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Comp I – Personal Essay

Rubric: This I Believe

Name: Comments

Includes a central focus, a clear thesis
statement, and well-articulated ideas.
Includes information with interpretation and
Includes an intro, a conclusion, and strong
body paragraphs. Paragraphs begin with
clear topic sentences that transition into the
par.’s main idea.
Ideas are discussed and explored thoroughly
and in depth. Analysis demonstrates
thoughtful consideration of the arguments.
Stance/Point of View:
Presents the author’s opinion and
perspective clearly and coherently.
Sentence fluency:
Sentences flow logically from one idea to the
next, using a variety of constructions and
good “chunking.”
Diction and style (Voice):
Author’s voice is strong and clear. Writing
demonstrates vivid word choices and
effective use of language.
Conventions/Mechanics (incl. formatting):
Demonstrates attention to proper formatting
and GPS (grammar, spelling, and
punctuation). Has been edited and cleaned
up as needed.
Process/Revision incl. BS submit:
Evidence of editing and revision. Draft
submitted to Brightspace.
Total Grade Second Draft: /100 =

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