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Total vs. Open Tickets: Do you measure the ticket churn over time?

Projects Delivered on Budget: Can you keep your budget within limits?

Average Handle Time: How do you keep your tasks under control?

New Developed Features: How many features do you continually develop?

Number of Critical Bugs: How many bugs do you regularly encounter?

Server Downtime: Do you know why and when downtime happens?

Backup Frequency: How frequently do you back up your data?

Cyber Security Rating: How is your overall security strategy?

Amount Of Intrusion Attempts: What frequency & type of threats do you face?

Mean Time To Detect: How long it takes you to detect an attack threat?

Mean Time to Repair: How efficiently you deal with unexpected events?

Phishing Test Success Rate: Are your employees aware of potential threats?

Unsolved Tickets per Employee: Do you monitor employee’s effectiveness?

Reopened Tickets: Are you handling your tickets efficiently?

IT Support Employees per End Users: Do you have enough IT support?

Accuracy of Estimates: Do you estimate your team’s time correctly?

IT ROI: How profitable are your investments?

IT Costs Break Down: Are you able to identify your costs’ breakdown?
IT Costs vs. Revenue: Do you compare your IT expenses to your revenue?

Team Attrition Rate: Do you manage to keep talented employees?

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