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BSD LAB PLATE NOTES 3 (exam plate)

For this next activity you will be making a complete floor plan with all the appropriate labels, callouts,
sections, grid reference, hatch, doors windows, layering, dashed lines and others.

The student must be able to learn how to make and place layers at the appropriate thickness.

Part 1. Making layers

Intro: Rainbow pattern we will try to make our layers by following the colors of a rainbow as a basis for
your thickness.


RED=0.2 OR 0.15 for thin line

ORANGE=prone to color confusion so use brown=0.2 or 0.15 and use for dimensions

YELLOW=0.25 or 0.3 for medium line

GREEN=0.3 or 0.4 for thick line

BLUE=dark in color change to cyan =0.25 ideal for text

INDIGO&VIOLET= dark in color so use magenta=0.5 use for very thick line

To create layers type the command LA then ENTER

The following palette will appear

Right click on layer zero then choose new layer

A new layer will be created , I will give it a new name thin line solid assign it the color red then assign a
lineweight of 0.2

Create another layer named thin line dashed and assign the lintype from continuous to the one shown
below where you click on load
Choose the type of dashed line to be used then click ok

Choose the newly loaded linetype and click on ok

Create additional layers like the one shown below note of the layer hatch whose transparency is set to
50, transparency will determine how light the color will be

Note do not use true color and color books. Only use index color

Assign the layers by slecting a line then changing it under the following tab
You can also use the match command to match the property of one layer to another layer

Set the one shown below to 1:100 and type regen enter to view dashed lines in scale of 1:100

Other command to try


Layoff and layon

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