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Accents of English worldwide

Activity 01 - Summary - Raíssa da Rocha Costa

All languages matter , this is a fact! But it's important to understand that some of
them have a bolder impact over the others. The English phenomena, not exclusively
of English itself but relevant to the following debate, provides a wide range of
discussions throughout the measurement of English speakers, what is considered to
be an English speaker and which of the “English languages” studies are referring to.
The text tries to delimit those possibilities.

It shows three possible situations where English speaker can manifest, they can
have English as a native language, a second language or a foreign language, and
also it sheds light on the concept of official language. All these categories reflect the
status this language has. It highlights the diversity and complexity of English as a
global language, acknowledging accent and sociolinguistic variations.

The text also discusses the non-native speakers of English outnumber native
speakers, due to the fact of the influence of English in nowadays technology,
entertainment and some other industries. They explain the deep influence of the
potencies in defining American and BBC English as standard languages.

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