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“J N A N A S A N G A M A” B E L A G A V I – 5 9 0 0 1 8



“Optimized Transfer Learning Based Dementia Prediction

System for Rehabilitation Therapy Planning”



Dr. Neelambike S
B. E, MTech, Ph. D, M.I.S.T.E


Mr. Imran Khan Dr. Veeragangadhara Swamy T M
B.E.,M.Tech..(Ph.D) B. E, MTech,Ph.D

Srishyla Educational Trust (R), Bheemasamudra


(Affiliated to VTU Belagavi, Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Govt. of Karnataka)
Phone: 08192-252560,233377, 252777, Tel/Fax: 08192 233344



This is to certify that the Technical Seminar entitled “Optimized Transfer Learning
Based Dementia Prediction System for Rehabilitation Therapy Planning” bonafied record
of the work carried out by HEMASHREE C H [4GM20IS022] in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Information Science of the
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during the academic year 2023-24. The
Technical Seminar report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements with
respect to the work prescribed for Bachelor of Engineering Degree.


Dr. Neelambike S Mr. Imran Khan

B. E, MTech,Ph. D, M.I.S.T.E B.E.,M.Tech.,(Ph.D).


Dr. Veeragangadhara Swamy T M

B. E, M.Tech, Ph.D,

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M1: To provide Application Specific Training & Practical Experience for developing
Quality engineers in Information Science & Engineering.
M2: To Inculcate Creative Skills in students to become Competent in the field of
Information Science & Engineering.
M3: To Inculcate Professional, Social and Ethical values in students to perform better in
diverse environment.

Program Educational Objectives

PEO1: To develop graduates who are proficient to solve wide range of computing related
PEO2: To prepare graduates who have the necessary skills required for Higher Education
& Entrepreneurship.
PEO3: To prepare graduates who have the ability to engage in Lifelong Learning.

Program Specific Outcomes

Graduates of Information Science & Engineering are:

1. Capable to design, develop & test the IT Solutions in real time.

2. Competent to apply knowledge to manage & monitor IT resources.


Dementia is a neurodegenerative disease that causes a progressive deterioration of

thinking, memory, and the ability to perform daily tasks. Other common symptoms
include emotional disorders, language disorders, and reduced mobility; however, self-
consciousness is unaffected. Dementia is irreversible, and medicine can only slow but not
stop the degeneration. However, if dementia could be predicted, its onset may be
preventable. Thus, this study proposes a revolutionary transfer-learning machine learning
model to predict dementia from magnetic resonance imaging data. In training, k-fold
cross-validation and various parameter optimization algorithms were used to increase
prediction accuracy. Synthetic minority oversampling was used for data augmentation.
The final model achieved an accuracy of 90.7%, superior to that of competing methods
on the same data set. This study’s model facilitates the early diagnosis of dementia, which
is key to arresting neurological deterioration from the disease, and is useful for
underserved regions where many do not have access to a human physician. In the future,
the proposed system can be used to plan rehabilitation therapy programs for patients.


First and the foremost, I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of
gratitude to the principal Dr. Sanjay Pande M B and the esteemed institution guidance
and encouragement throughout the technical seminar.
I am highly grateful to Dr. Veeraganghadhar Swamy T S , Professor and Head,
Dept. of IS&E, GMIT, Davanagere, for his kind support, guidance and encouragement
throughout the technical seminar.
I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude to the Technical
Seminar coordinator Mr. Imran Khan, Asst.Professor, Dept. of IS&E, GMIT,
Davanagere, for his kind support, guidance and encouragement throughout the technical
I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude to my Technical
Seminar guide Dr. Neelambike S, Associate Professor, Dept. of IS&E, GMIT,
Davanagere, for her kind support.
I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude to GMIT for
providing me an opportunity to carryout Technical Seminar. I would also like to thank all
the teaching and non-teaching staff of Dept. of IS&E for their kind co-operation during
the Technical Seminar. The support provided by the College and Departmental library is
gratefully acknowledged.
Finally, I’m thankful to our parents and friends, who helped us in one way or the
other throughout this Technical Seminar.














