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9th January 2021 Student ID: 10693238

An assessment of river water quality: The

River Tavy located in the South West of


Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3.

Methodology ……………………………………………………………………………………..…….…. 4.

Results + Discussion …………………………………………………………………….…………..... 6.

References ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12.


The River Tavy is a sub catchment of the River Tamar catchment in the South West of England,
shown in Figure 1. The source of the Tavy lies on Dartmoor, flowing South West for 35.3km to the
estuary at Lowell with multiple tributaries covering 150 km 2. The catchment is primarily agricultural
land use however, disused mines plus sewage treatment works are found. The hydrosphere is of
global concern due to contamination as a result of anthropogenic activities (Dallas and Jha, 2015).
Resulting from these concerns the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) committed member states
to achieve and maintain good quantitate water quality status by 2015, this was unachieved by 2015
so importance for this study continues (European Commission, 2017). Estuaries after LD are
imperative aquatic environments for species, transition zones between fresh and sea water provide
a ranged habitat and ecosystem services such as water cycling while being aesthetically pleasing
(Dallas and Jha, 2015). The aim of this study is to investigate water quality of the River Tavy
identifying processes which potentially caused observed variances, achieved by taking
measurements of six parameters.

Figure 1: The location of the Tavy River and catchment area within the South West of England (Tavy
Points Map, 2021)


Six sampling locations were identified, see Table 1 for site abbreviations and grid references, Figure 2
for spatial distribution and Figure 3 for images of locations. Sampling points were strategically
identified to measure effects on water quality. MTU and MTD are located either side of a
hydroelectrical power station and STW, land use is primarily agricultural. The third sampling location
next to a slip way in Abby Weir in Tavistock (TAV). On the outskirts of Tavistock is DSTW, this is
downstream of STW. DB is rural with agricultural land use and LD is a nature reserve with SSSI status
due to populations of Egretta garzetta and Recurvirostra avosetta (Curtis, 2010). The six parameters
measured were nitrogen (mg/L) and phosphorous (mg/L) using the Hach colourimeter, see (Milne,
2020a) for instructions. Temperature (°C), conductivity (µS / cm), and dissolved oxygen %(DO)
measured using a YSI85 combined probe, pH measured using a pH probe. Each measurement
repeated 5 times and recorded in a field notebook, data from which is collated in Table 2.

Site Number Site Name Catchment Site Abbreviation Grid Reference

1. Mary Tavy Upper (MTU) SX 51026 78445
Sewage Treatment Works Upper (STW) SX 50740 78822
2. Mary Tavy Upper (MTD) SX 50914 78229
3. Tavistock Middle (TAV) SX 48213 74280
Sewage Treatment Works Middle (STW) SX 47006 72253
4. Downstream of Tavistock STW Middle (DSTW) SX 46748 71063
5. Denham Bridge Lower (DB) SX 47702 67865
6. Lopwell Dam Lower (LD) SX 47438 65022
Table 1: A table of site number and name with the site abbreviation, catchment area and grid
reference of the six sampling locations along River Tavy.

Figure 2: The location and spatial distribution of the six sampling points and two sewage treatment
works on the River Tavy. Refer to Table 1 for site abbreviations and grid reference locations (Tavy
Points Map, 2021)

Figure 3: Images of the six sampling points on the River Tavy see Table 1 for site abbreviations and
grid reference locations (Milne, 2020b).


Data presents variability for each parameter, conductivity and temperature have corresponding
trends as they increase together, similarly nitrate and phosphate also follow this trend.
Anthropogenic and natural processes are the cause of variation in same parameters between
sampling locations.

Table 2: Results of statistical analysis from data collected from six sampling locations along the River
Tavy, please see Table 1 for site abbreviations and grid references. Data collected in November 2018.

Temperature (oC) Conductivity (µS / cm)

Location Mean SD Med. min max Mean SD Med. min max

1.(MTU) 8.0 0.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 59.7 0.7 59.5 59.2 61.0
2.(MTD) 7.8 0.1 7.8 7.7 7.9 57.9 1.3 58.3 55.8 59.4
3. (TAV.) 8.4 0.1 8.4 8.2 8.5 67.6 5.9 66.8 60.1 76.0
4.(DSTW) 8.7 0.2 8.9 8.4 8.9 102.4 13.2 108.7 79.2 110.1
5.(DB) 8.8 0.0 8.8 8.7 8.8 119.2 0.0 119.2 119.2 119.3
6.(LD) 8.9 0.0 8.9 8.9 8.9 123.9 1.4 123.4 123.2 126.4
Dissolved O2 (%) pH
Location Mean SD Med. min max Mean SD Med. min max

