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Student Name: Munlika Tutsanti

Student ID: 00005806

Task: Written Questions, Quiz, Project

Trainer: Kevin Lobo

Course: Certificate 3 in commercial cookery

Unit : BSBSUS201

Written Questions
Q1. What is the concept of fair-trade products?

Fair trade products are an arrangement designed to help producers in developing

countries achieve sustainable and equitable trade relationships. Members of the fair-trade
movement add the payment of higher prices to exporters, as well as improved social and
environmental standards.

Q2. What is sustainability?

Sustainability is a broad discipline, giving students and graduates insights into most
aspects of the human world from business to technology to environment and the social
sciences. The core skills with which a graduate’s leaves college or university are highly
sought after, especially in a modern world looking to drastically reduce carbon emissions and
discover and develop the technologies of the future.

Q3. What are Transport Miles?

Transport miles is a new concept in environmental issues, and one that is becoming
well known in the community. A "transport mile' is the distance the product has been
transported to reach the consumer. Buying locally produced products is said to save transport
miles and be better for the environment.


Q4. In what way do businesses produce carbon dioxide - CO2?

Carbon dioxide (CO 2) is a waste product that is produced by burning fossil fuels,
such as gas, oil, petrol, and coal. The carbon dioxide that is produced has built up in the
atmosphere during the 20th century, since the introduction of the internal combustion engine
and is now said to be at a level where it affects the weather by heating up the earth.

Q5. What is Carbon Offset?

A carbon offset is a reduction in emissions of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse

gases made to compensate for emissions made elsewhere. Offsets are measured in tonnes of
carbon dioxide equivalent. One tonne of carbon offset represents the reduction of one tonne
of carbon dioxide or its equivalent in other greenhouse gases.

Q6. What is the Greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is a process that occurs when gases in Earth's atmosphere trap the
Sun's heat. This process makes Earth much warmer than it would be without an atmosphere.
The greenhouse effect is one of the things that makes Earth a comfortable place to live.


Q7. Most electricity in Australia is produced by what method?

Most of the electricity we use in Australia is produced by burning coal.

Q8. Which (if any) states in Australia use nuclear power?

Australia doesn’t use nuclear energy.

Q9. What is a ‘Watt’:

The watt is a unit of power. In the International System of Units, it is defined as a

derived unit of 1 joule per second and is used to quantify the rate of energy transfer.

Q10. In the following unit of measurement what does each letter stand for?


k = 1000 (as in kilometre =1000 metres)

W = Watt, the measurement of electricity

H = Hour

Q11. If a 1500 watt dishwasher is used for 2 hours what is the kWh measurement?

3 kWh


Q12. In environmental practices the three R’s are:

R Reduce

R Reuse

R Recycle

Q13. Name five waste products that CAN be recycled:

1 Newspaper

2 Cardboard

3 Brown glass bottles

4 Jars

5 All plastic bottles

Q14. Name five waste products that CANNOT be recycled:

1 medical waste

2 Garden waste

3 Bubble wraps

4 Dead animals

5 Oils


Q15. How can a teleconference help reduce greenhouse gases?

Teleconferencing is the preferred means because it helps save time, money and even
the environment. Call conferencing eliminates the need for frequent travel and cuts down the
greenhouse gas emissions that are caused by automobiles and air crafts.

Q16. Why is Palm oil viewed as a NON sustainable product?

Palm oil Large companies, such as KFC and Cadbury have started to take notice and
are removing palm oil from their products. KFC is switching to a canola blend and Cadbury
is removing palm oil from their chocolate. Forests are cleared and burnt, then palm oil
plantations are established. The forest area available for animals such as orangutans, gibbons,
elephants, and tigers are being reduced daily in countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia.
This practice if continued will lead to the extinction of these animals in the wild. Currently
palm oil is labelled as vegetable oil in the ingredients on a food label.

Q17. What is Green Energy?

