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Strategy into execution story – Linkedin – 26.01.

Why Marketing leaders should stay away from execution.

Embracing servant leadership is trendy in the corporate world, but its application in marketing often
leads to confusion. Servant leadership, rooted in serving others, becomes problematic when linked to
execution. A vivid example unfolds at Fruitreal, a leading fruit juice company. Urged by the Jazz-
loving Marketing Director, they hosted a Jazz festival, "Citrus Symphony," a hit that, despite drawing
crowds, questioned its relevance to Fruitreal's core strategy.

The festival, adorned with vibrant stages and fruity delights, failed to align with Fruitreal's focus on
nutritional benefits and natural juice profiles. Lessons learned were pivotal; branding events must
resonate with core values. While "Citrus Symphony" was memorable, it confused consumers,
prompting them to drop the brand.

Investigation exposed the Marketing Director's insistence, ignoring the brand team's dissonance. This
tale underscores servant leadership's core: trust and team empowerment. Marketing leaders should
focus on strategic direction, avoiding the 'I know' blind spot, ensuring a cohesive connection
between strategy and execution.

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