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Sharp 9

Score: 5pts
Time has come for us to do our second composition!
Read the instructions carefully and let’s get started!


On Unit 5 of your Student’s book, we could talk about food and the love for it. Now, it’s time
for you to do some research and to prepare a composition about the world-class chefs!

Here follows the information you must give on your composition:

INTRODUCTION: (1st paragraph, 2-4 lines)

a) What does a Michelin Guide mean to the world’s

cuisine? Where does it come from? How does it

BODY: (2nd paragraph, 15-20 lines)

a) Who is the most decorated Michelin star chef in the world? How many stars does s/he
b) Is there any Brazilian chef decorated with The Michelin star?
a) Which chef did you choose to write about? Why?
b) Introduce him/her (name, origin, kind of food s/he cooks, workplace, number of stars etc)
CONCLUSION: (3rd paragraph, 2-4 lines)

a) Why do you think people are more and more interested

in becoming chefs nowadays?
b) Although cooking is considered one of women’s household chores, why are the most
chefs male? How can women change this reality and become more well-known in this

 The information doesn’t have to be in order. Do it on your way! Be creative!
 Write it on a separate piece of paper.
 Use at least 3 quantity expressions + countable or uncountable nouns (See Student’s
book page 45)
 Use at least 1 sentence with “Used to” + 1 sentence with “Would”
 Use at least 4 different phrasal verbs (See list Step Up has sent you)
 Use at least 2 different modal verbs
 Use at least 2 different sentences using passive voice
 It’s a composition so, don’t forget to use some nice connectors (at least 5 different ones)
to link all the information above.
 Your composition must have at least 20 written lines and should not be over 35.
 Please, do not only copy the research, try to use your own words!

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