Green energy Most electricity retailers offer customers the opportunity to purchase' green
energy. This energy has been produced by sustainable means such as wind, solar, landfill gas, hydro
and biogas. Customers can choose how much of their energy comes from these sources such as 10%,
20% or even l00% depending upon their budget. Naturally, green energy costs more. In reality, all
the energy is mixed up together in the electricity grid, but the extra funds and public demand do
help energy companies produce more sustainable energy.

Q18. Which light bulb uses MORE electricity?

Lighting Traditional incandescent light bulbs use about four times more energy than modern
fluorescent style bulbs. Changing light bulbs to the new energy efficient types will save energy,
reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and save money.

Q19. Name 5 principles of good teamwork:

1. Helping customers and other staff members when needed.

2. Being a cooperative person.

3. Helping willingly, don't make it into a "big drag' for you.

4. Accepting offers of help from other staff members, say thanks.

5. Being flexible, prioritise your tasks.

Q20. Why is it important to document and file information such as current usage:

Recording environmental information is important because later down the track you
will be able to find out information, such as previous water usage or environmental incidents
that have occurred. Older policies and procedures should also be filed away just in case they
need to be referred to at later date.

Organic Foods

Organic foods have exploded in popularity over the last two decades. In fact, US consumers
spent $39.1 billion on organic produce in 2014. The popularity does not seem to be slowing down, as
sales increased by more than 11% from 2014 to 2015. Many people think organic food is safer.

1.What is Organic Food?

The term “organic” refers to the process of how certain foods are produced. Organic foods
have been grown or farmed without the use of artificial chemicals, hormones, or antibiotics.

2. Organic Foods May Contain More Nutrients

Studies comparing the nutrient content of organic and non-organic foods have provided
mixed results. This is most likely due to natural variation in food handling and production.

⬩ Organically Grown Crops Have More Antioxidants and Vitamins.

⬩ Nitrate Levels are Generally Lower.

⬩ Organic Dairy and Meat May Have A More Favourable Fatty Acid Profile.

3. Less Chemicals and Resistant Bacteria

Many people choose to buy organic food to avoid artificial chemicals. Evidence suggests that
consuming these foods may reduce your exposure to pesticide residues and antibiotic-resistant

4. Do Organic Foods Have Health Benefits?

several lab studies found that their higher antioxidant content helped protect cells from
damage. And animal studies show that organic diets may benefit growth, reproduction, and the
immune system. A large observational study of 623,080 women found no difference in cancer risk
between those who never ate organic food and those who ate it regularly. When 16 people followed
an organic over two 3-week periods, those on the organic diet had slightly higher levels of certain
antioxidants in their urine. Another study found that antioxidant levels were higher in men following
an organic diet. However, this study was small and not randomized. Unfortunately, there’s simply
not enough strong evidence available to confirm that organic foods benefit human health more than
conventional foods

5. Organic Junk Food is Still Junk Food

Just because a product is labelled “organic,” it does not mean that it is healthy. Some of
these products are still processed foods high in calories, sugar, salt and added fats. For example,
organic cookies, chips, sodas, and ice cream can all be purchased in supermarkets. Despite being
organic, these products are still unhealthy. In simple terms, when you choose organic junk food, you
may just be choosing a slightly higher-quality version of regular junk food.

6. How to Know if You are Buying Organic

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has set up an organic certification
program. This means any farmer or food producer selling organic food must meet strict government
standards. If you decide to choose organic, it is important to look for the USDA organic seal.

Also, watch for these statements on food labels, so you can identify food that is truly organically

 100% Organic: This product is made entirely from organic ingredients.

 Organic: At least 95% of the ingredients in this product are organic.

 Made with Organic: At least 70% of the ingredients are organic.

7. Conclusion

Organic food may contain more antioxidants and nutrients than regular food, although the
evidence is mixed. Consuming organic food may also reduce your exposure to artificial chemicals,
hormones, and antibiotic-resistant bacteria. However, it often costs more and may spoil faster.