This chapter will begin with a brief introduction to the topic, followed by a list of its
various applications, advantages, and some limitations.


Dementia is a chronic degenerative disease characterized by a progressive and
irreversible decline in brain function; in particular, it induces behavioral changes and
impedes a patient’s ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs). Dementia affects
millions of people worldwide and is becoming more prevalent as the planet’s population
ages. The World Alzheimer Report 2019, published by Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)
International, estimated that more than 50 million people live with dementia globally.
They estimated that this number will increase to 152 million by 2050, equivalent to one
person developing dementia every 3 s. Nonetheless, rapid and timely diagnosis can slow
this decline in brain function. Manual tools for predicting dementia are inaccurate
complex, and require cognitive tests to be administered over a long time. Therefore,
previous studies have formulated machine-learning tools. based on the k-nearest
neighbor, decision tree, support vector machine (SVM), and extreme gradient boosting
(XGBoost) approaches; these tools have been extensively used for rapid and timely
diagnosis and clinical decision-making. One study used an algorithm to distinguish
healthy participants from participants with dementia on the basis of behavioral data; in a
sequence prediction task, participants with dementia had significantly lower peak
accuracy scores (11%) than healthy patients. Sequential pattern discovery using
equivalence classes was employed to identify various parameters for early-stage dementia
diagnosis. The algorithm could detect early dementia symptoms without the need for
expensive clinical procedures. In contrast to the aforementioned study, formulated a
method that uses language samples instead. They considered speech and language
impairments, which are common in several neurodegenerative diseases, in their cognitive
impairment analysis to achieve early diagnosis and identify the onset of cognitive decline.
They further introduced several original lexical and syntactic features in addition to a
previously established lexical syntax to train machine-learning classifiers to identify the
etiologies of AD, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and possible AD (PoAD). A decline

in linguistic function is associated with neurodegenerative diseases and cognitive decline,
and the statistical analysis of lexicosyntactic biomarkers may facilitate the early diagnosis
of these diseases. Dementia is closely related to cognitive impairment, but cognitive
impairment does not necessarily lead to dementia. According to a report by the Chang
Gung Dementia Center, MCI is a transitional period during which the cognitive function
of the patient differs from that of a normal older adult. The probability of this MCI
progressing to dementia is approximately 10%–15%, far greater than 1%–2% for a group
of individuals without MCI. Electroencephalography (EEG) signals obtained during
cognitive tests have also been subject to iterative filtering decomposition for dementia
prediction. Continuous EEGs were recorded in two resting states (i.e., eyes open and
closed) and two cognitive states (i.e., finger-tapping test and continuous performance
test). The EEG signals were decomposed using iterative filtering, and four key EEG
features were used for multiclass classification. The method was effective for the early
diagnosis and prediction of dementia and was superior to decision tree, k-nearest
neighbor, SVM, and ensemble classifiers. Similarly,proposed a method for early
prediction of dementia by using an innovative travel pattern classification. Environmental
passive sensor signals were employed to sense the movements of the inhabitants of a
space. The system segmented the movements into travel episodes and classified them
using a recurrent neural network. The recurrent neural network was selected because it
can process raw movement data directly and does not require domain-specific knowledge
for feature engineering. Finally, imbalance in the data with respect to travel pattern
classes was handled using the focal loss, and the discriminative ability of the deep-
learning features was enhanced using a center loss function.

The most common applications of AWS are storage and backup, websites, gaming,
mobile, web, and social media applications. Some of the most crucial applications in
detail are as follows:
Early Diagnosis and Intervention: Healthcare providers can use the predictive model as
a screening tool to identify individuals at risk of developing dementia at an early stage,
allowing for timely interventions and treatment planning.

Personalized Treatment Planning: The model's predictions can inform personalized

treatment plans for individuals diagnosed with dementia, considering their specific risk
factors and disease progression trajectories identified through MRI data.

Clinical Decision Support: Clinicians can use the predictive model as a decision support
tool when assessing patients with cognitive impairment, aiding in diagnostic decision-
making and treatment selection.

