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winter/ s p r ~ % l87


Yelcome t o 1907!! By this time, I'm sure you've a l l started Congratulations t o the 300 Secret Society members who uere
settling i n t o what w i l l hopefully be a great year for ALL o f u s ! ! randody picked i n our 'Telephone Call Concert Giveauay' i n ear 1 y
We're certainly o f f t o a b i g start u i t h the LON6 avaited release Nove~ber86. Lucky members Mere phoned at the l a s t minute t o coae
o f 'BOI-HGO1, on the racks a5 o f Harch 2! A lot of extra t o i l and witness a r a r e 3 o u by the Boingos i n an intimate s e t t i n g a t the
torment went i n t o making t h i s baby, but we knew that you true Beverly Theater in Beverly H i l l s , The show wa5 broadcast l i v e
Boingoloids wouldn't settle for less. We hope you're as pleased coast-to-coast over the "College Sattelitr Network' t o over 400
u i t h i t as w are. The f i r s k s i n g l e is 'MOT HY SLAVE' backed with subscribing colleges (as uell as c e r t a i n lucky table subscribers
"HE VEHERATIOH', and w i l l b e released as a 7' single, a 12' who p i c k up their local college channel on their cable system). 2
extended r e - h i % version and (hou couid we forget.,.), a video. In f a c t , the show vent over xu ~ $ 1 1 that they've been rerunning":'.:
Then get out ywr funny hats and rubber noses, as t h e Boingos ~t every so o f t e n since then, Who said theres nothing fun about --.
b r i n g tkerr t r a v e l i n g sidrshou t o YDUR neck of the voods. Early going t 11school !
A p r i l s t a r t s o f f our extensive 1987 tour i n Laurence, Kaasas,
then moving onward from there througbut the rest of the year! So -
keep your eyes and ears open, and t e l l a1 I your friends and
eneri es! OATE: December 5, 1986
PUCE: Bonaventure Hotel, Dountoun 10s Angeles
BUT DIDJYd KHM.... EVEAI: The Superstar Athletes VS Oingo Boingo

