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Dr. Maria Rodriguez Berrios Naturophatic in San Juan, PR.

Question 1: What led you to become a naturopathic physician, and what inspired your
interest in natural and holistic approaches to healthcare?

As a naturopathic physician, my journey into this field was driven by a deep passion
for helping people achieve optimal health and well-being. I was inspired by the idea
that the body has an innate ability to heal itself when given the right support and that
natural remedies and holistic approaches could complement conventional medicine to
provide comprehensive care. This belief in the body's inherent ability to heal led me
to pursue a career in naturopathic medicine.

Question 2: Can you explain the fundamental principles of naturopathic medicine and
how they guide your practice?

Naturopathic medicine is guided by several fundamental principles that inform my


First, Do No Harm (Primum Non Nocere): I prioritize using safe and non-invasive
therapies to minimize harm to my patients.

The Healing Power of Nature (Vis Medicatrix Naturae): I trust in the body's ability to
heal itself and work to support and enhance its natural healing processes.

Identify and Treat the Root Cause (Tolle Causam): Instead of merely addressing
symptoms, I aim to uncover and address the underlying causes of health issues.

Treat the Whole Person (Tolle Totum): I consider all aspects of a patient's physical,
mental, emotional, and spiritual health when developing treatment plans.

Doctor as Teacher (Docere): I see my role as an educator, empowering patients to

take an active role in their own health and wellness.

Prevention (Praevenic): I emphasize preventive care to help patients maintain good

health and avoid illness.

These principles guide my practice and help me tailor treatment plans to the
individual needs of each patient.

Question 3: How do you integrate naturopathic approaches with conventional

medicine, and how do you collaborate with other healthcare professionals?

I believe in a collaborative and integrative approach to healthcare. I work closely with

conventional medical professionals when necessary to ensure the best possible care
for my patients. This may involve sharing information, coordinating treatments, or
referring patients to specialists when appropriate.

Naturopathic medicine complements conventional medicine by offering natural and

holistic therapies that can support the body's healing processes and enhance overall
well-being. My goal is to provide patients with a well-rounded and comprehensive
healthcare experience that combines the strengths of both naturopathic and
conventional medicine.

Question 4: What types of conditions or health concerns do you commonly treat in

your naturopathic practice?

In my naturopathic practice, I commonly treat a wide range of conditions and health

concerns, including but not limited to:

Chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular conditions.

Digestive disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and food sensitivities.

Hormonal imbalances, such as thyroid disorders and hormonal irregularities.

Autoimmune conditions and immune system support.

Stress management and mental health concerns.

Nutritional counseling and dietary guidance.

Weight management and metabolic health.

Allergies and sensitivities.

Pain management and musculoskeletal conditions.

I take a personalized approach to each patient's care, tailoring treatments to their

specific needs and goals.

Question 5: How do you stay informed about the latest research and developments in
naturopathic medicine, and how do you ensure evidence-based practice in your clinic?

Staying informed about the latest research and developments in naturopathic medicine
is a crucial aspect of my practice. I regularly engage in continuing education, attend
conferences, and subscribe to reputable medical journals and publications that focus
on natural and holistic approaches to healthcare. I also collaborate with colleagues
and participate in peer discussions to exchange knowledge and insights.
I am committed to evidence-based practice, which means that I rely on scientific
research and clinical evidence to inform my treatment decisions. I assess the quality
of available research and prioritize treatments and interventions that have
demonstrated effectiveness and safety.

Ultimately, my goal is to provide the highest standard of care to my patients by

integrating the latest research findings with my clinical experience.

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