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Dragonball: Prime

Cortex Prime is a property and trademark of Fandom

Dragonball is a property and trademark of Shueisha and Akira Toriyama
General Rules
Here are some general rules mods for Dragonball: Prime

Action Based Resolution and Action Order

Dragonball: Prime uses the Action Order and Action Base Resolution system for conflict from
Cortex Prime Handbook page 98 and page 24, respectively.

Doom Pool
Dragonball: Prime uses the Doom Pool mod from the Cortex Prime Handbook page 32 to 33.

Ki And The Ki Pool (Hero Dice)

Dragonball: Prime uses Hero Dice and the “Hero Dice as Plot Points” and “Hero Dice as Effect
Dice” mods from Cortex Prime Handbook page 30. Z-Fighters can have seven hero dice at once
time. Hero Dice represents Ki that has been charged up and saved in the fight to be used later.
In Dragonball: Prime Ki has a special function: you can spend 1 Ki to step up your Power Level
for one action, which affects Scale. See “Scaling Power Levels” under “Saga.”

When a Battle starts, characters decide whether they will be in a Battle or not. Every character
not in a Battle is on the Sidelines. Characters on the Sidelines get a turn, but they are only
allowed to make assets or complications based on their observations of the battle or step up
pre-existing assets and complications. Sidelines characters cannot directly attack without
leaving the Sidelines. Conversely, people on the Sidelines can be attacked by people in the
Battle. Either action requires spending a PP to perform.

Stress and Trauma

Dragonball: Prime uses the Stress and Trauma mod from the Cortex Prime Handbook page 39
to 41. UsePhysical and Social as the categories for Stress and Trauma.

Physical represents damages to one's person. Social represents damages to one's emotional
state. Being taken out Physically refers to succumbing to injuries. Being taken out Socially
refers to losing control of your emotions and no longer being able to meaningfully contribute.
Dragonball: Prime uses the following Traits:

The first half of the Prime set are Attributes, as the Prime Set is Attribute + Demeanor (Roles)

Dragonball: Prime uses the following Attributes:

● Physical: Your Physical ability.
● Mental: Your Mental acumen.
● Social: Your Social expertise.
See Cortex Prime Handbook pg 49.

Z Fighters have three Distinctions. These are short phrases that define the character and what
makes them unique. They all have the Hinder SFX.

● Hinder: Gain a PP when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.

In addition, you have two slots for SFX per Distinction. These are left blank initially. As a part of
Growth, you can Unlock and define these SFX as part of your further self-definition.

See Cortex Prime Handbook page 50.

Powers and Power Sets

Z-Fighters have Powers and Power Sets, with the associated SFX and Limits. Powers are their
general abilities, whereas SFX represent techniques and Limits are their weaknesses. See the
Cortex Prime Handbook page 51 to 52 for the rules. See the Cortex Prime Handbook page 182
to 193 for a list of Powers, SFX, and Limits.
Demeanor (Roles)
The second half of the Prime Set are Demeanor (Roles), as the Prime Set is Attribute +
Demeanor. Z-Fighters have a set of Demeanors that they tend to embody. These are handled
as Roles. When characters embody that Demeanor, they can add their Demeanor’s dice to the
● Cunning Strategist: How well the character can use superior battle tactics.
● Fun-Loving Fool: How well the character can relax and enjoy the flow of battle.
● Noble Coward: How well the character can recognize the stakes of the situation and
find the best solution.
● Power-Hungry Warrior: How well the character can desire power and seek it out from
the world.
Every Role has a statement to further define it such as “I Love Fighting Strong Opponents” or I
Wait And Strike When It Makes Sense. See Cortex Prime Handbook page 58-59.

Z-Fighters have a relationship with each other for free starting out. Whenever they fight an
opponent, they can spend a PP to make a d6 relationship with that character. The loser of the
battle gets the relationship for free. Relationships have a statement defining the relationship
such as I Will Surpass Him or A Trusted Ally. See Cortex Prime Handbook page 55.

Transformation (Signature Assets)

Z-Fighters have Transformations that they acquire over their lifetime. Transformations are
represented as Signature Assets. Transformations have a description. Based on their die rating,
they have a series of SFX:
● D6: No SFX
● D8: 1 SFX
● D10: 2 SFX
● D12: 3 SFX
When you raise a Transformation’s die rating, it represents unlocking the next level of that
transformation, such as Super Sayian 1 to Super Sayian 2. You can transform on your turn for
free. Your Transformation starts at its lowest level, unless you spend a PP to go to the highest
level available. You can only use the SFX associated with the current level. Your Transformation
has a cap that starts at d6 and raises with Growth. See Cortex Prime Handbook page 64-65.
Z Fighters have access to the Battle Record to undergo Growth. See Cortex Prime Handbook
page 82-83

Battle Record
After every battle, regardless of if you win or lose, you record the Battle in your Battle Record.
Battles can be spent to perform growth based on the following cost:
● Change Distinctions: 1 Battle
● Swap Attribute: 1 Battle
● Swap Demeanor: 1 Battle
● Step up a Relationship: 2 Battles
● Step up your Power Level for a Saga: 2 Battles
● Unlock Distinction SFX: 3 Battles
● Get a new d8 Power or two d6 Powers: 3 Battles
● Add a SFX to Power Set: 3 Battles
● Step up a Transformation: 3 Battles
● Add a new d6 Transformation: 4 Battles

Saga Limit
You can only do one of the following per Saga: add a Transformation or step up a
Transformation. Once you purchases one of these Growth options in a Saga, you cannot select
any of them again until the next Saga.

