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Zayra Escribano Moreno


Nefertiti was a queen of Egypt and wife of King Akhenaton, who

PERFIL played a prominent role in changing Egypt's traditional polytheistic
Nefertiti (c. 1370 - c. 1336 BC) was the wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten of religion to one that was monotheistic, worshipping the sun god
the 18th Dynasty of Egypt. Her name means "the beautiful has
arrived", and thanks to the famous bust created by the sculptor
known as Aton.
Tutmose (discovered in 1912), she is the most easily recognizable
queen of ancient Egypt.
Nefertiti birth. 1370 BC Nefertiti was born in either Egypt or Syria.
Nefertiti and Akhenaten ruled Egypt. 1353 BC - 1336 BC.
HOW TO FIND ME AND MY Nefertiti children. 1353 BC - 1342 BC.
Akhenaten died. 1336 BC.
SOCIAL MEDIA Nefertiti disappeared. 1336 BC.


-Nefertiti was a teenage queen. -Akhenaten and Nefertiti built a new city called Amarna.
-Nefertiti could have had royal lineage.
Egypt,Tebas -She had many titles.
-Nefertiti lived up to her name.
-She ruled the richest period in the history of Ancient Egypt.

What is Nefertiti best known for?
EDUCATION [lenguage]:
Nefertiti is best known for her painted sandstone bust, which was
rediscovered in 1913 and became a global icon of feminine beauty
and power.
Nefertiti was a pharaoh that
spoke the lenguage of What does Queen Nefertiti symbolize?
egypcian . Nefertiti is the symbol of beauty and feminine power. Her name means 'a
beautiful woman has come. ' Her bust, discovered in 1913 by German
archaeologist Ludwig Borchardt, and has stood as a symbol for female
beauty and power.

Why was Nefertiti so powerful?

Although Nefertiti was not born of royal blood, she had grown up close to the royal
family. Some evidence suggests that her father was the powerful courtier Ay, advisor to
three pharaohs, including Akenhaten, Nefertiti's husband. Like him, Nefertiti would prove
to be a key player at court.

“I wonder if our names determine our destiny, or if destiny leads us to choose
certain names.” “You can't change the desert. You can only take the fastest
course through it. Wishing it's an oasis won't make it so...”

I held Nefertiti's body closer to mine, trying to press her spirit into me, to bring it
back. But the reign of Nefertiti was finished. She was gone from Egypt.

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