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Exercise Chart

510 minutes of warm-up (stretching or jogging)

2030 minutes of cardio (jogging, cycling, or swimming)

1520 minutes of strength training (weightlifting or bodyweight exercises)


1015 minutes of yoga or stretching exercises

1015 minutes of high-intensity interval training HIIT if possible


510 minutes of warm-up (stretching or brisk walking)

2030 minutes of cardio (jogging, cycling, or swimming)

1520 minutes of strength training (weightlifting or bodyweight exercises)

510 minutes of cool-down stretches chart

Start with a glass of warm water with lemon

Breakfast: Oats porridge with fruits or 23 egg whites with toast

Mid-Morning Snack:

A bowl of seasonal fruits


2 chapatis with vegetable curry, a bowl of daal (lentils), and a salad

Evening Snack:

A cup of green tea with a handful of roasted chana or a small bowl of sprouts

Dinner Before 8 PM

Grilled chicken or fish with a big bowl of salad or 12 chapatis with vegetable curry and salad

Before Bed:

A glass of warm skimmed milk

3.Belly Fat Reduction Exercise Chart


510 minutes of warm-up (stretching or jogging)

2030 minutes of cardio (jogging or cycling)

1520 minutes of core exercises (planks, sit-ups, or Russian twists)


1015 minutes of yoga poses that target the abdomen (boat pose, bridge pose, or forward bend)

1015 minutes of high-intensity interval training HIIT with exercises like burpees, mountain climbers, or high knees


510 minutes of warm-up (stretching or brisk walking)

2030 minutes of cardio (jogging or cycling)

1.Exercise Chart 1

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