1.(MTU) 93.9 5.2 95.9 84.9 97.8 6.47 0.12 6.46 6.34 6.66
2.(MTD) 97.1 2.9 97.4 93.1 101.0 6.37 0.13 6.33 6.29 6.60
3. (TAV.) 101.2 4.5 101.5 94.8 105.9 6.38 0.09 6.40 6.28 6.50
4.(DSTW) 94.3 1.0 94.0 93.5 96.0 6.55 0.30 6.70 6.13 6.80
5.(DB) 88.0 0.9 88.5 86.7 88.8 6.65 0.18 6.66 6.34 6.81
6.(LD) 88.7 0.9 89.2 87.3 89.3 6.63 0.09 6.66 6.50 6.70
Nitrate-N (mg/L) Phosphate-P (mg/L)
Location Mean SD Med. min max Mean SD Med. min max

1.(MTU) 0.9 0.1 0.9 0.7 1.1 0.04 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.05
2.(MTD) 1.5 0.2 1.6 1.1 1.7 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.03
3. (TAV.) 2.6 0.5 2.8 2.0 3.0 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.05
4.(DSTW) 3.0 0.6 3.1 2.5 3.9 0.10 0.03 0.09 0.06 0.14
5.(DB) 3.3 0.4 3.3 2.9 4.0 0.10 0.03 0.10 0.07 0.14
6.(LD) 4.2 1.0 4.5 3.1 5.2 0.13 0.03 0.14 0.10 0.18

Table 2 presents a range of statistically relevant data. Mining of the Tamar valley until the 19 th
century has caused accelerated release of elements over time, contamination of sediments still
remains (Langston et al., 2003). This is a primary reason for the increase of N and P seen in Table 2
as N values have a range of 4.5 (mg/L) and P values range 0.16(mg/L). Permeable loamy soils
dominating the catchment increase ability of nutrients to travel to the river, base rich soils are
alkaline however, lying with granite rock the pH level MTU-TAV stays fairly stable, see figure 4.

Freely draining acid loamy soils over rock

Freely draining slightly acid loamy soils

Freely draining slightly acid but base-rich soils


Sampling Locations

Sewage Treatment Works

Figure 4: A map illustrating the different soils in the catchment area and location of each sampling
point and sewage treatment work, see Table 1 for site abbreviations and grid references (Soils and
Geology of Dartmoor, 2020)

140.0 10.0

100.0 7.0
Conductivity (µS / cm)

Temperature (°C)
5.0 Conductivity (microS / cm)
4.0 Temperature (oC)

40.0 3.0


0.0 0.0
1.(MTU) 2.(MTD) 3. (Tav.) 4.(DSTW) 5.(DB) 6.(LD)
Sampling Location

Figure 5: The mean conductivity measurements from the six sampling locations with error bars of
standard deviation and comparative mean temperature values taken from each location on the River
Tavy. Please see Table 1 for site abbreviations and grid references.

Figure 5 shows as conductivity values change temperature mirrors, the higher the temperature of
water the greater its ability to conduct electrical charge, supporting findings in (Jha et al., 2018).
Figure 5 shows a crucial conductivity increase at DSTW, error bars are not overlapping emphasising

significance. An increase of dissolved ions due to nutrient pollution from the STW seen in Figure 7
and 8 is measured at DSTW causing the increase of parameters.

100.0 7.00

DIssolved Oxygen (%)



Dissolved O2 (%)
3.00 pH


0.0 0.00
1.(MTU) 2.(MTD) 3. (Tav.) 4.(DSTW) 5.(DB) 6.(LD)
Sampling Locations

Figure 6: Dissolved oxygen (DO) mean measurement shown with mean pH measurements taken at
each sampling location along the River Tavy, error bars of standard deviation shown. Please see
Table 1 for site abbreviations and grid references.

Figure 6 shows a stable DO percentage, error bars show insignificant change until results at DSTW
drop significantly by 6.9% from TAV. If DO dramatically decreased due to nutrient pollution from
STWs and anthropogenic activities this would result in increased primary production and hypoxia
forming harmful algal blooms (Schwarzenbach et al., 2006). Mean pH level does not significantly
change, the small mean range of data for pH is 0.28. Support shows slightly acidic pH is expected
with land characterised by igneous rock, this land is primarily intrusive granite which does not leach
(Rothwell et al., 2010). pH is within acceptable parameters.




Nitrate -N (mg/L)






1.(MTU) 2.(MTD) 3. (Tav.) 4.(DSTW) 5.(DB) 6.(LD)
Sampling Locations

Figure 7: The mean nitrate (N) measurement taken at six sampling locations along the River Tavy
with error bars representing standard deviation. See Table 1 for site abbreviations and grid

Nitrate levels increase through each sampling location in Figure 7 with a range of 4.5 (mg/L) resulting
from mostly anthropogenic activities. DB land use is agricultural and forestry, LD has the highest
value of N showing accumulation of N contributes to the total value. The nutrient pollution from pin
pointed sources STW at Mary Tavy and Tavistock release nutrients into the freshwater system
polluting waters resulting in possible hypoxia. Diffuse pollution sources include fertilisers these are
overused due to low cost. In addition, rainwater causing runoff and leaching of overused fertilisers
resulting in low absorption and eutrophication of waters (Neal et al., 2008).



