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Editorial Comment | doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2796.2011.02485.

Do we need to reconsider the desirable blood level of

vitamin B12?
‘The proscription that cobalamin deficiency should or accelerate and reach clinical deficiency more
not be diagnosed unless megaloblastic changes are quickly; or fluctuate indefinitely between normal and
found is akin to requiring jaundice to diagnose liver mildly subclinical deficiency states’.[5] The unpre-
disease’ [1]. This statement by Carmel, one of the dictable consequences of SCCD may be important for
leaders in the vitamin B12 field, was made more than public health because it is relatively common, espe-
10 years ago and yet many physicians and health cially in the elderly [5], and it has been discussed
authorities still insist on haematological changes be- whether attempts should be made to reduce its preva-
fore accepting a diagnosis of vitamin B12 (cobalamin) lence – for example by fortification of food with vita-
deficiency. It is not unusual that health authorities min B12 [6–8]. However, if SCCD is a benign state, it
refuse prescriptions for vitamin B12 in patients with is difficult to see any justification for treating it. In
clinical signs of neuropathy because the patients contrast, if vitamin B12 levels in this low-normal
have no haematological signs, and their plasma vita- range are associated with clinical signs and symp-
min B12 levels are reported as ‘normal’. This situa- toms then we have to consider what should be done
tion is disconcerting in view of the long history of with patients who display these signs. In this edito-
studies showing that neurological signs of deficiency rial, prompted by a report in the current issue of the
may occur in patients who do not show anaemia [2]. Journal [9], we will draw attention to many observa-
Even in patients with clinical pernicious anaemia, up tional studies and one clinical trial indicating that
to 28% do not have anaemia and up to 33% have nor- low-normal levels of vitamin B12 may well be associ-
mal mean corpuscular volume [1]. How, then do we ated with clinically significant outcomes.
define which patients with clinical signs or symptoms
should be treated and what is the desirable plasma A study in 161 community elderly from Sweden [10]
vitamin B12 level below which treatment is required? reported that there was no increase in the prevalence
of most of the typical vitamin B12 deficiency symp-
In mammals, vitamin B12 provides co-factors for two toms in those with raised tHcy or MMA levels, which
enzymes (methionine synthase and l-methylmalonyl- is consistent with the concept of SCCD. The only cor-
CoA mutase), and the substrates for these enzymes, relation was between raised tHcy and an increase in
homocysteine and methylmalonic acid (MMA) build- tongue mucosa atrophy and mouth angle stomatitis.
up when vitamin B12 status is low. Several large pop- However, examination of the data shows several
ulation studies have examined the relationship be- trends that did not reach statistical significance, and
tween plasma total homocysteine (tHcy) and MMA to the authors pointed out that their study may have
blood vitamin B12 concentrations [3–5]. It has been been underpowered to detect other associations and
found that the concentrations of these metabolic that some of the tests used were not very sensitive.
markers start to increase at vitamin B12 levels con- Using more sensitive cognitive tests, Hooshmand
siderably above the typical cut-off value used to de- et al. [9] found that, in 274 community elderly, raised
fine B12-deficiency, 148 pmol L)1 (200 pg mL)1), as baseline tHcy is associated with cognitive decline over
can be seen from the Fig. 1. The key question is as fol- 7 years, and they also found that high baseline con-
lows: do the metabolic markers indicate a clinically centrations of holotranscobalamin (holoTC) are pro-
relevant functional deficit in vitamin B12 or are they tective against cognitive decline. HoloTC, which is
simply reflecting that the enzymes are no longer satu- vitamin B12 bound to transcobalamin, is the circu-
rated by their co-factors? If the latter, then elevated lating form of vitamin B12 taken up by most cells [11].
tHcy or MMA might just reflect a state that has been It is noteworthy that Hooshmand et al. found that ‘the
called subclinical cobalamin deficiency (SCCD), de- protective effect of holoTC was present over the whole
fined by Carmel [5] as a state of ‘mild metabolic abnor- distribution of holoTC.’ Thus, low vitamin B12 status,
malities without clinical signs or symptoms’. SCCD as reflected by low holoTC, is a risk factor for cognitive
may ‘eventually progress sufficiently to produce clini- decline over its whole distribution. A similar result
cal, symptomatic deficiency; or remit completely…; has been reported in two other prospective studies.

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A. David Smith & H. Refsum
| Editorial: What is a desirable blood level of vitamin B12?

Metabolic Table 1 Associations between low-normal vitamin B12 statusa

insufficiency and different outcomes
Neural tube defects
Outcome Type of study References
Cognitive deficit/decline
Alzheimer’s disease Neural tube defect Prospective [23]
Classical Brain atrophy (in mothers)
deficiency White matter damage Cognitive deficit Cross-sectional [14]
Haematological Stroke
in elderly
signs Depression
SCD Cognitive decline Prospective [9, 13]
Low bone mineral density in elderly
DNA damage Alzheimer’s disease Cross-sectional [24, 25]
White matter damage Cross-sectional [26]
Whole brain atrophy Prospective, [17, 27]
Depression Prospective [28]
Response to treatment Prospective [29]
of depression
Stroke Prospective [30]
Low bone mineral Cross-sectional [31]
density in women
Autonomic dysfunction – Treatment [32]
B12 deficient intervention
DNA damage in Treatment [33]
lymphocytes intervention
Uracil Cross-sectional [34]
into DNA

Low-normal vitamin B12 status defined as >148 pmol L)1
Plasma and was assessed by measuring serum ⁄ plasma vitamin
tHcy B12, holotranscobalamin or MMA. See individual studies
for details. This is not intended to be a comprehensive list.

