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Group 2: Swimming Pool Sanitation 11:30-12:30 P.M.


Summary of the Report

Swimming pool sanitation is the process of removing harmful bacteria and

contaminants from pool water to ensure its safety for swimmers. The most common
method of pool sanitization involves the use of chemicals like chlorine and bromine.
Failing to sanitize a pool can lead to health hazards, including skin and eye irritation,
infections, and diseases, as well as the growth of algae in the pool.
To maintain proper pool sanitation, regular testing of pool water is crucial. This testing
should be done at least once a week during the swimming season using test kits that
measure chlorine or bromine levels, pH levels, and total alkalinity. Keeping the water
balance at ideal levels is essential, involving adjustments to pH and alkalinity levels with
appropriate products.

In the Philippines, the Department of Health (DOH) is responsible for ensuring the safety
and health of individuals using swimming pools by establishing and enforcing pool
sanitation regulations. These regulations encompass various crucial aspects, including
water quality standards, filtration and circulation systems, safety equipment
requirements, barrier mandates, drain cover regulations, safe chemical storage and
handling practices, the necessity of regular water testing and record-keeping, as well as
health and hygiene standards.

The recommended pH level for pool water is between 7.2 and 7.8, with low pH causing
irritation and corrosion, and high pH reducing the effectiveness of chlorine or bromine.
Total alkalinity, which measures the water's ability to resist pH changes, should be
maintained between 80 and 120 parts per million (ppm) to prevent fluctuations in pH
levels and cloudy water. Alkalinity can be adjusted using an alkalinity increaser or
decreaser as needed.
Chlorine and bromine are the two primary pool sanitizers, with chlorine being more
affordable and readily available, while bromine is more stable in higher pH levels and hot
temperatures. Chlorine can be added to a pool in various forms, and the appropriate
dosage and application should be followed as per the package instructions. For
bromine, specific instructions should be followed for its application.
Filtration systems play a crucial role in pool sanitation, with sand filters being the most
common choice due to their ease of assembly, low maintenance costs, and reliability.
These filters work by passing pool water through a bed of sand, which captures and
removes contaminants.

Therefore, maintaining proper pool sanitation involves using the appropriate pool
sanitizer, regular testing, and adjustments of pH and alkalinity levels as needed. Filtration
systems, like sand filters, also play a vital role in keeping pool water clean and safe for


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