YPII, ucJrc all excited about the release of thr neu record and No, thc band hadn't decided t o throw it in as a rock band to
a l l , but if you look in the Soundtrack bins you ran find a c w p l e become a new tag teas wrestling outtit, &r vere they taping
o f other n i c e Boingo collectables these days, 'TEKAS CHAINShil anything for " B a t t l e of The Yetuork Pinheads". I n fact, the
MSSACRE 11' soundtrack took 'M0 ONE LIVES fOREVERm (one of our reason Danny, Sluggo, Johnny Vafos, John Avi la, and good o l d Leon
fd~orite4)and used i t t o definitely enhanct the flick and the were at this swank L,A. hotel, was t o go up against sore o f the
soundtrack album. Also, the aforementioned neu single 'HOT HY biggest a t h l e t i c t a l e n t i n the country (L.A. later Magic Johnson,
SLAVE', believe i t or not, has AMEADY radc i t s debut i n the forrer Raa Viwe ferragamo, former Dodger Jay Johnstone and
wtion picture soundtrack of S Its not very Olympic Gold Medalist Valerie Brirco-Hooks), i n a grizzly
noticeable ia the f i l m i t s e l f , but sounding VERY good i n i t s no-holds-barred, musc le wrenching, drag-out match o f 'Lazer Tagm!
initial uaxitig on the r o u ~ d t r a c k album (Corpact discs too!). Of Sure, i t was only an exhibition game, (put on by the makers o f
course i t s been remixed since then for the nru albur, making this the latest fad gaae, t o prohote their stuff i n tire for the
the c o l l t c t w s t i p of the nonth! Also d t r p i n the bins is 'BACK Christmas buying rush) but the pro athletes gave khe band @embers
10 SCHOOL', v i t h our album version of 'DEAD HANS PARTY' on i t . vhat you could call a good old fashioned workout. The Boingo teas
This record only features ions that wrc i n the w i t , cane out strong i n t h t f i r s t round and surprised everyone
(including Rodney Dangcrfirldts version o f 'TWIST MI) SH(WIm)and (including therselvesl as they took an early l e a d over the
unfortunately H I T any of the grtat instrumental souadtrack that seasoned gare vets. Hovevcr, a f t e r f i g u r i n g out a quick strategy
Danny I Stwr recorded. Rumor hds i t that there's a p o s s i b i l i t y (and how the Iazer-guns uorked), the star athletes proceeded t o
of a tiwndtrack album to 'PEE WEEPS Bl6 ADVENTUREm! (But ur show the public why they make a l l that roney, and came back t o
uouidn't hold our breath on that wc folks) Its just i rumor at win every game thereafter. Host, l l V f s Hark 6oodman got the post
this point, but we'll Ict ya' knw if anything develops! ! Also, 9amt interview w i t h both team captains and offcrcd consolation to
be sure ko catch 'WISWn4 i f its still i n your arc4 in the b i g the losing teal. However, all the band members uere too busy i n
theaters. Yitb the swndtrack corpostd alrost corpltttly (#I a the hack getting t h e i r free LAZEY Tag games t o take kme, When
hacintosh corputer by Hr. Oanny and arranged by Hr. Stcvc. asked for cownt on the gart, Sluggo replied, "Did ya see r e
Mharuisr, uatch for it on h o n video l a t t r this year. fxing o f f with Hagic Johnson??!'
only one of hint actually works... keeps ya' o l f the streets
th o u g r
h,besides Oingo Boin o, ywlvc dcnc ether recording
rojectr. Tell ur about the I4alfy 6ror c rcrrionr
!M: Right, it war averow. ! d m t t litl t9 t a p ;,out i t btcaurr
62T such a schmuck, but I d ~ da frat on h ~ rf ~ r s taILum.
OBSS: Heys ot MORE than 1 aIbur..S
m e a h , ? h a r l s r new on* out nou. Anyuay he uamtL even
there when we recorded it. THAT ua5 a rlstake. But the vholc
thing was a CAREER mistake! 3y the uay folks, go buy his
record. I wont aef a. d..i r e.!
IS$: b e l l s i n c i - u c ' r e on the subject of T.V., just what W) you
IN: What do I like to vatrh pn T.V.?.,. Oh Coy, t h i s is the ood
! 1
ot to give 'CHEERS' nuebrr one. Hu.b&r tuo,
and number three Igive uf100WL16HTIN6u.
ISS: So m1re an H8C !an overall.
YW!. 'COSBI' FltllLY TIES', ski 'NIGHTCOURT@ and
!hm.. .vatth 'HILL
BIREEI~ again. Then tgtrrtr the a ~ H b ~
)SS: Ahhh yes. ..where they, dump thc lamest bunch of garba e on
I* public at ' d i s r w n t ' p r m r t r y l n to convince you tha! the
~ d cby 0
~ r c e l a i nn a t i v i t scene that the Ire r y i n t o o f f for 1150, was
f r b l o u s l y v e i l [now c b a r t i s t from
M: Ri ht! And they spend a h a l f an hour on the details, 'Look
fhr ? i t t l @ fare on that cleun, hetr preclnur! Look at the
. ush i n h i s cheeks oh, he'll j u s t rake you m i l e uhenevrr you
SAH PWlPPS IHTEUVIEY: THE flAN UMHASKED b e him!' Its a D I C ~ ~ a anvwdv.
, 0
what else?

OBSS: Uhat about' your'solo stuff?