another study, the lowest three quartiles of baseline

holoTC were associated with cognitive decline over a
10-year period [13]. Thus, it is not just the lowest lev-
200 400 600 800 els of vitamin B12 that are a risk factor for later cogni-
Plasma vitamin B12 (pmol L–1) tive decline but levels above the traditional deficiency
cut-off as well. Similar results have been reported
Fig. 1 Relationship between plasma vitamin B12 and plas- from cross-sectional studies, such as the ‘Banbury
ma total homocysteine (tHcy) or methylmalonic acid (MMA) in B12 study’ on 1000 community elderly, where raised
3262 community-dwelling people aged 71–74 year in Norway. tHcy or MMA and low holoTC across the normal range
Disease associations are discussed in the text, and references were associated with cognitive deficit and with im-
are in the Table 1. Based on Figure 1 in Vogiatzoglou et al. [21]. paired reflexes [14]. We have reviewed such studies
SCD, sub-acute combined degeneration of the spinal cord. [15, 16] and some are listed in the Table 1.

In one, incident dementia was associated with the de- It is mainly outcomes that affect the functioning of the
crease in vitamin B12 status over a 2-year period nervous system that have so far been associated with
across the normal range of vitamin B12 [12], and in vitamin B12 status in the low-normal range (Table 1).

180 ª 2011 The Association for the Publication of the Journal of Internal Medicine Journal of Internal Medicine 271; 179–182
A. David Smith & H. Refsum
| Editorial: What is a desirable blood level of vitamin B12?

Nevertheless, these studies were usually observa- lou et al. [21] used segmented regression analysis to
tional, and so causality cannot be assumed. Thus, it obtain breakpoints of 334 and 393 pmol L)1 for vita-
will be necessary to perform clinical trials to see min B12, based on MMA and tHcy, respectively and
whether administering vitamin B12 will prevent such defined a vitamin B12 replete group as individuals
outcomes in those with low-normal vitamin B12 with vitamin B12 ‡400 pmol L)1. A similar approach
status. was used by Selhub et al. [4], who suggested that the
use of disease-based epidemiological data might ulti-
A striking relationship between vitamin B12 and ho- mately replace or augment the use of the metabolic
loTC levels across the entire range (vitamin B12: 160– markers.
700 pmol L)1) was found for progressive brain atro-
phy over 5 year in a community population of 107 The emphasis on disease to determine desirable lev-
elderly: the lower the B12 status, the faster the brain els is important. Whilst it is relatively uncontroversial
atrophied [17]. To see whether the rate of atrophy to give vitamin B12 to those with disease, or with
could be modified, elderly subjects with mild cogni- symptoms or signs consistent with ‘deficiency’, it is
tive impairment were recruited into the VITACOG not so simple to use the metabolic markers to define
trial [18], and the rate of brain atrophy was assessed new desirable levels of vitamin B12 for the entire pop-
over 2 years: half the participants were treated with a ulation. The findings of studies like that of Hoosh-
combination of vitamin B12, B6 and folic acid to lower mand et al. [9] are challenging because they raise the
their tHcy levels. This treatment, which lowered tHcy question whether something needs to be done for the
by 30% and increased plasma vitamin B12 from a elderly who have a low-normal vitamin B12 status
mean of 330 to 672 pmol L)1, was associated with an without clinical signs, but who have an increased risk
average slowing of brain atrophy of 30% compared of future cognitive decline. Mandatory fortification of
with the placebo group. The treatment effect was foods with vitamin B12 is one approach [6–8], but this
dependent on the baseline level of tHcy, with a 53% should not be introduced without large-scale trials to
slowing of the rate of atrophy in those in the top quar- look for efficacy as well as potential adverse effects.
tile of tHcy [18]. Those in the B vitamin-treated group For subjects showing signs or symptoms on the other
with high baseline tHcy also showed a slowing of cog- hand, there is a good case for improving their vitamin
nitive decline and an improvement in clinical status B12 status and the question of what value we should
compared with the placebo group [19]. Using three aim for is a matter for international discussion be-
vitamins in combination, it is not, of course, possible tween experts. We believe that the traditional cut-off
to conclude that it was the increase in vitamin B12 le- value of 148 pmol L)1 is too low. We suggest that phy-
vel that caused the beneficial effects on brain atrophy sicians should consider treating patients who show
and cognition. However, the trial does demonstrate symptoms but have vitamin B12 levels above this va-
that subjects who are not classically deficient in vita- lue, particularly those in the low-normal range up to
min B12 but who have raised tHcy and show progres- approximately 300 pmol L)1, to see whether their
sive brain atrophy and cognitive decline can benefit symptoms are relieved. It has now been shown that
from B vitamin treatment. oral vitamin B12 is effective [22] and so such inter-
ventions are simple and likely to be cost-effective if
Subject to further clinical trials on the other out- successful.
comes in the Table 1, we suggest that the concept of
SCCD may need to be revised: people with elevated
Conflict of interest
MMA or tHcy and low-normal B12 status may some-
times have subtle clinical signs that could reflect The authors have no conflicts to declare.
underlying disease processes because of low vitamin
B12 status. In such cases, what level of vitamin B12
is desirable in order potentially to slow down or pre- A. David Smith1 & Helga Refsum1,2
vent such disease processes? One approach is to
From the 1Department of Pharmacology, University of Oxford,
examine the association of vitamin B12 with tHcy Oxford, UK, and 2Department of Nutrition, Institute of Basic
and MMA levels, as shown in the Fig. 1, and identify Medical Sciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
the level of vitamin B12 at which tHcy or MMA levels
start to rise steeply. Several large community studies
have presented such figures, and the inflection points References
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4, 20, 21]. In the Hordaland study (Fig. 1), Vogiatzog- Med 2000; 51: 357–75.

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A. David Smith & H. Refsum
| Editorial: What is a desirable blood level of vitamin B12?

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