1. What is sustainability?

Sustainability is a broad discipline, giving students and graduates insights into most aspects
of the human world from business to technology to environment and the social sciences.

2. What are your workplaces environmental and resource efficiency issues?

Environmental and resource efficiency issues may include minimisation of environmental

risks and maximisation of opportunities to improve business environmental performance and to
promote more efficient production and consumption of natural resources

3. What is the major energy use in your business? How can it be reduced?

It is Electric power. Can be reduced by turning off the light every time when you are leaving
the room.

4. Why is it important to record current usage on a system?

Shows that how much you spend each day and what did you buy

5. What are environmental hazards?

Air pollution, Chemical, Organic foods, Transport miles

6. Who do you report breaches to?


7. What procedures do you follow daily to ensure compliance?


8. What are some principles of teamwork?

Helping willingly, do not make it into a "big drag' for you.

9. What suggestions would you make too improve work practices?

Train people to knowledgeable about work

Q1. Give details of recycling practices of a local recycling centre. Tell us about the centre and
what goods they are cycle and who runs the centre.

Nearest recycling centre with 12 conveniently located recycling centres in New South
Wales and Victoria, BINGO is your local recycling centre. All our recycling centres have
minimal waiting time, competitive rates, discounts for pre-sorted loads and all-weather
access. Our centres accept all sorts of renovation, gardening, brick, and concrete waste - find
out what can go in a skip bin. We just cannot accept asbestos, food, or liquid waste.

Q2. Does this centre recycle computer and electronic waste? If not, then how can you
recycle e-waste in your area?

Secure, Efficient & Environmentally Friendly Computer Recycling in Melbourne

With years of experience & thousands of clients nationally IT E-Waste makes disposal of
your old equipment simple, secure & convenient.

Q3. What products does your business, or you personally currently recycle?

recycled paper that use again

Q4. What is earth hour?

Earth Hour is a worldwide movement organized by the Worldwide Fund for Nature
(WWF). The event is held annually encouraging individuals, communities, and businesses to
turn off non-essential electric lights, for one hour, from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. on a specific day
towards the end of March, as a symbol of commitment to the planet.

Q5. What is the average city fuel consumption of Toyota Yaris and a holden SS commodore

Currently, the 6.0-litre V8 SS has a claimed fuel consumption of 12.2L/100km,

where the 6.2-litre non-AFM-equipped HSV is rated at 13.5L/100km.

Q.6 Do you or the business you work for use any raw ingredients/products that have been
transported a long way to get to you. What raw ingredients/products are they?

Vanilla bean from Italy, Pho from Vietnam

Q7. If you could make one change at your business or home to improve environmental
outcomes, what would that be?

Reduce water, reduce food production, reduce paper

Q8. A machine on the factory floor operates for 12 hours a day and uses 2500 watts of
electricity per hour. If the machine operates for 23 days a month, what is the total power
use of that machine for a month? Express the answer as kWh.

2500/1000*12*23 = 690 kWh

Q9. If a car averages 10.4 litres per 100 km of city driving and the car averages 1800 km of
city driving per month. In an average month how much fuel is used in city driving?

1800/100 = 18

10.4*18 = 187.2 litres

Q10. If the car above was replaced with a car that averaged 7.2 litres per 100 km. what
would be the amount of fuel saved in an average month?

10.4–7.2 = 3.2

3.2*18 = 57.6

Q11. If the fuel saved cost $1.70 per litre, what is the cost saving in that average month?

57.60*1.70 = 97.92

Q.12. Your boss has asked your thoughts about promoting recycling to staff members within
your business. How would you suggest recycling be promoted?

I will be promoted to every staff to use paper for two size and use small front size

Q13. How can you work effectively as part of a team?

Effective teamwork is a major factor in customer satisfaction and it's getting the job
done. Knowing how to work with others to achieve a common goal is an important
interpersonal skill.

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