QBSS: Alright, now b a s i c a l l y uhat we want t o e t dwn and talk
S d n : e e h I've ek an albur out called V~nimal Sounds' on Orear
f i r d r , kopt-ful!~ 1'11 have another one out m t d a v .
a m h e r e is the r e a l core o f the man belind the sax. Sam OBSS: So you likc'tu get out and blov your horn on $our oun.
Phipps RAN or IYTH, l e t s t a l k about your musical background,
SAII: ~6 u e l l , .. m e a h , I like to get out and p l a y every now and again. Ihave
sort gigs i n earl Hatch a t Le Cafe1 in Encino,
iE3: do were your rusical influences and heroes as a kid? OBSS: 6etting hart: t o Boingo, Yhatls ywr favorite song t o p l a y
S d l : ~ I i I grew up l i s t e n i n g t o The Beach Boys and surf music. a n 0 personally l i r l e n to?
TiGi Igot into the blues. John Coltrane, Cecll Taylor, De~ttr SAW: l f d have t o sa HELP !Em, cause of t h e great sax solo on
Gordon, seoole like that, Of COURSE mre recently its been oeonle ~ n f o r t u n a t e l y , , ~ h e r t l only
r one snlo on t h i s ntu rlbum. Danny
l i k e Z a i f i r ' and h i s pan flute. And of course 1 was saddened' by urites son 5, and i f by sme c o s ~ i c flash he thinks of a sax
the death of r rcntor liberace, But I 'ust uant t o knw, i f he role, hrll! pub mr in. Certain rongr he frrlr r c r e n d r i v e t o a
had LIDS like {hey r a y he did, IjOU d i d dr get it? Mar h t a dope ~ 1 0 and
, c e r t a i n songs aren't.
addict did h t have a blood transKsion? I don't get it?? OBSS: O,K., now think hard, cause heres the BIB onr...uhatts the
OBSS: ! t h i n k i t "as frob a dirty candelabra. Uhat attracted you Hthin about being in the Oingos?
m ht
s saxophone? H i e n . Ue get 'e. becrurr were i n the public rye
SAl: Well, 1 used to pla troabone and none of the surf bands had X u e get t o promote thcr. I got my new oncs signed by H a g ~ c
6 i b o n r s so I rui tched l o raxophont. Johnson.
OBSS: Sounds 1 ogital. OBSS: Well Sam, we've core t o the end of our rope.. .+r, I mean
S B 1 : t s true, interview with you. How a b w t a closing statement for the fans.
UBT: When d i d you start learning music? SAU: Keep those cards and letters cornin folks. We try t o r e a d
NIskydied p r i v a t e l y on piano since I was about 5 years old,
K I surtched t o trombone and clarinet. Then Iswitched to 8
a x a n s u e r each and every one o f then. ep, k r t em coming. And
saxophone when Iuas 15 and. ..
OBSS: The motorskills develo rent years.
remember, 1 r i n c e r t l y love you d l , EACH and EVER! one o f you!

m h e hndn Yerrr. Then went t o Ocrklre College o f lurir i n
mTf and left i n 72.
OBSS: What happened?! Did you et i n trouble?
m 1 o r i l l wrote Ibad check ?he vholt ti@@I uar thrrt!
m: That s p r e t t y good for a guy i n college, When did Oingo
Boingo come in?
SdN: Well 1 b c u Oann and Leon from growing up i n L.A., Los
mcr,i a l i l o r n i r , 9&24. They v t r t l r i e n d r ol m l i t t l e slrtrr
r K
i n high school. Dann uas alvays hanging around rr so I had t o
keep an r I m him. wound up j o i n i n g i n 1973.
OIISE: ha! uar i n the da r uhen i t uas rtil l p e t t y l o o r t ro t o
r x ? A l i t t l e lore v i ~ h
SdR: Yeah, uc ustd to perforr t o t a l l y naked, u n t i l someone
c-ained.. .not r e a l l y ,
OBSS: So at what point d i d the fabled Dale Vopps' Turner enter
Sd#: Bale used t o be the janitor of the studio we worked at. Onr
d i y u c heard him r a c t i c ~ n g and said W what the h e l l , I e t s
give him a rhot'. b
ue d i d and h h e n u i k h ur ever rinrr, a
ood 9 or 10 years now. (He's oing to k i l l me for lying!)
~ S E :Hou berldrs pur hurira! hobbies, you've b t t n know t o
cat a ood old car or tw.
SRU: ( ~ a u ~ i SOW
r) row not so ood. Yeah I l i k e o l d cars.
scooter .
r cwplt 07ood,
prr 60,s cars. 01 yeah, and ilut got r Honda
OBSS: So I r u s t assume then, that you spend a lot of time h i l l i n g
around junkyards looking for arks to f ~ them x up uith?
SbX: Yeah, y?lnsu, you get there old cars and i t tatrr u the
r x r l your l i f e t r y l n p t o fir the. and mrtr them go. 1 h i n k

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