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In a small town nestled between rolling hills, where whispers

travelled faster than the wind, lived a girl named Emma. Her life bore the
weight of an unwanted resemblance that tied her fate to a tragic
tale.Emma’s aunt, Elle, was the family’s whispered secret- a story
concealed in sorrow. Elle had been a free spirit, a woman who defied the
town’s norms and embraced her individuality. The community’s
one-sided opinions and their discrimination against her had pushed her
to the brink. She was raped by the chief’s only son : the villagers blamed
Elle for no reason.
Elle had succumbed to the darkness, leaving behind a legacy of
pain and bias. The family shunned Elle’s memory, speaking in hushed
tones about her unconventional ways, branding her as an outcast. They
even looked upon her, and Emma couldn’t understand why her aunt’s
existence was a stain on their reputation. It was a tale she heard in
echoes - a miserable and hunting story that took Elle’s life in unforeseen
Emma had the exact same countenance with her aunt - every
contour, every curve was an unwanted reflection of Elle’s visage. Her
innocent resemblance was a curse for her family, for her society and for
her chief. The saw not Emma but a mirror reflecting the painful
memories they wished to forget.
The echoes of Elle’s tragedy resounded in the halls of Emma's
school. Cruel words and mocking whispers followed her wherever she
went. The cruelty of the children, mirroring the prejudice of the adults,
became a daily torment. They taunted her, calling her Elle’s ghost' and
'the cursed one.' Their hurtful words carved wounds deeper than any
blade, leaving scars upon Emma's gentle soul.She carried not only the
burden of her aunt's tragic tale but also the prejudice and cruelty of
those who couldn't see past their own biases.
Amidst the darkness, a glimmer of resilience flickered within
Emma. She heard her parents whispering of Ellie's story- a tale that the
family had hidden and turned into a villain. She finally found strength in
her aunt’s defiance, in the courage to embrace against societal norms. It
was not her aunt’s fault, nor hers, it was the society who made mistakes :
they protected the rapist, including her family members.
With time, Emma began to understand that her resemblance to
Elle was not a curse but a reminder- a reminder to challenge prejudice, to
seek out justice for the world. In the face of adversity, Eliza emerged not
as a mere reflection of her aunt's tragedy but as a beacon of hope—a
testament to the resilience of the human spirit, a living testament that
resemblance does not define destiny.

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