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Value Emergence in Objective of Ethics of
Sustainability Sustainability

Sustainability is a good example of Promoting ethical decision-making and

value emergence, which is the process behavior that protects the planet's limited
by which society's values change to put resources while ensuring the welfare of
the long-term health of the current and future generations is the aim of
environment, society, and economy sustainability ethics [2].
ahead of its immediate interests [1].

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

All UN Member States have embraced the 17 interrelated Sustainable

Development Goals (SDGs) in an effort to address global issues and create
a more sustainable society by 2030 [2].

In order to solve urgent

global concerns, the
Engineering and Computing Practice:
SDGs emphasize
values that are critical
Specifically, Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), Goal 11 (Sustainable
to sustainability, such
Cities and Communities), and Goal 13 (Climate Action) all have a direct bearing on
as equity, resilience,
engineering and computer practice. These objectives underscore the significance of
and environmental
innovation and conscientious resource management while highlighting the role of
stewardship [1], [2].
technology in promoting sustainable development [1].

[1] E. and S. D. Canada, “Government of

(accessed Feb. 12, 2024).

By aligning with the SDGs and integrating [2] Khaama Press et al., “A mid-decade review
sustainability principles into engineering and of the UN Sustainable Development Goals,”
Khaama Press,
computing practice, we can contribute to building
a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable world development-goals/ (accessed Feb. 12, 2024).
for current and future generations [1].

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