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Legal Disease: Zombie Plague 3

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Plague Variants ...................................................................3
Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon Fetid Stench ...................................................................................3
ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast Blood Hounds ................................................................................3
product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Fungal Clickers ..............................................................................3
Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. Rage Runners ................................................................................3
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of Rotten Retchers .............................................................................3
the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with Glowers (Radioactive Z's) ........................................................... 3
permission under the Open Game License. Frost Zombies / Frosties ............................................................. 4
All other original material in this work including the Ooze Zombies / Blobbies ............................................................ 4
Illuminhaughti logo below is copyright 2020 by Keen Hive Mind Zombies ...................................................................... 4
Hudson, published under the Open Game License. Swamprotters ................................................................................4
On the Cover Sleepers ..........................................................................................4
Cover art an original edit of a photograph of Toronto Zombie Insect Infested ............................................................................... 5
Walk 2014 by Peter Kudlacz licensed under Creative Slow Rotters .................................................................................. 5
Commons Attribution 2.0 from Monster: Plague Zombie .............................................................5 Bloaters ...........................................................................................6
Screechers ......................................................................................6
Acknowledgements Reanimator Serum .......................................................................6
Thank you to George Romero, John Russo, Robert Kirkman, Mad Rash ........................................................................................6
Sam Raimi, Lucio Fulci, Stuart Gordon, Danny Boyle, Abe Monster: Mad Rash Maniac ........................................................6
Forsythe, Edgar Wright, Yeon Sang-ho, Ruben Fleischer, Monster: Plague Zombie Herd ...................................................7
Zack Snyder, Peter Jackson, Robert Rodriguez, Cary Zombie Herd (Reduced Threat) .................................................7
Murnion, Andrew Currie, Warren Ellis and Garth Ennis for
laying down heavy hitters.


Disease: Zombie Plague Fungal Clickers
These zombies are victims of a parasitic fungus and have the
Inspired by the shambling corpses from classic Romero plant type in addition to being undead. They have resistance
horrors and beyond, the infectious Zombie Plague virus is to bludgeoning damage. They sense the world via
transferred through bites and bodily fluids. While they aren't Echolocation and have a 60ft Blindsight. They cannot see
much of a threat alone, the incurable disease in a Plague beyond this radius and can't use its Blindsight while
Zombie bite make them far deadlier than your average Deafened. A Fungal Clicker's head explodes when it drops to
Monster Manual walker. In herds their sheer numbers can 0 hit points, releasing a cloud of spores. Each creature within
demolish buildings and easily tear creatures apart. 10 feet of it must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving
DM Warning! Using plague zombies and zombie plague throw or take 3 (1d6) poison damage and become infected
variant diseases will ratchet up the deadly factor of a with Fungal Clicker strain of the Plague Zombie Virus.
campaign by a considerable amount. There is no nonmagical
cure for the Zombie Plague, making it especially spooky in Rage Runners
magic-sparse 5E Modern games. These zombies gain +10ft movement speed and may take
Dash as a bonus action. They have disadvantage on Dexterity
Zombie Plague (Stealth) checks, snarling after and violently attacking any
Creatures exposed to the Zombie Plague must make a DC 13 living thing they can find, staying on a target until an easier
Constitution saving throw or be infected with the zombie
catch comes along, it escapes, or the zombie beats it into jelly.
