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Artificial Intelligence

In Civil Engineering

 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a specialised system that can

recognise intelligent entities, make decision-making easier,
faster, and more efficient. Artificial intelligence is concerned
with the roboticization of intelligent behaviour that thinks
and acts the same way people do.
 As a result, artificial intelligence is a discipline of science
concerned with the study, design, and implementation of
time-saving technologies. AI is concerned with machines
that carry out tasks.
 Artificial Intelligence is mostly used in civil engineering
applications like construction management, building
materials, hydraulic optimization, geotechnical and
transportation engineering, and is also useful in developing
robots and automated systems.
What is AI:

 It is the art and science of creating intelligent machines,

particularly intelligent computer programmers. It resembles
the task of using computers to understand human
intelligence. Basically, Artificial Intelligence refers to the
intelligence displayed by machines.

 Artificial Intelligence (AI) has grown extremely prevalent

in today’s world. It is the simulation of human intelligence
in computers that have been programmed to learn and
mimic human actions. These machines can learn from their
mistakes and do activities that are similar to those
performed by humans
AI in Civil Engineering:
 AI models in civil engineering can be used for accurate,
cheaper, and less disruptive construction projects. In
modern structures, artificial intelligence is being utilised to
plan the routing of electrical and plumbing systems.

 Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used to track real-time

interactions between personnel, machinery, and items on
the job site and supervisors for potential safety hazards,
construction errors, and productivity concerns. Simulated
intelligence makes it simpler for those who engage with the
development business by making it more sensible. It gives
more open doors in a structural design by making it an
appealing field of work.
Uses of AI in Civil Engineering:
1) For better designs of buildings

2) To overcome costs/schedule overrun

3) On-site smart construction to expedite project completion

4) Risk Identification and Mitigation

5) Facility Management with Artificial Intelligence

6) Adopting AI for Construction Solutions

7) Artificial intelligence helps to alleviate labour shortages

8) AI in Off-site construction

9) AI for post construction

Applications of AI in Civil Engineering

 Used in construction management,building

material,hydraulic optimization,geotechnical and
transportation engineering.

 Construction planners generates and evaluate

optimal/near-optimal construction scheduling plans

 The smart system refers to a device which can sense

changes in its environment

 Development of robots and automated system.


 AI has been broadly utilized within the nourishes of

respectful design applications such as:
2)Map building
3)Material management, etc.
Uses of Applications
Structural health monitoring

 Embedding sensors-monitor stress and damage can reduce

maintance cost and increase life span
 Used in over 40 bridges worldwide
Self repair materials

 Embedding thin tubes containing uncursed resin

 Due to damage there tubes break,exposing the resin which
fils any damage and sets
 It is important in inaccessible environments such as
underwater or in space
Structural engineering

 Used to evaluate durability

 Smart materials or structures are restricted to sensing
 They adapt to their surrounding environment
 Monitor the integrity of bridges,dams,,offshore oil drilling
Waste management

 Challenging,expensive and time consuming task

 Smart material helps to automate the process
 Even it shows a role in food management.
Concrete mix design

 Difficult and sensitive

 Based on the principal of workability of concrete, desired
strength and durability of concrete which in turn is
governed by water cement ratio law
 Strength of concrete determined by the characteristics of
mortar and coarse aggregate.
Advantages of AI in Civil Engineering

 Prevent Cost Overruns :

AI helps to predict cost overruns based on the project size and
contract type. It indicates the competence level of project
managers and staff and provides them real-life training to quickly
enhance their skills and knowledge. ANN is one such AI
technique used in construction project management.

 Reduce Risk of Accidents :

AI enables the contractors and project managers to monitor and
prioritize the risk on the job site and makes the team focus on it.
For example, in a construction site, the project monitoring team
rates the subcontractors based on a risk score. The construction
managers work closely with the respective subcontractor’s
worksite who have a high-risk score. 
 Efficient Project Planning :
3D scans of construction sites are captured autonomously using
robots, and these data are fed into neural networks that can classify the
status of completion of different projects. If the project is moving off track,
the team can focus on the problems and avoid major issues.

 Increase Productivity on Job Sites :

The use of self-driving machinery to perform repetitive construction
activities like pouring concrete, welding, demolition, and bricklaying is
more efficient in comparison to human labor. There are autonomous
bulldozers for performing excavation and preparation work at the
construction site. They are controlled by a human programmer and get the
job done as per the required specifications.
The use of facial recognition gadgets, onsite cameras, and other
technologies helps project managers to track real-time site work. These
technologies finally enable to assess worker productivity and conformance
to required standards.
Disadvantages of AI in Civil Engineering

 AI is Expensive :
AI is used only by organizations that can afford its
implementation and maintenance costs. Incorporating robots
and other complex machines is expensive.

 Rise of Unemployment :
AI promotes more computer technologies and industrial
robots that demand fewer human workers. Hence, it has a
negative impact on the job market.
Conclusion of Artificial Intelligence:

 The use of artificial intelligence will undoubtedly make life

easier for humans in the future and may even encourage
humans to expand their skill sets. The work for the
constructors and architects is getting much simpler due to AI
 Artificial intelligence has been effectively applied to a
variety of civil engineering applications, including prediction
and risk management. Artificial intelligence used in Civil
engineering is important in the construction, maintenance,
and management of several components of civil

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