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Notes on How ICT is Changing Work:

 Increased Efficiency: ICT automates repetitive tasks, streamlines processes,

and enables real-time communication, leading to faster completion of work. [Find
more info about ICT in the workplace]
 Enhanced Decision-Making: ICT provides access to vast data, analytics tools,
and visualizations, allowing for data-driven decision-making.
 Shifting Work Styles: ICT facilitates remote work and flexible schedules,
blurring the lines between work and personal life.
 New Job Creation: ICT generates new job opportunities in areas like app
development, cybersecurity, and data analysis.
 Evolving Skillsets: Jobs are changing, demanding new skillsets in technology,
communication, and critical thinking.

Topic Sentences Summarizing the Findings:

 Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are significantly improving
work efficiency by automating tasks and enabling real-time collaboration.
 ICT empowers better decision-making by providing access to data analytics and
visualization tools.
 The rise of ICT is leading to a more flexible work environment, with remote work
and adaptable schedules becoming increasingly common.
 While some jobs are impacted by automation, ICT is also creating new
opportunities in various technology-driven fields.
 The changing work landscape necessitates the development of new skillsets to
remain competitive.

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