Resource Allocation: Healthcare systems can use the model to allocate resources more
efficiently by identifying individuals at higher risk of developing dementia who may
require more frequent monitoring or specialized care.

Research and Drug Development: The model can be used in clinical trials and drug
development efforts to identify suitable candidates for experimental treatments and assess
treatment efficacy based on predicted disease progression.

Public Health Initiatives: Public health organizations can leverage the predictive model
to identify populations at higher risk of dementia within communities, enabling targeted
educational campaigns, preventive measures, and support services.

High Accuracy: Transfer learning leverages pre-trained models and knowledge from
related tasks, leading to higher prediction accuracy compared to traditional machine
learning approaches.

Efficient Use of Data: Transfer learning requires less labeled data for training compared
to training a model from scratch, making it suitable for tasks where labeled data is scarce
or expensive to acquire.

Generalization: Pre-trained models capture generic features from large datasets,

allowing them to generalize well to new datasets and tasks, including dementia prediction
from MRI data collected across different populations or settings.

Reduced Computational Cost: Fine-tuning a pre-trained model typically requires fewer

computational resources compared to training a model from scratch, making it more
feasible for deployment in resource-constrained environments.

Early Intervention: By accurately predicting dementia risk from MRI data, the model
enables early intervention and treatment planning, potentially delaying the onset.

Scalability: Once trained, transfer learning models can be deployed and scaled across
different healthcare settings, allowing for widespread adoption and integration into
clinical workflows.

Data Quality and Bias: The performance of transfer learning models heavily relies on
the quality and representativeness of the training data. Biases or inaccuracies in the data
can lead to biased predictions and limited generalization.

Interpretability Challenges: Deep learning models, including those based on transfer

learning, are often considered black boxes, making it challenging to interpret the
underlying features driving predictions, particularly in complex medical domains like

Dependency on Pre-trained Models: Transfer learning requires access to pre-trained

models, which may not always be available or suitable for the specific task at hand.
Additionally, the relevance of pre-trained models to the target task needs to be carefully

Limited Transferability: The transferability of knowledge from pre-trained models to

the target task depends on the similarity between the source and target domains. If the
domains differ significantly, transfer learning may not yield optimal results.

Ethical and Privacy Concerns: The use of MRI data for dementia prediction raises
ethical concerns related to patient privacy, data security, and potential misuse of sensitive
medical information, necessitating robust privacy-preserving measures and regulatory

Resource Requirements: While transfer learning reduces the computational cost

compared to training from scratch, fine-tuning large pre-trained models.

This chapter will examine various papers by different authors who have researched
similar topics

Kuo, P.-H., Huang, C.-T., & Yao, T.-C. (2023). Title of Your Paper. IEEE Transactions
on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 31(4), 123-145.

Manuscript received December 2, 2022; revised March 23, 2023, and April 9, 2023;
accepted April 13, 2023. Date of publication: April 17, 2023; date of current version:
April 24, 2023.

This work was supported in part by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan,
under Grant MOST 111-2218-E-194-007, and in part by the Advanced Institute of
Manufacturing with High-Tech Innovations (AIM-HI) from the Featured Areas Research
Center Program within the Framework of the Higher Education Sprout Project by the
Ministry of Education (MOE) in Taiwan.

Corresponding author: Ping-Huan Kuo, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National

Chung Cheng University, Chiayi 62102, Taiwan; Advanced Institute of Manufacturing
with High-Tech Innovations (AIM-HI), National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi 62102,
Taiwan; Email:

Ping-Huan Kuo is with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chung

Cheng University, Chiayi 62102, Taiwan, and also with the Advanced Institute of
Manufacturing with High-Tech Innovations (AIM-HI), National Chung Cheng
University, Chiayi 62102, Taiwan.

Chen-Ting Huang is with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chung

Cheng University, Chiayi 62102, Taiwan; Email:
Ting-Chun Yao is with the School of Medicine, College of Medicine, Taipei Medical
University, Taipei City 11031, Taiwan; Email:


Imaging Studies (OASIS), a series of neuroimaging data sets that are publicly available
for research and analysis . The data sets contain numerical brain magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) data from righthanded individuals with and without dementia and aged
60–96 years. The sample comprised 150 individuals (both sexes) who underwent two or
more MRI scans 1 year apart for a total of 373 MRI scans. The variables in the data set
are presented in , these are number of MRI scans, time interval between two or more MRI
scans, sex, age, years of education, socioeconomic status.

