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Luyện Thi Đại Học –


sy llabus
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 1: He wasn't aware that only one mistake could________his chances of getting
the job.
A. destroy B. damage C. ruin D. devastate
Question 2: The committee________and censured him for his uncooperative attitude.
A. reprimanded B. scolded C. reproached D.rebuked
Question 3: There were 79 killed and 230 ________in a bomb explosion at the embassy.
A. injured B. wounded C. hurt D. ached
Question 4: This wine comes________recommended. You should try it!
A. high B. highly C. heighten D. height
Question 5: The police have every good________to believe that he is guilty.
A. excuse B. cause C. reason D. ground
Question 6: You should be________ofyourselffor telling such lies.
A. shy B. bashful C. inhibited D. ashamed
Question 7: His new car is the________of all his friends.
A. envy B. jealousy C. grudge D. grievance
Question 8: ________is a strong, dangerous wind that forms itself into an upside-down
spinning cone and is able to destroy buildings as it moves across the ground.
A. Typhoon B. Hurricane C. Cyclone D. Tornado
Question 9: A________of $10,000 has been offered for the capture of his murderer.
A. prize B. gift C. bounty D. award
Question 10: Big supermarkets can undercut all________, especially small high- street
A. rivals B. opponents C. contenders D. challenger
Question 11: The rain has been________since this morning, which makes me feel bored.
A. continuous B. continual C. continuation D. continuity
Question 12: A system of checks and balances exists to ensure that our government
A. positively B. genuinely C. actually D. truly
Question 13: You can't complain of being________when you don't make any effort to
meet people.
A. alone B. lonely C. solitary D. loneliness
Question 14: It is reported that the building was completely________by fire.
A. spoilt B. ruined C. damaged D. destroyed
Question 15: He never raised his voice or________his children unfairly.
A. chided B. scolded C. reproached D. reprimanded
Question 1: You_______to our conversation. It was private
A. haven't been listening B. shouldn't have been listening
C. couldn't have been listening D. hadn’t been listening
Question 2: Because of the Aleuts' constant exposure to cold weather, they have long
A. and body needs to be fat B. body needs the fat
C. how fat the body needs D. the body's needs for fat
Question 3: Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of _______
A. what it is conceived B. that is conceived
C. what is conceived to be D. that is being conceived of
Question 4: Anne was not_______to think that the test was too difficult
A. who B. the one who C. the only one D. among the people
Question 5: The President_______a speech, but in the end he_______his mind.
A. would deliver - had changed B. was going to deliver - changed
C. delivered - had changed D. was delivering - changed
Question 6: At the start of the 21st century, Liverpool still takes pride in its
achievements, _______it one of the most exciting places to visit in the UK.
A. that makes B. made C. making D. to make
Question 7: The bank has over 100 branches, _______in a major urban area.
A. each locating B. each located
C. the location of which D. and are located
Question 8: _______is someone who can reduce spending without hurting morale.
A. what is needed B. what needs C. being needed D. that which needs
Question 9: The boss left firm instructions: under no circumstances_________
A. should the office leave B. is the office to be left
C. we are to leave the office D. should leave the office
Question 10: "Have you decided on a present yet?" - "Almost, i need to choose one
A. exciting new two spy novels B. two spy exciting new novels
C. new two exciting spy novels D. two exciting new spy novels
Question 11: Some people are_______interested in animals than in other people.
A. further B. far more C. much D. most
Question 12: She has a 12-year-old and a 5-year-old, so I guess I spoke to the
A. older one out of B. one who is older than the
C. older of the D. older than the
Question 13: "I boughtyou some flowers." - "They're beautiful, butyou_______.”
A. needn’t B. shouldn’t have
C. mustn’t have D. didn't have
Question 14: It’s unlikely that two students would write identical compositions
A. one who copies the other B. one copying from the other
C. one to copy the other’s D. each other's copying
Question 15: Company policy states that, upon arrival, all employees are _______at the
front desk.
A. to sign in B. signing in
C. having to sign in D. going to have to sign in
Question 16: Contact lenses_______of acrylic are more transparent and less fragile than
lenses made of glass.
A. making B. made
C. are made D. which made
Question 17: The accountant broke the law, so it would be irresponsible of the
A. if they won’t fire him B. not to fire him
C. that they not fire him D. for not firing him
Question 18: I hope everything’s OK. They_______several hours ago.
A. were to have called B. would have called
C. have called D. supposed to call
Question 19: In case he asks, tell him that I’ve already read his e-mail and______
A. wrote back him B. written him back
C. have written back him D. wrote to him back
Question 20: They’re early risers, so they're unlikely_______at this hour.
A. that they are sleeping B. having slept
C. to sleep D. to be sleeping
Question 21: _______does not circle around the earth was proven by Galileo.
A. since the rest of the universe B. as the rest of the universe
C. the rest of the universe D. that the rest of the universe
Question 22: It is believed that_______students will pass the exam with flying colors.
A. each and every B. each one of the
C. all of D. every
Question 23: Thomas Malthus claimed that disease, war, famine, and_______act as
checks on population growth.
A. moral restraining B. morally restrain
C. by moral restraint D. moral restraint
Question 24: _______came_______as the injured cat was so weak.
A. Afterwards/dying B. Death/X
C. Soon/death D. Then/to die
Question 25: Probably no man had more effect on the daily lives of most people in the
United State_______.
A. as Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production.
B. rather than Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production.
C. than did Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production.
D. more than Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production.
Question 26: I would rather_______my holiday in Egypt than in Turkey. I really couldn't
stand the food.
A. take B. had taken C. to have taken D. have taken
Question 27: _______that we decided to cancel the polo match.
A. Such was a weather B. Such terrible weather was it
C. So terrible a weather was it D. The weather was such
Question 28: Why didn't you tell me you needed help? I_______you.
A. must have helped B. could have helped
C. could help D. was able to help
Question 30: Mark Twain began his career on a newspaper and_______to be a journalist.
A. long considering himself B. himself long considered
C. long considered himself D. was long himself considered

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