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Geneststraße 5 · 10829 Berlin

Mail über Kontaktformular


Muhammad Abdur Ur Rehman khan

street Khalid bin waleed house number 1 peshawar haji camp
24430 khyber pakhtun khwa

Your applicant number is 3015259/Request for preliminary review documentation

Attachment: Preliminary review documentation

Dear Muhammad Abdur Ur Rehman khan,

We are pleased that you have decided to take up your studies at University of Wuerzburg.

We have processed your application for preliminary review documentation (VPD) and
documented the result. Your VPD attached contains information on your university entrance
qualification (HZB) in Germany and on your grade in the German grading system.

Using your VPD, you may now apply directly for a place at University of Wuerzburg within the
application deadline. Your VPD is valid for one year.

The application deadlines for University of Wuerzburg can be found here:

Bachelor, State examination, Module studies (Bachelor) https:/www.uni-

Here you will also find information about the requested German language proficiency.

For Master courses there are different application deadlines and application procedures. Please
check the application deadline for your master course at our website. There you can also find the
application procedure applicable for our selected Master course.

Master and Module studies (Master) https:/


Apply online to the University of Wuerzburg here: https:/

You need to submit your VPD to the university itself in the original, together with all other required
application documents. On the university’s website, you can find further information on student
applications and on the documents you will need: https:/www.uni-

You can find answers to any questions you may have about studying at the University Wuerzburg
on the website of the International Office Incoming https:/www.uni-

We wish you the best of success with your application at the University of Wuerzburg.

VR Berlin Charlottenburg 23524 Nz ·Ust.-ID: DE 235874161

Vorstandsvorsitzender: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Strackeljan, Stellv. Vorstandsvorsitzende: Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Schramm-Wölk
Remember: In many cases, you may use your VPD from uni-assist to apply for a student
applicant visa at the visa department of the German embassy or a German consulate.

Best regards,

The uni-assist team

This is an electronically generated document. It is valid without signature.

VR Berlin Charlottenburg 23524 Nz ·Ust.-ID: DE 235874161

Vorstandsvorsitzender: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Strackeljan, Stellv. Vorstandsvorsitzende: Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Schramm-Wölk
for an application for
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

Lastname: khan
Firstname: Muhammad Abdur Ur Rehman
Date of birth: 18.02.1999
Place of birth: charsadda
Nationality: Pakistan
Applicant number: 3015259

sent the following set of documents to uni-assist.

khan has obtained the following degree:

Subject: Accounting and Finance

Degree: Bachelor of Science
Average mark: 1,6
University: City University of Science and Information Technology
Date: 03.11.2021

E v a l u a t i o n * :
These documents certify that Muhammad Abdur Ur Rehman khan has the university
entrance qualification
for all types of university and for all academic disciplines
with an average mark of 1,6.
The certificates attesting to this entrance qualification were received on 03.11.2021.

This Vorprüfungsdokumentation is valid for one year after issuing date.

* One or more of the certificates that have been taken into consideration for the identification of the German entrance
qualification to higher study may not be listed here. The university can find detailed information regarding all relevant
documents in uni-assist's university portal under the above applicant number.

Berlin, 28.03.2024

VR Berlin Charlottenburg 23524 Nz ·Ust.-ID: DE 235874161

Vorstandsvorsitzender: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Strackeljan, Stellv. Vorstandsvorsitzende: Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Schramm-Wölk

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