Machine learning

Figure 3.1 methodology of model

The Figure 3.1 Based on the provided manuscript citation and the context of the research,
the methodology likely involves several key steps for developing the transfer learning-
based model for predicting dementia from MRI data.

Here's a generalized methodology outline:

Data Collection: Obtain MRI data from individuals with and without dementia. Ensure the data
include relevant demographic information, clinical assessments, and labels indicating dementia.
Data Preprocessing: Standardize the MRI images to ensure consistency in pixel intensity values.
Perform preprocessing steps such as skull stripping, motion correction, and spatial normalization
to enhance data quality. Augment the dataset using techniques like data augmentation to address
class imbalance issues.

Transfer Learning: Select a pre-trained deep learning model (e.g., convolutional neural network
- CNN) with proven performance in image recognition tasks. Fine-tune the pre-trained model on
the MRI dataset for dementia prediction.

Model Training: Split the dataset into training, validation, and test sets. Train the transfer
learning model on the training set while monitoring performance on the validation set to prevent

Hyperparameter Tuning: Perform hyperparameter optimization using techniques like grid

search or random search to find the optimal model configuration. Tune parameters such as
learning rate, batch size, and regularization strength to improve model performance.

Evaluation Metrics: Evaluate the trained model using appropriate metrics such as accuracy,
sensitivity, specificity, and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC-ROC).
Assess the model's performance in detecting dementia cases compared to non-dementia cases.

Validation: Validate the model's performance on an independent test set to assess its
generalization capability. Compare the model's performance with existing methods or benchmarks
to demonstrate its superiority, as mentioned in the manuscript of the study.



This chapter includes results, screenshots and discussion on result of Optimized
Transfer Learning Based Dementia Prediction System for Rehabilitation Therapy

TABLE 4.1 Comparison of dementia predictive analysis

Model Accuracy

Random Forest 88.4%

SVC 87.9%

AdaBoost 69.8%

XGBoost 88.7%

MLP 88.1%

Transfer Learning with GWO 90.7%

Transfer Learning with PSO 88.7%

Transfer Learning with GA 89.3%

Transfer Learning with MBO 88.1%

The TABLE 4.1 shows a The accuracy of all models is summarized in Table , and the
findings confirm that the proposed transfer-learning model had superior dementia
prediction results than did other models. The GWO algorithm produced the best transfer-
learning model with accuracy of 90.7% overall, 95.3% for nondementia (Class 0), 96.9%
for dementia (Class 1), and 46% for conversion to dementia (Class 2). The poor results
for conversion to dementia class (Class 2) were attributable to the small size of this class;
however, this result was substantially better than those of other models. Hence, the model
could be effective for predicting dementia.
TABLE 4.2 Comparison of dementia predictive analysis with others

Model Accuracy

Transfer Learning with GWO


G. Batineni[17] 68.75%

S.-E.Ryu[6] 85.61%

TABLE 4.2 shows the Comparison of dementia predictive analysis with others Battineni
et al. [17] and Ryu et al. [6] applied SVM and XGBoost, respectively, to the data set as
that used in this study; hence, their prediction results could be compared with that of the
proposed model. This reveals that this model had substantially higher overall accuracy
than their models; this was attributable to the learning of the base models and the
parameter optimization algorithm. The proposed model also had superior accuracy for
nondementia, dementia, and conversion to dementia prediction than the models .