Living Variant: These Rage Runner zombies count as
virus. It is up to the DM which creature types are affected by
living and are immune to effects that turn undead. 1d4+3
the disease, though humanoids, giants and beasts are the weeks after infection, these living zombies will starve to
most common victims. An infected creature cant be healed by death. This variant does not reanimate dead bodies.
non magical means. Once infected, it must make a DC 13
Constitution saving throw every hour, taking 2 (1d4) necrotic
Rotten Retchers
damage on a failed save. The damage increases by 2 (1d4) for
This strain causes the zombie's throat to develop extra
organs allow them to puke acid at a target at range. They
each saving throw it has made against the disease, to a
have immunity to acid damage. They gain the following
maximum of 10 (5d4). This damage lowers its Hit Point attack:
maximum by an amount equal to the damage taken. If the Spit Acid (Recharge 5-6). A stream of acid ejects from the
disease is cured, they regain their missing Hit Point maximum, zombie's mouth in a 30ft line that is 5ft wide. Each creature
but if their hit point maximum is reduced to 0 they die and in the line must succeed on a DC13 Dexterity saving throw or
rise as a zombie carrying the disease in 1d4 hours.
be covered in acid until a creature uses its action to clean the
acid off itself or another creature. A creature covered in the
acid takes 2d4 damage at start of each of its turns. A creature
Plague Zombie Variant Options: killed by this acid damage raises from the dead in 6d10+10
Fetid Stench
minutes as a Rotten Retcher variant zombie.
Any creature with a sense of smell that starts its turn within 5 Glowers (Radioactive Z's)
feet of the Zombie (or within 20 feet of a Zombie Herd) must More often found in scifi settings, but possibly seen shuffling
succeed on a DC13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned around in a toxic dump outside a mad scientist's laboratory,
until the start of the creature's next turn. On a successful Glowers' slowly melting bodies are riddled with radiation
saving throw, the creature is immune to the stench of all (presented in 5e DnD as radiant/necrotic energy). As their
zombies for 24 hours. After 6 successful saving throws, a namesake implies, Glowers shed a dim greenish light in a
creature becomes immune to the Zombie's Fetid Stench 10ft radius. When a creature moves into this glowing area for
forever. the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, that creature
Blood Hounds
must succeed on a DC13 Constitution saving throw or take
1d4 damage that is both radiant and necrotic, and it suffers
Blood Hound zombies have advantage on melee attack rolls one level of exhaustion. Glowers have resistance to radiant
against any living creature that doesn't have all its hit points. and necrotic damage and their melee attacks deal an extra 1
They have resistance to slashing damage. They have necrotic damage on a hit. When a Glower is killed, its melty
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell, corpse remains a source of radiation, still producing the
aiding in tracking prey. As a bonus action, the zombie can sickening green light and its effects in a 10ft radius. A sleeper
move up to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see. who doesn't eat a humanoid brain each week will become
Pounce. If the Blood Hound zombie moves at least 10 feet feral and become a monster under the DM's control until they
straight toward a creature and then hits it with a Lunge & eat a humanoid brain and regain their faculties.
Tackle attack on the same turn, the target must succeed on a
DC 11 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the
target is prone, the Blood Hound zombie can make one bite
attack against it as a bonus action.

Frost Zombies / Frosties Hive Mind Zombies
These undead roam frozen landscapes, crunching across the Each Hive Mind Zombie can be thought of as a cell of a much
tundra. They have Immunity to cold damage and the larger organism- the virus granting a telepathic link between
following melee attack: its hosts and making them far deadlier hunters. To represent
Chilling Grapple On a hit, the target takes (1d6) cold the alien consciousness of the Virus controlling the hosts,
damage, is grappled, and it can’t regain hit points until the Hive Mind zombies and herds have Intelligence, Wisdom and
start of its next turn. Charisma scores of 8 (-1).
Viral Telepathy. Hive Mind zombies immediately
Ooze Zombies / Blobbies telepathically communicate what they precieve to other Hive
This variant affects the elasticity of the zombie's body, Mind Zombies within a 1 Mile radius.
allowing it to squeeze and stretch its form before retracting Pack Tactics. A Hive Mind Zombie has advantage on an
into a vauge approximation of its original shape. For 1d4+3 Attack roll against a creature if at least one of the zombies's
days after infection, the virus mutates the infection site, allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn't
smushy tumors slowly radiating out from the wound and then Incapacitated. Hive Mind Zombie Herds always have
affecting the lymph nodes and organs before death and advantage on their attack rolls.
