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School Watching Checklist

Put check mark (√) if the following is present in your school.

√ Broken window √ Broken/ Dilapidated ceilings

√ Slippery pathway √ Open/ incomplete perimeter
Blocked corridor Presence of stray animals
Heavy objects mounted on top of cabinets Presence of electrical post/transformer
shelves near or within the school perimeter
Flooded area √ No posted emergency hotlines around
the school
√ Protruding nails in chairs and tables √ Garbage Area (Segregation of bio-
degradable and non-biodegradable)
√ Broken door knobs Detached or peeled off Gi sheet
Warning sign: Slippery pathways/ corridors √ Broken chairs/ desks/tables
Plants mounted on the building Railings √ Blocked/ no emergency exists
Exposed chemicals and liquids Unmuted cabinets/ shelves
√ Lack/ absence of storage for Equipment √ Medical kits in every classroom
Unlabeled chemicals √ Bells/ alarms
√ Dripping ceilings
Open pit Condemnable building (i.e. very old
Structure, collapsing building and or
Prominent cracks on classroom walls.
Stagnant water Cracked walls and beans
Unpruned trees/ bushes/ shrubs Collapsed pathway
Bushes/ shrubs
Open/ clogged canals
No ramps for elevated schools. Buildings
Or other facilities
Swing-in doors

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