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**Content Calendar: Real Estate Listing Reviews on TikTok**

**Objective:** To provide engaging and informative content to viewers interested in real estate
listings, offering insights, tips, and entertainment.

**Frequency:** Daily

**Week 1: Introduction and Overview**

- **Day 1:** Introduction Video: Introduce the TikTok account and its purpose.

- **Day 2:** Explaining Criteria: Discuss criteria used for reviewing real estate listings.

- **Day 3:** Tour of Typical Listing: Provide a walkthrough of a typical real estate listing.

- **Day 4:** Q&A: Answer commonly asked questions about real estate listings.

- **Day 5:** Highlight of Unique Features: Showcase unique features in a specific listing.

- **Day 6:** Tips for First-Time Homebuyers: Offer advice for those new to the real estate market.

- **Day 7:** Recap and Engagement: Recap the week's content and encourage viewer engagement
through comments and likes.

**Week 2: Location Spotlights**

- **Day 8:** Introduction to Location Spotlights Series: Introduce the concept of exploring different

- **Day 9:** Spotlight on Urban Living: Review listings in urban areas.

- **Day 10:** Suburban Gems: Explore listings in suburban neighborhoods.

- **Day 11:** Rural Retreats: Review listings in rural areas.

- **Day 12:** Historic Districts: Showcase listings in historic neighborhoods.

- **Day 13:** Waterfront Properties: Highlight listings near water bodies.

- **Day 14:** Recap and Engagement: Recap the week's location spotlights and encourage viewer

**Week 3: Feature Focus**

- **Day 15:** Introduction to Feature Focus Series: Introduce the focus on specific features within

- **Day 16:** Kitchen Showcase: Review and discuss kitchen features.

- **Day 17:** Bathroom Breakdown: Highlight different bathroom designs and amenities.
- **Day 18:** Outdoor Spaces: Explore yards, gardens, and outdoor entertainment areas.

- **Day 19:** Smart Home Tech: Review listings with advanced technology features.

- **Day 20:** Storage Solutions: Discuss storage options within properties.

- **Day 21:** Recap and Engagement: Recap the week's focus on features and encourage viewer

**Week 4: Viewer Interaction**

- **Day 22:** Poll Day: Create a poll asking viewers to vote on their favorite type of property.

- **Day 23:** Viewer's Choice: Review a listing suggested by a viewer.

- **Day 24:** Behind the Scenes: Show behind-the-scenes footage of reviewing a listing.

- **Day 25:** Testimonials: Share testimonials from satisfied buyers or renters.

- **Day 26:** FAQ Roundup: Address frequently asked questions from viewers.

- **Day 27:** Bloopers and Outtakes: Share humorous moments from filming.

- **Day 28:** Recap and Future Sneak Peek: Recap the week's interactive content and offer a sneak
peek into future content.

Adjust the content calendar as needed based on viewer feedback, trends in the real estate market,
and any special events or promotions. Additionally, ensure to engage with viewers regularly by
responding to comments, messages, and creating content based on their suggestions and interests.

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