reanimation. Blobbies are an Ooze type creature in addition Static Hiss. A side effect of their Viral Telepathy, each Hive
to being undead. They have a Blindsight of 60 ft (blind beyond Mind Zombie emits a dull droning hiss noise audible out to
this radius). 120ft. Within 5ft, this noise produces the effects of the
Ooze. Blobbies have immunity to the blinded, charmed, Silence spell (though the Zombie can hear through it
deafened, exhaustion, frightened and prone Conditions and perfectly fine). In herds, this hiss grows into a harsh static,
Resistance to piercing, slashing, acid, cold, fire and lightning the sound audible for up to 1 Mile, and the silencing effect
damage. ranging out to 60ft from the herd. In modern or futuristic
Amorphous. The Blobby can move through any space settings, the Static Hiss disrupts communications equipment
large enough for a humanoid ribcage without squeezing. The within range- all they hear on the other end is dead air.
skeleton can rearrange itself inside the amorphous body to Turn Immunity. Hive Mind Zombies are immune to effects
suit its movement through small spaces, but cannot be or left that turn undead.
behind or removed from the blobby.
Spider Climb. The Blobby can climb difficult surfaces, Swamprotters
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make In nature, decay is the beginning of new life, and these
an ability check. zombies are host to microbiomes supporting local flora. They
Blobbies may exhibit further adapations like: are plant types in addition to being undead. They often lie
Corrosive Form. A creature that touches the blobby or hits motionless for weeks at a time until prey comes within range.
it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 4 (1d8) Swamprotters are resistant to fire and acid damage.
acid damage. Any nonmagical weapon made of metal or False Appearance. While the swamprotter remains
wood that hits the blobby corrodes. After dealing damage, the motionless, it is indistinguishable from a tangle of vines or
weapon takes a permanent and cumulative −1 penalty to clump of plants.
damage rolls. If its penalty drops to −5, the weapon is Rotting Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 10
destroyed. ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d8) necrotic damage.
Nonmagical ammunition made of metal or wood that hits They may exhibit any of the following features:
the blobby is destroyed after dealing damage. Constricting Vines. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach
The blobby can eat through 2-inch-thick, nonmagical wood 10 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage, and a
or metal in 1 round. Large or smaller target is grappled (escape DC 12). Until this
Regeneration. The Blobby regains 5 hit points at the start grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the swamprotter
of its turn. If the Blobby takes cold, fire or lightning damage can’t constrict another target.
this trait doesn't function at the start of the Blobby's next
turn. The Blobby dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit points Sleepers
and doesn't regenerate. Sleeper Strain zombies retain their personality, alignment
and intelligence after death. Sleepers often just think they are
Ratkings / Poolers feeling very ill and don't yet know they've even died. The first
Under certain circumstances like the application of intense major symptom (if they havent yet noticed their heart no
pressure (a group of Blobbies smushing into a tunnel after longer beats and they dont need to breathe) most infected
the same prey) or heat (a witless wizard hitting a Blobby notice is the constant compulsive desire to consume raw
Plague Zombie Horde with a fireball spell) on a mass of Ooze meat for 1d4+3 days. Then the extent of their disease
Plague Zombies in contact with one another, they will fuse becomes apparent as the hunger for humanoid flesh begins
together into a singular monster called a Ratking or Pooler to overwhelm them: the Sleeper must succeed on a DC20
by survivors. Use the Zombieclot stat block (see: Van Wisdom saving throw or try to eat the nearest humanoid
Richten's Guide to Ravenloft) and apply Ooze Zombie traits. creature it can find. If a Sleeper eats a humanoid's brain, it
A Blobby Zombieclot is a CR 7 creature. gains fragments of that humanoid's memory, knowledge,
skills and personality (as the DM sees appropriate).

