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In the film Wall-e, we see that the people of the earth has gone through space
and only a robot remains on earth cleaning, in the first few scenes of the movie I
saw that people has damaged and polluted the earth, to the point where humans
cannot live on it anymore so they are forced to go to space and make a living in
there, what I learned from that scene is that if we don’t take care of the earth we
will lose everything that we had and miss the beauty of earth.

When Eve the probe found a plant that has been taken care by Wall-e the
cleaner robot, she immediately took the plant and put it inside her to be
preserved and brought back to the spaceship called “AXIOM” and present it to
the Captain of the ship as a sign that Humans can go back to earth, while on the
ship we can see that the people are riding a chair that do the walking for them,
and by that their bones were shrinking due to lack of use and exercise, all people
including the Captain were lazy and needs help just to get up from their chair,
and also every person there were addicted to their device that even when they
are beside each other they still use their communication device just to talk. What
I reflected from that scenes is that when people get too addicted from their
phones and tablets, they often forgot to use their body for exercise and get too
lazy, and also when people get too attached with they devices they will miss
everything surrounding them.

In conclusion to everything that has been discussed above, the main lesson that I
learned from the movie “Wall-e” is that we should help to clean our environment
and avoid doing things that can pollute our environment in order for us to
maintain our so call “home”, because as people get more ignorant they then
disobey the rules of throwing your garbage in the right place, and just throw
their trash everywhere they want to, by that we destroy earth and litter
everywhere to the point that our place is no longer habitable and suitable for us
to stay in. We should always keep in mind that a healthy environment means a
healthy population so, we should always clean up after we litter and inspire
others to help and throw their garbage in the right place.

We should never ever let ourselves be addicted to our devices like cellphones,
tablets, televisions and everything that makes us lazy, we should always have
more time to use our body and go outside to exercise, by the fact that it is more
fun when you witness it first hand and not just by searching it on the internet. In
this time more and more youngster get lazy because of their cellphones, they
even don’t want to do house chores anymore and help their parents in their
houses, when that kind of attitude continue, we will lose interest in doing things
physically and forget how to live without the help of technology.

I hope that we would not reach to that point where people would no longer go
outside and play with dirt and have fun doing things that makes them sweaty
and tired, because I personally enjoy doing things that makes me tired like
playing sports that is more on running and jumping,

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