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Activity: Celebrity Interview Roleplay

Journalist Question Template:

1. Greeting: Start with a polite greeting to set a

friendly tone for the interview. Example:
"Good afternoon, [Celebrity's Name]. It's a
pleasure to meet you."

2. Contextual Questions: Ask questions

related to the celebrity's background or
career. Example: "Can you share with us,
why did you choose your current career?"

3. Daily Routine Questions: Ask about the

celebrity's daily life or routine. Example:
"What does a typical day look like for you?"

4. Personal Interest Questions: Inquire about the celebrity's personal interests, hobbies
or likes/dislikes. Example: "What do you enjoy doing in your leisure time?"

5. Closing: Conclude with a courteous closing statement. Example: "Thank you for your
time, [Celebrity's Name]. It was great speaking with you."

You can write your questions here:

1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________

Celebrity Preparation Template:

1. Background Research: Begin by researching about your chosen celebrity.

Understand their background, their career, and any public information about their
personal life.

2. Identify Key Details: Note down important details about the celebrity such as their
career achievements, hobbies, interests, and daily routines.

3. Prepare for Questions: Based on your research, anticipate the types of questions that
may be asked and prepare responses for them.

4. Example: If you are role-playing as a movie star, you might expect questions about
how you got started in the acting business or what your favorite role has been.

5. Practice Responses: Practice responding to potential questions in a way that is in-

character for your chosen celebrity. Be ready to improvise as well, as you may be
asked unexpected questions.

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