Infested Plague Zombie Variants Slow Rotters
Infested Plague Zombies have horrifying visible signs of The zombification process changes the physiology of these
insect infestation, maggots wriggling from holes bored across infected corpses, making them suprisingly resilient. Slow
their poxed bodies and wings buzzing in the air around them. Rotters have Resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing,
Inside each Infested Plague Zombie hides an Undead swarm Cold and Necrotic damage. The are rotting, but do so at an
of insects, which bursts from the corpse and seeks to infect exceptionally slow rate, and can remain active for 2d4+2
new hosts. Insect Variants include: years before deterioration if not left exposed to the elements.
The Swarm of Maggots in each of these zombies use their Plague Zombie
Infestation action to spread this strain of the Zombie Plague.
Maggots eat away the zombies eyes and fall from its mouth as Medium undead, unaligned
it shuffles and moans. Pairs well with Fetid Stench. Armor Class 8
Hit Points 22 (3d8 + 9)
Wasps Speed 20ft.
Trypophobics beware, each of these zombies are walking
hives for a Swarm of Wasps. This airborne vector is an
especially terrifying way to spread a zombie virus. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
13 (+1) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 6(-2) 5(-3)
An absolute horror for the chilopodophobic, the Swarms of Damage Immunities Poison
Centipedes within these zombies crawl across the corpse's Condition Immunities Poison, Exhausted, Frightened
surface in a thick mass, granting the zombie +1 AC and Senses darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 8
advantage on grapple checks. Challenge 1/2
Spiders Zombie Plague. Creatures damaged by a Zombie's
Arachnophobics turn back now. The undead Swarms of Bite attack must make a DC 13 Constitution saving
Spiders nesting in these web-covered Plague Zombies grant throw or be infected with the zombie virus. The
them the following abilities: infected creature cant be healed by non magical
Spider Climb: The spider infested plague zombie can climb means. Once infected you must make a DC 13
difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without Constitution saving throw every hour, taking 2
needing to make an ability check. (1d4) necrotic damage on a failed save. The
Web (Recharge 5-6): Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, damage increases by 2 (1d4) for each saving throw
range 30/60 ft., one creature. Hit: The target is restrained by you have made against the disease, to a maximum
webbing. As an action, the restrained target can make a DC of 10 (5d4). This damage lowers your Hit Point
12 Strength check, bursting the webbing on a success. The maximum by an amount equal to the damage taken.
webbing can also be attacked and destroyed (AC 10; hp 5; If the disease is cured you regain your missing Hit
vulnerability to fire damage; immunity to bludgeoning, Point maximum, but if your hit point maximum is
poison, and psychic damage). reduced to 0 you die and rise as a zombie carrying
the disease in 1d4 hours.
Rot Grubs Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zombie to
Creatures killed by undead rot grubs turn into zombies in 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving
2d4+2 minutes. Melee attacks made by Plague Zombies throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless
infested with a Swarm of Rot Grubs have the following the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a
addition: success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead.
On a hit, the target is infested by 1d4 rot grubs. At the start
of each of the target's turns, the target takes 1d6 necrotic Actions
damage per rot grub infesting it. Applying fire to the bite Lunge & Tackle. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
wound before the end of the target's next turn deals 1 fire reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning
damage to the target and kills these rot grubs. After this time, damage. The target must succeed on a DC11 STR
these rot grubs are too far under the skin to be burned. If a saving throw or be grappled and knocked prone.
target infested by rot grubs ends its turn with 0 hit points, it
dies as the rot grubs burrow into its heart and kill it. Any Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
effect that cures disease kills all rot grubs infesting the target. one target. Attack is made at advantage against
grappled targets. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.
Insects or Beetles
These more generic plague infestations of Swarms of
Insects or Swarms of Beetles are less deadly options to let
you tone down the threat level if need be, conferring no
additional bonuses to their undead hosts.

