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NAME SURNAME : Ömer Faruk San

STUDENT NUMBER : 150220307

Thesis Statement: The following subjects can be investigated in order to comprehend the
history of mathematics and how it relates to humans and nature: math history, the human
body's golden ratio, math in technology, and in nature."

III. Mathematics in nature

A. Reflections of Fractals in Nature

1. Formation of Fractal Patterns

2. Ecological Significance of Fractals (Thapa & Thapa, The Relation of Golden

Ratio, Mathematics and Aesthetics, 2018)

B. Mathematical and Biological Connections of Spirals:

1. Mathematical Models of Spirals:

2. Spiral Forms in Nature (Marinković et al., Cochlea and Other Spiral Forms in
Nature and Art, 2010)




Source Identification:
 Title: The Relation of Golden Ratio, Mathematics and Aesthetics
 Author: Gyan Bahadur Thapa , Rena Thapa
 Publication Date: 2018
 Source Type: It is an article.
In this article, the authors demonstrate the presence of mathematics in the aesthetic
impressions found in nature, classical art, architecture, logo design, and much more.
Additionally, they explain how the application of the Golden Ratio in architecture, paintings,
and geometrical shapes contributes to the mystery of beauty.
Main Argument or Thesis:
This article offers insight into a wide range of subjects, including concept and history of
Golden ratio, quadratic formula and algebraic derivation of golden number, geometrical
golden shapes, golden section in nature, human body, art and architecture.
Key Points:
 The fact that there exists a mathematical structure in nature
 The concepts of screw symmetry and phyllotaxis
 Fibonacci numbers in plants
Relevance to Project:
This source is highly relevant since it provides comprehensive information about the topics, in
addition to offering various examples
 Mathematics in aesthetics and nature as a whole examined in detail by dividing them
into many subtitles.
 Each topic is supported by examples and figures
 The paragraph goes beyond theoretical discussion by providing practical examples of
how mathematical principles manifest in real-world phenomena, such as the
arrangement of leaves on stems and the formation of botanical structures
In some topics, the meanings of sentences are complicated by overly technical words

Ecological Significance of Fractals (Thapa & Thapa, The Relation of Golden Ratio,
Mathematics and Aesthetics, 2018)

As it is stated by Thaba and Thaba(2018) based on the article “The Relation of Golden Ratio,
Mathematics and Aesthetics” “To pass from the leaf of 1 to the leaf of 2, it is necessary to
turn the leaf of 1 around of the stem axis on 120° counter-clockwise (if to look from below)
and then to move the leaf of 1 along the stem in vertical direction so long as it will be
combined with the leaf of 2. Repeating similar operation, one needs to pass from the leaf of 2
to the leaf of 3 and so on. It is necessary to attract attention to the fact that the leaf of 4 lies
above of the leaf of 1 (as though repeats it, but its level is higher). While moving from the leaf
of 1 to the leaf of 4, it turns triply on the angle 120° and completes the full revolution around
of the stem axis (120° × 3 = 360°).”(Thapa & Thapa, The Relation of Golden Ratio,
Mathematics and Aesthetics, 2018)

III.A.2 Direct Quotation

Original text: To pass from the leaf of 1 to the leaf of 2, it is necessary to turn the leaf of
1 around of the stem axis on 120° counter-clockwise (if to look from below) and then to
move the leaf of 1 along the stem in vertical direction so long as it will be combined with
the leaf of 2. Repeating similar operation, one needs to pass from the leaf of 2 to the leaf
of 3 and so on. It is necessary to attract attention to the fact that the leaf of 4 lies above
of the leaf of 1 (as though repeats it, but its level is higher). While moving from the leaf
of 1 to the leaf of 4, it turns triply on the angle 120° and completes the full revolution
around of the stem axis (120° × 3 = 360°). The turning angle of the screw axis is called leaf
divergence angle. The revolutions around of the stem axis for transition from the lower leaf to
the upper one arranged exactly above lower can be equal not only 1, but also 2, 3 and so on.
This number of the revolutions is called the leaf cycle. Botanic screw leafarrangement can be
characterized with the help of some fraction; the numerator of the fraction is equal to the leaf
cycle and the denominator to a number of leafs in this leaf cycle. In this case one finds the
screw axis of the kind of 1/3. The fraction describing the given axis is expressed by 2/5; the
leaf divergence angle is equal to 144° (360° : 5 = 72°; 72° × 2 = 144°). There might be more
intricate axes, for example, of the kind of 3/8, 5/13 and so on [8]. The phyllotaxis fractions
from Fibonacci sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, .... are characteristic of different
plants. For example, the fraction of 1/2 is peculiar to cereals, birch, grapes; 1/3 to sedge, tulip,
alder; 2/5 to pear, currants, plum; 3/8 to cabbage, radish, flax; 5/13 to spruce, jasmine and so
on. Practically all racemes and densely packaged botanic structures (pine and cedar cones,
pineapples, cactuses, heads of sunflowers and many others) also strictly follow to Fibonacci
numbers regularity.

Body Paragraph A
The first significiant aspect of mathematics in nature can be defined as the reflections
of fractals in nature. The complex patterns found in nature have long attracted human
curiosity, leading mathematicians and scientists to explore the fundamental principles
governing the formation of these patterns. Among these patterns, fractals emerge as
particularly fascinating, offering a glimpse into the intricate complexities that shape natural
phenomena. This complex relationship between mathematics and the natural world becomes
particularly apparent when fractal patterns are studied. As mathematicians and scientists delve
deeper into understanding these patterns, insights are emerging that illuminate the
fundamental principles governing their formation. The basic mechanism behind the formation
of fractals in nature is recursive processes in which simple rules are iteratively applied to form
complex patterns. Characterised by self-similarity at different scales, fractals are found in
various forms all over nature, from coastlines and clouds to snowflakes and mountain ranges.