4.2 Discussion on Results

GA is based on organic evolution and uses the concept of natural selection and survival of
the fittest to eliminate genes for optimization. GA can search multiple points to reduce the
likelihood of becoming trapped in local optima. In addition, it uses encoding functions for
optimization to ensure that the search results are not spatially limited. However, GA
cannot guarantee that its final solution is the global optimum. In addition, GA lacks
memory; that is, it could search the same points repeatedly, increasing its computational
cost. MBO simulates the migration and adaptive behaviors of monarch butterflies to
achieve optimization. This algorithm has a simple structure and is easy to implement, and
its mathematical model enables each monarch butterfly to fully interact with other during
because gray wolves tend to orient toward the location of the leaders of the wolf pack are.
Consequently, GWO is worse for global optimization than other algorithms. The results
indicate that transfer learning with GWO was superior to that with other optimization
algorithms. The data of this study could be best fit with the mathematical model of the
GWO optimization process. The experimental results in Section IV also indicate that the
GWO yielded better fit. The aforementioned discussion of the advantages and
disadvantages of each algorithm reveals that no algorithm can guarantee that the global
optimum is identified but all can converge to a local optimal solution.
Therefore, GWO generates superior results because it converges to the global optimal
solution more effectively than do the other three optimization algorithms.

Figure 4.1 Comparison of dementia predictive analysis with others

The Figure 4.1 Confusion matrix for Transfer Learning with different Parameter
Optimization Algorithm. (a) GWO, (b) PSO, (c) GA, (d) MBO.
Namely GA, MBO, and PSO, which only converge to local optimal solutions and thus
produce less accurate results. Many studies have indicated that earlier dementia diagnosis
could improve the effectiveness of pharmaceutical treatment and the cognitive function
and ability to perform ADLs of patients after treatment. However, dementia progresses
slowly and early symptoms are not obvious; hence, clinical diagnosis is difficult. In
general, physicians must eliminate other diseases, such as vitamin B6 deficiency or
underactive thyroid, before diagnosing dementia.

Consequently, patients have often missed the optimal treatment window by the time that
they are diagnosed with dementia. This study provides a highly accurate model that uses
patients and MRI image data to predict whether patients have dementia.

The results can serve as a reference for clinical physicians to facilitate dementia
identification and diagnosis. In addition, the model can screen patients who may have
dementia to enable them to receive treatment as early as possible. The data were labeled
as class 0 for nondementia, class 1 for dementia, and class dementia.

And the ability of the model to predict the various stages of dementia is thus unknown.
Conversion to dementia is the optimal time for diagnosing and treating dementia;
however, accuracy for classifying class-2 patients was low because class-2 data was
insufficient. More data must be collected to produce models that can make more
comprehensive predictions. In summary, the transfer learning with GWO model used by
this study produced excellent results, but it also had some limitations. In particular, the
model accuracy was limited by the amount of data available.

The proposed transfer-learning model of this study was compared with other models in
Section IV, namely random forest, SVC, AdaBoost, XGBoost, and MLP. These models
were selected for comparisons because they are often applied effectively in various fields.
Therefore, these algorithms can be used for a credible comparison.

This chapter illustrates the conclusion and the references.

Dementia is increasingly prevalent in the context of an aging society. Dementia remains
uncurable, and dementia-related neurological degeneration can only be slowed and not
stopped. Machine learning could be used to assist health professionals in diagnosing
dementia to enable earlier interventions to slow degeneration. This study proposed an
effective classification model for dementia prediction by using dementia data from
OASIS for predictive analysis. The modified model based on transfer learning was
compared with other models.

In addition, the model was paired with four parameter optimization algorithms for
training, and the results demonstrated that the model had high predictive power and fit the
data well. In the future, this model can be used as the primary model for dementia
prediction, saving time and serving as a reference in the diagnosis of dementia. Moreover,
model instability during training due to SMOTE data augmentation can be mitigated by
the use of larger data sets. The proposed system can be used to diagnose dementia and
plan occupational therapy regimens.


• PO1: Engineering knowledge

• PO2: Problem analysis
• PO3: Design/development of solutions
• PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems
• PO5: Modern tool usage
• PO6: The engineer & society
• PO7: Environment & sustainability
• PO8: Ethics
• PO9: Individual & team work
• PO10: Communication
• PO11: Project management & finance
• PO12: Life-long learning
• PSO1: Capable to design, develop and test the IT-solutions in real time.
• PSO2: Competent to apply knowledge to manage and monitor IT-resources.

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO01 PSO02
3 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2

Dr. Neelambike S



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