Bloaters Mad Rash
These zombies fill with gasses as their organs decompose, A Living variant featuring unsettling rashes, most noticeably
taking their name from their grossly engorged bellies. They across the infected's face. Rashies retain most of their
may appear among any other type of infection, and are more intelligence, though it is skewed by rage and a lack of impulse
a specialized form than a full variant. control, and they hunt the uninfected in packs. The virus boils
If a Bloater takes fire damage or damage that isn't a head their consciousness down into its cruelest and most vicious
shot (represented by either a critical hit or a total over 20 on form- infected parents will hunt their children,
the attack roll), it explodes and showers a 15ft radius with schoolteachers their students, and partners their lovers- plus
gore. Creatures within this radius must make a DC12 any other uninfected they find along the way.
Dexterity saving throw or be covered in Bloater Muck.
Bloater Muck Variants:
Lure. The Lure variant contains a pheremone that attracts Mad Rash Maniac
other plague zombies. Plague Zombies have advantage on
perception checks made to track a creature coated in this Medium humanoid, unaligned
variant by smell, and can sense the creature while within Armor Class 12 (Hide Armor)
60ft. This effect remains until the Bloater Muck is washed Hit Points 22 (3d8 + 9)
off. Speed 30ft.
Combustible. The gasses built up inside these Bloaters
are highly combustible. If damaged by fire, the zombie
explodes like a propane tank. Each creature within 20 feet of STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
that point must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw 13 (+1) 11 (0) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 11(0) 8(-1)
or take 3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one. Flammable objects and other Condition Immunities Exhausted, Fright, Charmed
zombies within this area are lit aflame, taking 1d4 fire Skills Athletics +3, Stealth +2, Intimidation +1
damage at the start of each round. Senses Passive Perception 10
Flammable. These zombies are filled with highly Languages Any languages it knew pre-infection
flammable oils that splatter on creatures around them when Challenge 1/2
they pop. Creatures coated in Flammable Bloater Muck have
Vulnerability to Fire damage. Mad Rash Plague. Creatures damaged by a MRM's
Diseased. The Bloater Muck of these zombies is infected Bite attack or exposed to its bodily fluids must
with addtional diseases, to the DM's discretion. make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be
Fungal. Noxious spores replace the Bloater Muck in these infected with the virus. The infected creature cant
infected. When killed, it expells a 20ft cloud of musky spores be healed by non magical means. Once infected, a
that choke and incapacitate breathing creatures within creature develops the telltale rash and gains a
(DC13 Constitution saving throw to negate). random form of Long-term madness that manifests
1d4 minutes after infection and lasts for the
Screechers duration. In addition, the creature becomes
Emitting piercing shrieks to alert other zombies of the homicidal, intent on killing or infecting any non
location of prey, Screechers gain the following: infected creatures it can find. After 1d4+2 days of
Keen Hearing: The Screecher variant has advantage on not being able to find prey, MRM will often turn on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing. each other. The virus heats the brain and over time
Shriek: When a creature is within 30 feet of the shrieker, it will kill the host- 2d4+2 weeks after infection, the
emits a shriek audible within 1 mile of it. The Screecher MRM will begin taking 1d4 psychic damage each
variant continues to shriek until the disturbance moves out of day, dying when it reaches 0 Hit Points.
sight and for 1d4 of the Screecher's turns afterward. Pack Tactics. A MRM has advantage on an attack roll
Screechers which hear the Shriek of another Screecher may against a creature if at least one of the MRM's allies
take Dash as a bonus action to move towards the source. is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't
Reanimator Serum Z's
Zombies created by an alchemical process, Reanimator Actions
serum variants are creations of science that aren't affected by Lunge & Tackle. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
the trappings of religion or the divine. They gain: reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning
Turn Immunity. Reanimator Serum Variants are immune damage. The target must succeed on a DC11 STR
to effects that turn undead. saving throw or be grappled and knocked prone.
