1) (c) of Article 38
(3) Article 38 (b)
(4) Para (3) (c) of Article 38
Answer (2)
138. The declaratory theory of recognition is also known as:
a.Constitutive theory
b.Facultative theory
c.Evidentiary theory
d.Natural theory
Ans. C

139. 17.Which kind of recognition once given cannot be withdrawn by the

recognising state:
(a) Partial Recognition
(b) Total Recognition
(c) De facto Recognition
(d) De jure Recognition
Ans. d

140. Pacta Sunt Servanda means

a) Treaties between states are to be respected
b) An unwanted person
c) International Law must be honoured
d) None of these
Answer (a)

141. Vienna Convention on Law of Treaties was signed in

a) 1961
b) 1945
c) 1927
d) None of these
Answer (d) (1969)

142. Recognition of new States is a matter of

a) International law
b) Constitutional law
c) Policy of the State
d) None of these
Answer (iii)
143. Principal of “double criminality” means that:
a) the person who is being extradited must be tried in both the states
b) the person who is being extradited must be tried in both the states
but may be punished in one
c) that the offence for which a person is extradited must be an
offence in both the states
d) none of these
Answer (iii)

144. Principal of “specialty” means that:

a) the person extradited must be awarded special punishment by the
requesting state
b) the person extradited must not be awarded special punishment by
the requesting state (c) the person extradited must be punished
only for the offence for which he has been extradited
c) none of these
Answer (iii)

145. Which of the following is not a source of international law?

a) treaties and conventions
b) custom
c) judicial decisions and teachings
d) none of these
Answer (iv)

146. Which of the following is not an example of Extra-Territorial Asylum:

a) asylum granted in a ship in high seas
b) asylum granted in the premises of an international institution
c) asylum granted in an embassy within the country
d) none of these
Answer (iv)

147. The jurisdiction of the international court of justice:

a) is binding on all the members of the UNO
b) is not binding on all the members of the UNO
c) is binding only upon the members of the SECURITY COUNCIL
d) none of these
Answer (ii)
148. The principle of rebus sic stantibus means:
a) a state cannot use force
b) there is no crime without a law
c) fundamental change of circumstances
d) none of these
Answer (iii)
149. Statutes of International Courts of Justice were drawn up by:
a) London Declaration in 1941
b) Moscow and Tehran Conference in 1943
c) San Francisco Conference in 1945
d) none of these
150. Extradition is normally granted:
a) in all cases
b) in criminal cases only
c) in civil cases only
d) none of these
Answer (ii)
151. Calvo clause and Drago doctrine are the result of :
(1) The Decisions of ICJ
(2) Writings of Jurists
(3) State Judicial Decisions
(4) None of The Above
Answer: (2)
152. International Law also develops through State Practices, it is known as :
(1) International Treaty
(2) International Comity
(3) International Customary Law
(4) International Morality
Answer: (3)
153. The Main Ingredients of an International Customary Principles are :
(1) Uniformity and Consistency
(2) Long Duration
(3) Generality of Practice
(4) All the Above.
Answer (4)

154. International Law is a Weak Law was the View of :

(1) Austin
(2) Pound
(3) Kelson
(4) Starke
Answer (4)
155. Which of the following statement/statements is/are correct?
a) Hobbes, Austin and Pufendorf subscribe to the view that law
“Properly so called” in command of the sovereign and enforced
by a superior political authority and hence deny legal character of
International law.
b) Oppenheim has remarked that International law is the vanishing
point of Jurisprudence.
c) Holland subscribes to the view that International law is really
d) Starke has expressed the view that International law is a “Weak
1) Only (a) is correct
2) (a) and (d) both are correct
3) (a), (b), (c) are correct
4) (a), (b), (c) and (d) all correct
Answer: (2)
156. ‘Triepel’ and ‘Anzilloti’ are the exponents of which of the following
theory of Relationship between International law and Municipal law?
(1) Monism
(2) Dualism
(3) Specific Adoption Theory
(4) Delegation Theory
Answer: (2)

157. Which one of the following is one of the Chief Exponents of ‘Constitutive Theory’
of Recognition?
(1) Pit corbett
(2) Kelson
(3) Hegel
(4) Hall
Answer: (c)

158. Which of the following statement/statements is/are not correct?

a) In accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of the United Nations Charter,
the Security Council is one of the Principal organs of the United Nations.
b) The First Security Council came into being on 17th January, 1946.
c) At Dumbarton proposals, it was finally decided to establish such as an organ
in the form of the Security Council
d) Ten non-permanent members of the Security Council are elected by the
General Assembly for 5 years.
(1) Only (c) is not correct
(2) (c) and (d) are not correct
(3) (a), (b), (c) are not correct
(4) (a), (b), (c) and (d) all are not correct
Answer: (2)

