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A micro enterprise is a small business that

typically employs fewer than 10 people and
has relatively low annual revenue. Micro
enterprises are often run by a single
individual or a small team and are usually
focused on providing goods or services to
a local market ・

Examples of micro enterprises include:

1. Home-based businesses, such as

freelanee writing graphic design, or
consulting services
2. Small-scale farming or agricultural
3. Local retail shops, such as small
boutiques or specialty stores
4. Food stalls or street vendors
5. Artisans and craftspeople selling hand
made goods
6. Personal care services, such as hair
salons or nail studios
7. Small-scale manufacturing businesses,
such as clothing production or handy crafts

These businesses play an important role in

the economy by providing employment
opportunities and contributing to local

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A small enterprise is a business that is larger

than a micro enterprise but still relatively
small in terms of the number of employees
and annual revenue. Small enterprises
typically employ between 10 and 50 people
and may have a more established presenee
in their local market or industry. They o 什 en
have the potential for growth and expansion.

Examples of small en terprises in elude:

1. Family-owned restaurants or cafes

2. Local construction companies
3. Small-scale manufacturing businesses,
such as furniture production or food
4. Independent retail stores or specialty
5. Professional services firms, such as
accounting or legal practices
6. Small-scale tech no logy or software
developme nt compa nies
7. Boutique hotels or bed and breakfast
establishme nts
8. Small-scale healthcare or wellness clinics

Small enterprises are important contributors

to the economy, providing employment
opportunities, fostering

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accounung or legal practices
6. Small-scale tech no logy or software
developme nt compa nies
7. Boutique hotels or bed and breakfast
establishme nts
8. Small-scale healthcare or wellness clinics

Small enterprises are important contributors to

the economy, providing employment
opportunities, fostering innovation, and support!
ng local comm un ities ・ 口加□

What is medium enterprise and

A medium enterprise is a business that falls

examples 6:49 PM "
between small enterprises and large
corporations in terms of size, revenu 巳 and
number of employees・ Medium enterprises
typically have more resources and a larger
market presenee compared to small enterprises
but are still smaller and more agile than large

Examples of medium enterprises in elude:

1. Regi onal or n at io nal chai n restaurants \z

or food service companies

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IOII ^1 ll^l pi 10^0 and large corporations in
terms of size, revenue, and number of
employees・ Medium enterprises typically
have more resources and a larger market
presenee compared to small enterprises but
are still smaller and more agile than large

Examples of medium enterprises in elude:

1. Regi onal or n at io nal chai n restaurants

or food service companies
2. Medium-sized manufacturing companies
producing goods for a broader market
3. Specialized consulting firms with a
regional or n at io nal die nt base
4. Wholesale distribution companies serving
a specific geographic area or in dustry
5. Mid-sized tech no logy compa nies
offering software solutions or IT services
6. Regi onal hotel chai ns or hospitality
groups with multiple locations
7. Medium-sized construction firms
undertaking larger projects and contracts
8. Healthcare facilities such as medium-
sized hospitals or clinics with multiple

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multiple locatio ns

Medium enterprises play an important role in the

economy, often serving as key contributors to
employment, economic growth, and innovation
within their respective industries and regions. 6:
49 PM

What is large enterprise and examples

6:53 PM "

A large enterprise, also known as a corporation

or multinational corporation, is a business entity
that operates on a global scale and typically has
significant resources, extensive operations, and
a large number of employees・ Large
enterprises often have a broad market presenee
and may have multiple subsidiaries or divisions
operating in various countries and in dustries ・

Examples of large en terprises in elude:

1. Fortune 500 companies such as Walmart

ExxonMobil, Apple, and Amaz on
2. Global automotive manufacturers like Toyota,
Volkswagen, and General Motors

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Walmart, ExxonMobil, Apple, and Amaz on
2. Global automotive manufacturers like Toyota,
Volkswagen, and General Motors
3. Multi natio nal tech no logy compa nies such
as Microsoft Google, and Sams ung
4. Intern at io nal banking and finan cial
institutions like JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, and
5. Pharmaceutical companies with a global
reach, such as Pfizer, Novartis, and Merck
6. Major airlines like Delta Air Lines, American
Airlines, and Lufthansa
7. Large telecommunications companies such as
AT&T; Verizon, and Vodafo ne
8. Global consumer goods companies like
Procter & Gamble, Unilever, and Nestle

Large enterprises often have diverse product

lines or service offerings, expa nsive supply chai
ns, and sign ifica nt in flue nee on the global
economy. They are major employers and play a
crucial role in shaping in dustry tren ds, tech no
logical inno vatio n, and intern at io nal trade.
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