Magic Resistance. These variants have advantage on
saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Damage Resistances. Necrotic, Radiant, Cold, Lightning. one target. Attack is made at advantage against
Sharper than the Average Corpse. Reanimator serum grappled targets. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.
variants have Intelligence 5 and Wisdom 10. Bloody Knife. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range
5ft ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage
and Constitution save vs Mad Rash Plague.

Plague Zombie Herd Swarm: The swarm can occupy another creature's
space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through
Gargantuan Swarm of Medium undead, unaligned
any opening large enough for a medium humanoid. The
Armor Class 8 swarm can't regain Hit Points or gain temporary HP.
Hit Points 600 (120d8 + 360) Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zombie herd
Speed 20ft. to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving
throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the
damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the herd drops to 1 hit point instead.
19 (+4) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 6(-2) 5(-3) Flammable. If the swarm takes fire damage, the dry
zombies burn on subsequent turns. A burning herd
Damage Vulnerabilities Fire sheds bright light in a 30ft radius and dim light for an
Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic additional 30ft. At the end of each of its turns takes
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing 1d4 fire damage, but its attacks deal an extra 1d4 fire
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Exhausted, damage and flammable structures it touches ignite.
Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified, Prone, Restrained,
Stunned Actions
Senses darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 8
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) Multiattack. The Swarm makes three attacks.
Fingernails and Gnashing Teeth (swarm has more than
Zombie Plague. Creatures bitten by a Zombie must half HP). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, 0 ft., one
make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be infected target in the swarm's space. Hit: 22 (6d6+4)
with the zombie virus. The infected creature cant be bludgeoning/piercing damage.
healed by non magical means. Once infected you must
make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw every hour, Fingerails and Gnashing Teeth (swarm has half HP or
taking 2 (1d4) necrotic damage on a failed save. The less). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 0 ft., one
damage increases by 2 (1d4) for each saving throw you target in the swarm's space. Hit: 13 (3d6 + 4)
have made against the disease, to a maximum of 10 bludgeoning/piercing damage.
(5d4). This damage lowers your Hit Point maximum by Overrun (swarm has more than half HP only). Melee
an amount equal to the damage taken. If the disease is Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 5ft, one target. Hit: 22
cured you regain your missing Hit Point maximum, but (6d6+4) bludgeoning/piercing damage, and the target
if your hit point maximum is reduced to 0 you die and must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be
rise as a zombie carrying the disease in 1d4 hours. restrained or knocked prone. This attack deals double
damage to structures and barricades.

Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zombie herd

Zombie Herd (Reduced Threat) to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving
Gargantuan Swarm of Medium undead, unaligned
throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the
damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success,
Armor Class 8 the horde drops to 1 hit point instead.
Hit Points 400 (40d8 + 120)
Speed 20ft. Flammable. If the swarm takes fire damage, the
zombies burn on subsequent turns. A burning herd
sheds bright light in a 30ft radius and dim light for an
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA additional 30ft. At the end of each of its turns it takes
19 (+4) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 6(-2 5(-3 1d4 fire damage, but its attacks deal an extra 1d4 fire
damage & flammable things it touches ignite.
Damage Vulnerabilities Fire Actions
Damage Immunities Poison
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing Multiattack. The Swarm makes three attacks.
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Exhausted,
Fingernails and Gnashing Teeth (swarm has more than
Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified, Prone, Restrained,
Stunned half HP). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, 0 ft., one
target in the swarm's space. Hit: 22 (6d6+4)
Senses darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 8
bludgeoning/piercing damage.
Challenge 8
Fingerails and Gnashing Teeth (swarm has half HP or
Swarm: The swarm can occupy another creature's less). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 0 ft., one
space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through target in the swarm's space. Hit: 13 (3d6 + 4)
any opening large enough for a medium humanoid. The bludgeoning/piercing damage.
swarm can't regain Hit Points or gain temporary HP.

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