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tell me about yourself

1. my name is jose manuel castillo, im 15 years old, i am a introvert person,

currently I live with my parents i like to spend time with my friends playing

what are your greatest stegnhts greatest strenghts are to lead, direct and coordinate with my teammates

what are your weaknesses

3.I am a person who is very perfectionist and that is not right, I think that we
also learn from mistakes.

tell me about a achivement

4.One of my is achievements was being able to organize my schedule so that I had
time to take my English, swimming and studies classes.

why you leave your job

5,because the place was very far away and the traffic didn't help me, I also wanted
to get out of the routine and try something that catches my attention

what you brought to our company

6.the company caught my attention because it is a field that I can do and mathces
skills, also because I like the things that the company does.

tell me about customer

7.I never had a bad experience with a colleague or customer, but what I would do
in that situation is be humble and polite and resolve the problem.

what you boss and collegues say aobut you

8.I think they would describe me as someone educated and a good person.

see yourself in five years

9.In five years I see myself studying an architecture degree at university.

why hire you?

10.I believe that my experience teaching and my skills in english make me an
excellent candidate for this position. I am really excited for the opportunity to
apply my skills to the company

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