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Question 1

How many deliveries of rotten food does London’s largest food collection center

Question 2

Why is this waste collected?

Question 3

What is digestate material?

Question 4

Where has a separate food waste collection service been introduced?

Question 5

How much percentage has the Wellcome Trust kitchen reduced your food waste?

I share - Little summary of the video

Today I would like to tell you about a very interesting video. It is about food waste in
London but it is a phenomenon that happens all over the world. In this city there are
tons of food waste but they try to recycle it to produce electricity, gas or fertilizer. An
example to follow is the city of Milan, which provides a waste recycling service for its
residents, which increases the recycling rate. However, a good initiative could be to
use technology like a restaurant in Houston that reduced its waste production by 70
per cent.

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