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Tennis Elbow
Golfers elbow
General elbow pain / instability
Olecranon bursitis
Carpal tunnel syndrome / anterior wrist pain / grip strength
De Quervain Syndrome / Gamer’s thumb / Mothers thumb
TFCC / Ulnar sided wrist pain
General wrist pain (arthritis / weakness / instability / pain / injury
Haematomas of the quadriceps
Full knee support
Runners knee / patella femoral pain
Medial and lateral specific knee pain
Medial and lateral specific knee pain pt. 2
Knee alternative using a single strip
Osgood Schlatters disease
Iliotibial band
A crick in the neck
Lower back
The dreaded trapezius muscle neck pain
General shoulder support / pain
Calf Cain
Achilles Tendon problems
Posterior Shin splints
Anterior shin splints / soreness
Ankle Sprains (Full support for pain, instability and healing)
Plantar fascitiis
Swollen ankle (acute phase 48/72 h)
Ankle Sprains (for Pain and healing
Ankle Sprains (Full support for pain, instability and healing)
Hip pain

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