Additionaly, fractals can be said to have ecological importance in terms of their ability to
optimise resource allocation and utilisation within natural systems. For instance, as it is
stated by Thaba and Thaba(2018) based on the article “The Relation of Golden Ratio,
Mathematics and Aesthetics” “To pass from the leaf of 1 to the leaf of 2, it is necessary
to turn the leaf of 1 around of the stem axis on 120° counter-clockwise (if to look from
below) and then to move the leaf of 1 along the stem in vertical direction so long as it will
be combined with the leaf of 2. Repeating similar operation, one needs to pass from the
leaf of 2 to the leaf of 3 and so on. It is necessary to attract attention to the fact that the
leaf of 4 lies above of the leaf of 1 (as though repeats it, but its level is higher). While
moving from the leaf of 1 to the leaf of 4, it turns triply on the angle 120° and completes
the full revolution around of the stem axis (120° × 3 = 360°).”(Thapa & Thapa, The
Relation of Golden Ratio, Mathematics and Aesthetics, 2018). As it can be seen, fractals
have noticable reflections and importance in natural systems. Besides, the discovery of
fractals in nature demonstrates the deep connection between mathematics and the natural
world and will continue to reveal a universal language governing the complexity and beauty
humans observe.




Source Identification:
 Title: Cochlea and other spiral forms in nature and art
 Author: Slobodan Marinković et al.
 Publication Date: 2010
 Source Type: It is an article.
In this article, the authors demonstrate the unique spiral shape of the cochlea which has
attract both scientists and artists for centuries, but its comparison with other spirals found in
nature and art has rarely been studied in depth. This study fills this gap by examining the
cochlea alongside other natural and artistic spirals..
Main Argument or Thesis:
The authors propose that there is a mathematical and geometric correlation between the
cochlea and other natural spirals, suggesting a common functional reason for their formation.
Additionally, the study argues that artists have been inspired by these spiral forms,
incorporating them into their works and thus adding a new dimension to the appreciation of
both nature and art.
Key Points:
 Mathematical and Geometric Correlation: The article highlights the mathematical and
geometric correlation between the spiral shape of the cochlea and other spirals found
in nature
 Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding Spirals
 Functional and Aesthetic Value of Spirals
Relevance to Project:
This source is highly relevant since it provides comprehensive information about the topics, in
addition to offering various examples
 Interdisciplinary Insight:.
 Extensive Analysis of Artworks
 Detailed Scientific Exploration:
In some topics, the meanings of sentences are complicated by overly technical words

Spiral Forms in Nature (Marinković et al., Cochlea and Other Spiral Forms in Nature and
Art, 2010)

As it is mentioned by Marinkovic et al.(2010) based on the article “Cochlea and Other Spiral
Forms in Nature and Art” Spirals are found in many plants and animals. For example, aloes,
the curly parts of vines, pieces of a pineapple, artichoke flowers, sunflower seeds, and the
cones of pine trees all have spiral shapes. This pattern is also common in the animal world.
Snail shells, the shell of a nautilus, certain worms in the sea, and the tail of a sea horse are all
spirals. Some ancient sea shells that were spirals grew very big, up to 2 meters long. In more
advanced animals, spirals are seen in parts like the tiny tubes in testes, parts of the kidney, and
some blood vessels in the spleen. The hippocampus, an area in the brain, also has a spiral
shape, along with the dentate gyrus next to it. (Marinković et al., Cochlea and Other Spiral
Forms in Nature and Art, 2010)

III.B.2 Paraphrase
Original Text: Spiral forms in nature 140 Nature creates various spiral objects and living
beings, 141 including the unicellular organisms and subcellular compo142 nents, as well as
certain phenomena occasionally. Some of 143 these structures are very similar to the cochlea.
144 Inorganic materials, including some minerals, volcanic 145 lava, water, and atmosphere,
sometimes make the spiral forms [12,13]. Certain microorganisms, such as Treponema 146
pallidum, have a characteristic spiral shape [9,11]. Some 147 protein macromolecules, such as
those in the collagen fibers 148 and muscle cells, are coiled structures [3,7]. DNA molecule
149 is the most important subcellular spiral structure [7,8]. 150 Myelin sheath around the
axons also shows a spiral 151 arrangement [3]. 152 Some plants or their parts are also
spiral in shape: the aloe, 153 various tendrils, fruitlets of a pineapple, flowers of an 154
artichoke, seeds of the sunflower and pine cones (Fig. 4), and 155 F4 others [10,11]. The
animal kingdom is rich in spiral 156 structures [11]. This is particularly true for the
snail shells 157 (Fig. 5), nautilus, fanworms, and the sea horse tail. The spiral 158 F5
form was so successful during evolution that some 159 prehistoric sea shells reached up
to 2 m in size. 160 Some organs and vessels of higher animals are also spiral 161 in
shape, for instance, the seminiferous tubules and efferent 162 ductules of the testis, the
epidydimal duct, the nephrons and 163 glomeruli of the kidney, and certain vessels of
the spleen 164 [3,11]. The hippocampus, with the accompanying dentate 165 gyrus, is a
specific spiral structure of the brain [1]. 166 In addition, dynamic spirals occur
occasionally. They are 167 made by nematodes, annelids, some caterpillars and snakes in 168
certain postures; by the tail of moving spermatozoa; and 169 others[3,11]. Nature sometimes
makes spirals of lava, as well 170 as whirlpools in water and tornadoes in the atmosphere
[15]. 171

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