Phosphate -P (mg/L)






1.(MTU) 2.(MTD) 3. (Tav.) 4.(DSTW) 5.(DB) 6.(LD)
Sampling Locations

Figure 8: Mean values of phosphate (P) recorded at six sampling locations along the River Tavy with
error bars representing standard deviation. See Table 1 for site abbreviations and grid references.

Overlapping error bars on most data sets in Figure 8 shows no significant difference between these P
levels. A small decrease is seen in values followed by a significant increase at DSTW, due to overuse
of fertilisers and manure resulting in surface runoff and soil erosion entering the river. Phosphate is
more insoluble than nitrate, it binds to soils accumulating in sediments (Rieuwerts, 2015). Through
chemical weathering phosphate and nitrate locked in rocks from previous mining is released to the
river increasing nutrient pollution.

To conclude, water quality of the River Tavy is negatively affected by the STWs and anthropogenic
activities. Previous mining of the valley disadvantages water quality, due to chemical weathering,
locked up nutrients are released through loamy permeable soils. Normal parameters of water quality
for nitrate should average 1.8 (mg/L) with phosphate at 0.071 (mg/L) (European Commission, 2017).
Mean values range 0.4 – 4.2 (mg/L) nitrate and 0.04-0.13 (mg/L) phosphate found within the Tavy.
Water quality of the River Tavy is moderate as acceptable parameters of N and P defined by the
WFD are not similar to results in this study, however all other measurements are at present within
acceptable parameters.

To improve this study, sampling locations should be equal in width, DSTW was narrower than other
locations meaning the concentration of nutrients would be higher, see Figure 3. Repeating this study
within different seasons of the year, supporting studies have found variations in primary productivity
and therefore variance in key parameters (Jarvie et al., 2010).


ArcGIS., (2020) Soils and Geology of Dartmoor. [online] Available at:

id=a6695e4d20de41a5ac965e4d3423dcb8 > [Accessed 2 January 2021]

ArcGIS., (2021) Tavy Points Map. [online] Available at:

id=0765f5b5411d42d191b6ae762f335da6> [Accessed 3 January 2021].

Curtis, L., 2010. Tamar Tavy & St John’s Lake SSSI Intertidal Biotope Survey. Ecospan Environmental
Ltd, 1, pp.6-10.

Dallas, L. and Jha, A., 2015. Applications of biological tools or biomarkers in aquatic biota: A case
study of the Tamar estuary, South West England. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 95(2), pp.618-633.

European Commission., (2017). Water - Environment - European Commission. [online] Available at:
m> [Accessed 4 January 2021].

Jarvie, H., Haygarth, P., Neal, C., Butler, P., Smith, B., Naden, P., Joynes, A., Neal, M., Wickham, H.,
Armstrong, L., Harman, S. and Palmer-Felgate, E., 2008. Stream water chemistry and quality along an
upland–lowland rural land-use continuum, south west England. Journal of Hydrology, 305(3-4),

Jha, B., Gurung, S., Khatri, K., Gurung, A., Thapa, A., K.C., M., Gurung, B. and Acharya, S., 2018.
Patterns of diversity and conservation status of freshwater fishes in the glacial fed and rain fed rivers
of Eastern Nepal. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 101(8), pp.1295-1305.

Langston, W., Chesman, B., Burt, G., Hawkins, S., Readman, J. and Worsfold, P., 2003. Site
Characterisation of the South West European Marine Sites: Plymouth Sound and Estuaries cSAC,
SPA. Marine Biological Association Occasional Publication, 9, pp.17-22.

Milne A., (2020a) ENVS1002 – Water Quality Fieldwork, University of Plymouth ENVS1002 Field
Activity Document, Available at: [Accessed 4
January 2021].

Milne A., (2020b) ENVS1002 Assessment: A report on the water quality in the Tavy Catchment,
University of Plymouth ENVS1002 Tavy Catchment Water Quality Assessment, Available at [Accessed 4 January 2021].

Neal, C., Jarvie, H., Love, A., Neal, M., Wickham, H. and Harman, S., 2008. Water quality along a river
continuum subject to point and diffuse sources. Journal of Hydrology, 350(3-4), pp.154-165.

Rieuwerts, J., 2015. The Elements Of Environmental Pollution. 1st ed. London: Taylor and Francis,

Rothwell, J., Dise, N., Taylor, K., Allott, T., Scholefield, P., Davies, H. and Neal, C., 2010. A spatial and
seasonal assessment of river water chemistry across North West England. Science of The Total
Environment, 408(4), pp.841-855.

Schwarzenbach, R., Escher, B., Fenner, K., Hofstetter, T., Johnson, C., Von Gunten, U. and Wherli, B.,
2006. The Challenge of Micropollutants in Aquatic Systems. Science, 313(5790), pp.1072-1077.


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