159. Match List-I with List-II and give the correct answer by using the code given below:
List - I (Provisions) List-II (Articles of statute of court of
International Justice)
a) Law applied by the International Court of Justice (i) Article 41
b) Binding force of the decision of International Court (ii) Article 62
of Justice (iii) Article 38
c) Interim Measures or Relief (iv) Article 59
d) International court’s power to allow a state to
intervene, in case to which it is not a party
(a)(b) (c) (d)
(1) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(2) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(3) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(4) (iv) (i (ii (iii)
Answer: (1)
160. Read Assertion (A) and Reason (R) both and give the correct answer by
using the code given below:
Assertion (A): Article 10 of the U.N. charter confers upon the General Assembly very
wide deliberative functions except in respect of those matters which are being
considered by the Security Council.
Reason (R): The Resolutions or declarations of the General Assembly are not binding
upon the states. They are merely recommendations.
(5) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(6) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(7) (A) is correct (R) is wrong.
(8) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct.
2. Answer: (2)

161. Which of the following statement/statements is/are correct?

a) All members of the United Nations are ipso facto the members of
the statute of the International court of justice.
b) The International court of justice consists of 25 judges. Which
are elected by the General Assembly.
c) The judges of the International court of justice are elected for a
term of 5 years.
d) All the decisions of the International court of justice are on the
basis of the majority of judges.
(1) Only (a) is correct
(2) (a) and (b) are correct
(3) (a) and (d) are only correct
(4) (a), (b), (c) and (d) all are correct

Answer: (3)

162.Read both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and give the correct answer by using the
code given below:
Assertion (A): When a state behaves in discourteous manner with another state,
International law confers right upon the state affected to resort to ‘retorsion’ which
means retaliation.
Reason (R): If the International disputes are not resolved through ‘peaceful’, means
then the states resort to compulsive or coercive means.

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong
(4) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct
Answer: (1)

163. The ‘U.N. Commission on Human Rights’ was established in 1946 by:
(1) General Assembly
(2) Security Council
(3) Economic and Social Council
(4) International Court of Justice
Answer: (3)

164. In which of the following cases Judge Alvarez has aptly remarked, “The
fundamental principles of international law are passing through a serious crisis and
this necessitates its reconstruction. A new international law is developing which
embodies not only this reconstruction but also some entirely new elements” ?
(1) Anglo - Norwegian Fisheries Case
(2) Aegean Sea Continental Shelf Case
(3) Conditions of admission of a State to the United States
(4) International Status of South West Africa
Answer (3)

165. Which of the following statement/statements is/are not correct ?

a) The words ‘International Law’ were used for the first time by eminent
British Jurist Jermy Bentham in 1780.
b) J.G. Starke has remarked that international law is a “living and expanding
c) Prof. Oppenheim has remarked that international law is the vanishing
point of jurisprudence.
d) Holland has viewed that International law is mere a positive morality.
Code :
(1) Only (c) is incorrect.
(2) (a) and (d) both are incorrect.
(3) (b), (c) and (d) are only incorrect.
(4) (a), (b), (c) and (d) all are incorrect.
Answer (3)

166. Which of the following is not a theory of relationship between international

law and municipal law ?
(1) Specific Adoption Theory
(2) Delegation Theory
(3) Declaratory Theory
(4) Monism
Answer (3)

167. Match List-I with List-II and give the correct answer by using the code given
below the lists :

List-I List-II
(a) Decision given by the Permanent Court of Arbitration

(i) The Right of Minorities in the upper Silesia (Minority schools)

(b) The principle/doctrine of Forum Prorogatum was enunciated in the case

(ii) Pious Fund case

(c) A leading case on “reprisal “ is :

(iii) The Asylum(Colombia v. Peru) case

(e) Case decided by International Court of Justice under ‘Contentious Jurisdiction

(iv) Naulilaa Incident

Code :

(a)(b) (c) (d)

(1) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)

(2) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(3) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
Answer (1)

168. Which of the following cases are not related to “recognition” ?

a) Civil Air Transport Incorporated Co. v. Central Air Transport
b) The Azantzazu Mendi case
c) Barcelona Traction case
d) United States v. Schooner
Code :

(1) Only (d)

