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Written by Martha Rose Woodward

Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a wise old monk. He was
known far and wide for his wisdom and sense of humor. One day a young and
eager student named Sam approached the master and said, “Master, I want to
learn the secret to happiness and success. Please teach me.” Master Sito
looked at Sam with a twinkle in his eye and said, “Very well, young one. But
first, you must complete a simple task. Go to the market and buy the biggest,
juiciest watermelon you can find. Then carry it on your head and walk through
the village without dropping it.”
Sam was puzzled, but determined. He went to the market and find the
massive watermelon. Balancing it on his head, he walked through the village
with utmost concentration. As he passed by, people couldn’t help but laugh
and cheer him on. Some even joined in, clapping and making funny faces.
Finally, after a bumpy journey, Sam reached Master Sito’s hut. The
watermelon was in tact and Sam was relieved. He looked at master Sito
expecting to be praised for his accomplishment. But Master Sito burst into
laughter. “Well done, young one!”, he exclaimed, wiping tears of mirth from his
eyes. “You see, the secret to happiness and success is simple. Just like
carrying that watermelon, life can be full of challenges and unexpected twists.
But if you face them with a light heart and a sense of humor, you will find joy
even in the toughest moments. Sam couldn’t help but laugh too, realizing the
wisdom on Master Sito’s words. From that day on, he approaches life with a
smile facing challenges, with the same determination he used to carry that
watermelon. And whenever he felt overwhelmed, he would remember the
watermelon lesson and find the strength to keep going.
You see, in life, in your life, embrace challenges with a sense of humor and you
will find that life’s journey become a joyful adventure filled with laughter and
success. Be determined, but don’t take yourself so seriously and whenever you
feel down or defeated, remember something funny that once happened to you.

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