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Group members: Lincoln Heaven, Mario Birch , Tayshaun Daley And
Geovannie Whyte
Civil engineering is an essential profession that has been around for thousands of years,
dating back to the construction of ancient wonders like the Pyramids of Giza and the
Great Wall of China. Over time, the field has evolved and expanded, incorporating new
technologies and techniques to design and build more complex and innovative
In this project, we will explore the evolution of technology in civil engineering, from the
early days of hand calculations and manual drafting to the modern era of computer-aided
design and advanced materials. We will examine the impact of these technological
advancements on various areas of civil engineering, such as structural engineering,
project planning, and information technology.
By understanding the historical context and the current state of technology in civil
engineering, we can gain a better appreciation for the challenges and opportunities
facing the profession in the future. Join us on this journey through the history of civil
engineering technology and discover the exciting possibilities ahead.
Past- The use of technical and hand
• Before the advent of computer-aided drafting software, civil engineers relied on a
variety of technical tools to create their designs, including compasses, rulers, and
drafting tables.
• Manual calculations were essential to ensure precision and accuracy in the design
How IT has Impacted The engineering industry in the Past

1. Design and Simulation: The use of computers has revolutionized the engineering industry by allowing
engineers to design and simulate various prototypes in a virtual environment. This has reduced the cost of
prototyping and testing significantly. In the past, engineers had to build physical prototypes and test them
manually, which was time-consuming and expensive.
2. Automation: IT has allowed engineers to automate many of their tasks, such as data analysis, modeling,
and simulations. This has reduced the workload on engineers and increased the accuracy and efficiency of
their work.
3. Collaboration: The use of computers and IT has made it easier for engineers to collaborate on projects,
even if they are located in different parts of the world. This has increased the speed and efficiency of
project completion, as well as improved the quality of work.
4. Data Management: IT has allowed engineers to manage and store large amounts of data efficiently. In the
past, engineers had to rely on manual data management methods, which were time-consuming and prone to
5. Communication: The use of computers and IT has improved communication between engineers, clients,
and suppliers. This has reduced misunderstandings and improved the overall quality of work.
• Design and Simulation: Computer-aided design (CAD) software is an example of how IT
has improved the design process for engineers. It allows them to create detailed 2D and 3D
models of their designs, test them in virtual environments, and make changes before
physical prototyping. This has resulted in significant cost and time savings.
• Automation: Finite element analysis (FEA) software is an example of how IT has
automated engineering tasks. It allows engineers to simulate the behavior of structures
under different conditions, such as stress and temperature, without needing physical tests.
This has resulted in improved accuracy and efficiency in structural analysis.
• Collaboration: Cloud-based project management tools, such as Asana and Trello, are
examples of how IT has improved collaboration between engineers. These tools allow team
members to assign tasks, track progress, and communicate in real-time, regardless of their
• Data Management: Database management systems (DBMS) are an example of how IT has
improved data management for engineers. These systems allow engineers to store, organize,
and access large amounts of data easily and quickly, improving the efficiency of data
analysis and decision-making.
• Communication: Video conferencing tools, such as Zoom and Skype, are examples of how
IT has improved communication in the engineering industry. They allow engineers to
collaborate and communicate with clients, suppliers, and colleagues in real-time, regardless
of their location.
Careers that IT has
impacted in the pat
• Data Entry Clerks: Before computers, data entry
clerks used to manually enter data into ledgers
and other accounting books. With the advent of
computers, this process was automated, and
data entry clerks were required to input data
into computers instead.
• Help Desk Technicians: As computer systems
became more complex, organizations began to
employ help desk technicians to assist
employees with any technical issues they
encountered. These technicians would
troubleshoot hardware and software issues and
provide support to users.
Present Impact of IT on the engineering
1. Automation: Automation technology is being increasingly integrated into the
engineering industry, allowing for greater efficiency and accuracy in manufacturing and
design processes. Automation has also led to the development of new job roles, such as
robotics engineers and automation technicians.
2. Digital Twins:Digital twins are virtual replicas of physical systems and products that
allow engineers to monitor and analyze real-world performance data. This technology
enables engineers to optimize the design and maintenance of products and systems in
real-time, leading to better performance and reduced downtime.
3. Sustainability: The
engineering industry is increasingly focused on sustainability and
reducing its environmental impact. IT is playing a crucial role in this effort by
providing tools and software that can analyze and optimize energy consumption, waste
reduction, and other sustainability-related factors in design and manufacturing
Examples of how IT and computers
are currently impacting engineering
1. Automationand robotics: Advances in robotics and
automation technology have enabled engineers to
design and build more efficient and reliable systems,
from manufacturing plants to transportation systems.
2. Additivemanufacturing: The development of 3D
printing technology has opened up new possibilities for
rapid prototyping, customized manufacturing, and
reducing waste in the production process.
Careers in the Engineering Industry that
have been impacted by IT in the present
• Robotics Engineer: Robotics engineers use IT to
design, program, and control robots that are used in
various engineering applications, such as
manufacturing, agriculture, and construction.
• Project Manager: With the use of IT tools and software,
project managers can better plan and execute
engineering projects. They can easily track progress,
manage resources, and communicate with team
members and stakeholders.
How IT has impacted the
• Emerging technologies like robots are becoming more sophisticated and are being
used in the restaurant industry to remove humans from parts of food delivery.
• Computerized algorithms are taking the place of human transactions, such as in the
stock exchanges where high-frequency trading by machines has replaced human
decision making.
• Artificial intelligence is being incorporated in a variety of different areas, such as
finance, transportation, aviation, and telecommunications.
• Technology is substituting for labor in a number of fields, which has dramatic
consequences for middle-class jobs and incomes.
• Advanced societies are at a major turning point in terms of how we think about work,
leisure, and social benefit delivery, and if these economies need fewer workers to
complete needed tasks, there is a danger that many people will have difficulties
getting the income maintenance they need to sustain their lives.
careers in the field of engineering that
may emerge or evolve as a result of the
impact of IT and technology:

1. Virtual Reality Engineer - works on

developing virtual and augmented reality
applications for various industries, such as
architecture, engineering, construction,
and entertainment.
2. Cybersecurity Engineer - responsible for
developing and implementing security
measures to protect sensitive data,
systems, and networks from cyber-attacks
In conclusion, Information Technology has had a significant impact on the field of
engineering in both the past and present. The use of computers and software tools has
revolutionized the way engineers design, analyze, and test systems, resulting in faster
and more accurate results. The ability to simulate complex systems before building
them has also led to cost savings and more efficient use of resources.
Looking to the future, we can expect to see even greater advancements in the use of
Information Technology in engineering. With the growing use of AI, robotics, and
machine learning, the field of engineering will continue to evolve rapidly, leading to
new applications and innovations. The increasing use of 3D printing and virtual reality
tools will also change the way engineers design and build products, making it possible
to rapidly create prototypes and test designs in a virtual environment.
However, these advancements also bring new challenges and concerns. As technology
becomes more sophisticated, the need for skilled workers who can effectively design,
implement, and maintain these systems will continue to grow. Additionally, the impact
of technology on job displacement and income inequality will need to be carefully
monitored and addressed. Overall, the future of engineering will be shaped by the
continued integration of Information Technology, and it is important for professionals
in the field to stay informed and adapt to these changes.


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