(2) (a), (b) and (c) only
(3) (c) and (d) both
(4) (a), (b), (c) and (d) all
Answer (3)
169. Which of the following statement/statements is/are correct?
a) The most important purpose of the United Nations is to maintain international
peace and security.
(b) The principles of the United Nations are provided under Article 2 of the U. N.
(c) Section 6 of the U. N. Charter provides for provisions of withdrawal of a
Member-Slate from the United Nations.
(d) There are five (5) principal organs of the United Nations.
Code :
(1) Only (a) is correct.
(2) (a), (b) and (c) are correct.
(3) (a), (b), (c) and (d) all are correct.
(4) Only (a) and (b) are correct.
Answer (4)

170. Which of the following jurists deny legal character of international law ?
a) Hobbes (b) Pufendorf (c) Oppenheim (d) Starke
Code :
(1) Only (a)
(2) Both (a) and (b)
(3) (a), (b) and (c)
(4) (a), (b), (c) and (d) all
Answer (2)

171. In which of the following cases the world court by majority has taken the
view that the sources of law are not hierarchal but are necessarily complimentary
and inter related ?
(1) Nicaragua v. U.S.A
(2) Frontier Dispute (Burkina Faso v. Mali)
(3) Portugal v. India
(4) Case concerning the Temple of Preah Vihear
Answer (1)

172. Who of the following has viewed that there is legal duty on the part of the
existing states to recognise any community that has in fact acquired the
characteristics of Statehood ?
(3) Philip C. Jessup
Answer (2)

173. Read both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and give the correct answer by
using the code given below :
Assertion (A) : It is a very important principle of International Law that extradition for
political crimes is not allowed.
Reason (R) : Stoeck v. The Public Trustee is a leading case relating to non - extradition
of political criminals.
Code :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(3) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong
(4) (A) is wrong but (R) is correct
Answer (3)

174. Which of the following statement/statements is/are not correct ?

a) United Nations Declaration on Territorial Asylum was
unanimously adopted in 1977 by the General Assembly
b) Article 14 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights
makes obligatory by states to grant Asylum
c) The international court of justice explained the distinction
between ‘Territorial asylum’ and ‘diplomatic asylum’ in the
Colombia v. Perus
d) The Convention on the status of Refugees, 1951 entered into
force on April 22, 1954
Code :

(1)Only (a) is not correct

(2) (a) and (d) are not correct

(3) (a), (b) and (c) all are not correct
(4) (a), (b), (c) and (d) all are not correct
Answer (3)
176. Which of the following statement/statements is/are correct ?
(a) The General Assembly consists of all the
members of the United Nations. Each
member may not have not more than five
representatives in the General Assembly
(b) (b) China, Russia, America, Britain and
Italy are the permanent members of the
security Council
(c) (c) The members of the Economic and
Social Council are elected by the security
council,one - third of its members are
elected every year by the security council
for a term of five year
(d) All members of the United Nations are
ipso facto the members of the Statute
ofInternational Court of Justice
Code :
a. Only (a) and (d) are correct
b. (a), (b) and (c) are correct
c. (b), (c) and (d) are correct
d. (a), (b), (c) and (d) all are correct
177. Advisory opinion can be given by the International Court of Justice on legal
question :
a. On the request of Security Council only
b. On the request of the General Assembly only
c. On the request of General Assembly or the Security Council both
d. On the request of the Economic and Social Council if authorised by the
Security Council

Answer (c)

178. Which State ordinarily exercises jurisdiction in respect of crimes committed on

board vessels?
a) The coastal State
b) The flag State
c) All States enjoy such jurisdiction
d) The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
Answer (b)

179. What is passive personality jurisdiction?

a) It is jurisdiction based on the nationality of the offender
b) It is jurisdiction based on where the offence was committed
c) It is jurisdiction based on the nationality of the victims
d) It is jurisdiction based on the country where the legal person was Registered

Answer (c)

180. What is the purpose of universal jurisdiction?

a) Its aim is to establish certain offences as universal
b) Its aim is to deter the commission of certain international crimes
c) Its aim is to provide jurisdiction to all States in respect of particular crimes
d) Its aim is to provide jurisdiction to all States in respect of all international
Answer: (c)

181. Is piracy under international (jure gentium) law subject to universal jurisdiction?
a) Piracy jure gentium is subject to flag State jurisdiction
b) Piracy jure gentium is subject to universal jurisdiction
c) Piracy jure gentium is subject to port State jurisdiction
d) Piracy jure gentium is subject to nationality-based jurisdiction
Answer (b)

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