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Geneststraße 5 · 10829 Berlin

Mail über Kontaktformular


Seymur Malikov
University street 27
34956 Istanbul

Your uni-assist applicant number: 2878222

Dear Seymur Malikov,

we are very pleased that you have decided to study in Germany.

We have evaluated your application for preliminary evaluation documentation (Antrag auf
Vorprüfungsdokumentation; VPD), you will find the results attached to this letter. The VPD
contains information regarding your qualification to study in Germany, which is very important for
your application.

Please note: this letter is not a letter of admission, it only announces the results of the check on
your educational background. You also have to apply directly at the Technische Hochschule
Ingolstadt within the application periods (https:/

Information about the application periods at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt can be found
on the website:

Please upload your VPD and all further required documents in the application portal of the
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt before the deadline.

You can find further information for your application at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt and
the necessary documents here: https:/

Kind regards,
Your uni-assist-Team

This letter was processed automatically and is valid without personal signature.

VR Berlin Charlottenburg 23524 Nz ·Ust.-ID: DE 235874161

Vorstandsvorsitzender: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Strackeljan, Stellv. Vorstandsvorsitzende: Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Schramm-Wölk
for an application for
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt

Lastname: Malikov
Firstname: Seymur
Date of birth: 18.02.2002
Place of birth: Salyan, Azerbaijan
Nationality: Aserbaidschan
Applicant number: 2878222

sent the following set of documents to uni-assist.

Malikov has obtained the following degree:

Subject: Management (Major) und Entrepreneurship (Minor)

Degree: Lisans / Bachelor
Average mark: 2,2
University: Sabanci Üniversitesi
Date: 23.06.2023

E v a l u a t i o n * :
These documents certify that Seymur Malikov has the university entrance qualification
for all types of university and for all academic disciplines
with an average mark of 2,2.
The certificates attesting to this entrance qualification were received on 23.06.2023.

This Vorprüfungsdokumentation is valid for one year after issuing date.

* One or more of the certificates that have been taken into consideration for the identification of the German entrance
qualification to higher study may not be listed here. The university can find detailed information regarding all relevant
documents in uni-assist's university portal under the above applicant number.

Berlin, 01.12.2023

VR Berlin Charlottenburg 23524 Nz ·Ust.-ID: DE 235874161

Vorstandsvorsitzender: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Strackeljan, Stellv. Vorstandsvorsitzende: Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Schramm-Wölk

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