Dragonball: Prime uses the normal rules for GMPCs found on page 114 to 118 of the Cortex
Prime Handbook. We suggest using common sense rules for determining power sets, SFX, and
Limits. Do not feel you must limit these elements like they were player characters. Some
GMPCs will have these elements and some will not have such elements. Use the values you
feel make the most sense. Due to the nature of Cortex Prime, the GMPCs will not end up too
much stronger than the player characters, as long as you use some common sense.

Games are defined by Sagas. Sagas are long-form stories that take up multiple sessions and
are based around the defeat of a Boss GMPC. Your Growth options are somewhat limited by
Sagas (see Saga Limit under Growth).
Scaling Power Levels
Power Levels scale throughout multiple Sagas. There is always a stronger “strongest in the
universe,” just like in the source material. While the Z-Fighters may have surpassed the current
Boss, there is always someone bigger out there to give them a run for their money. The
Z-Fighters are then back to being the underdogs against this new threat.

To represent this, Dragonball Prime uses Scaling Power Levels. Every character has a base
Power Level based on their character type. Throughout a Saga, your Power Level trait can be
increased. However, at the end of the Saga, it resets to the base level it has in a Saga. The
base Power Levels are:

● D0: Nameless masses of NPCs

● D4: Supporting characters with no fighting ability
● D6: A minion of the big bad, dangerous but generally unthreatening
● D8: A Player Character or Extra
● D10: A Powerful Extra, a cut above the rest.
● D12: A Boss

When in combat, Power Levels matter. When characters of different Power Levels interact, a
Scale Dice comes into play. The side with the higher Power Level adds a Scale Dice. Scale Dice
equal the ranking of their Power Level. The stronger side also adds an extra dice to the total for
free, the equivalent of spending a PP.

When your Power Level is two or more steps lower than the higher Power Level in the
exchange, you cannot attack or inflict a complication on the stronger adversary. Their Power
Level grants an overwhelming advantage that you can’t surmount normally. However, as
outlined in “Ki (Hero Dice)”, player characters may spend “Ki” or “Hero Dice” to increase their
Power Level for one action. You can still attempt to make assets on the stronger adversary to
both aid in your battle and generate extra Ki to get step up your Power Level.

Throughout Dragonball history, there have been numerous Tenkaichi Budokais and other
tournaments. Tournaments are more formalized affairs. While a lot can be on the line, death
generally isn’t on the cards. Most tournaments have two win conditions, usually: knock your
opponent unconscious or out of the ring. To that end, every character gets a Ring Out
complication at D0 at the start of a match. This complication can be raised as normal to take out
a character. Even if a Z-Fighter is taken out through stress, due to the nature of a Tournament,
they do not take Trauma from the event and are simply taken out.
The titular Dragonballs are central to Dragonball. The Dragonball can grant a single wish. The
pursuit of the Dragonballs have been the central focus of many Dragonball sagas. Therefore, it
would make sense that the Dragonballs should have rules to cover their use and nature.
There are multiple sets of Dragonballs. You are free to make your own, but these are the canon
● Earth’s Dragonballs, which are the size of baseballs and summon Shenron to grant a
single wish. Shenron was later altered to grant two wishes. The balls then scatter across
the planet.
● Namek’s Dragonballs, which are the size of volleyballs and summon Porunga to
summon three wishes. Porunga is unique in that he cannot revive multiple people from
the dead at once. However, this was changed after the destruction of Namek. The balls
then scatter across the planet.
● The Multiverse’s Super Dragonballs, which are the size of planets and summon Super
Shenron to grant a single wish. Super Shrenon has no limits whatsoever on his power.
The balls then scatter across the multiverse.
In the expanded Dragonball universe, there are other sets of Dragonballs:
● Earth’s Black Star Dragonballs, that are the size of baseballs, which summon Ultimate
Shenron to grant a single wish with no limitations. After the wish is made, the balls
scatter across the galaxy. In one year, if the balls are not returned, the planet will
● Xeno Dende’s Dark Dragonballs, that are the size of baseballs, which summon Dark
Shenron to grant a single wish with no limitations. After the wish is made, the balls
scatter across time and space. They can fuse with evil beings to increase their power.
The Dragonballs work like an Asset and a Complication. Unlike normal Assets and
Complications, they cannot be targeted. To increase or decrease them, you must complete an
adventure where they are obtained. This is called a “Hunt.” A Hunt can last a single
action/transition scene, a session, or a series of sessions, depending on what makes sense for
the Saga. At the end of the adventure, you increase the Asset or Complication by one. It is an
Asset when the Z-Fighters have the Dragonballs and a Complication when Extras have the
This would work out as a follows: No Dragonballs (D0) → 1 Dragonball (d4) → 2 Dragonballs
(d6) → 3 Dragonballs (d8) → 4 Dragonballs (d10) → 5 Dragonballs (d12) → 6 Dragonballs
(2d12) → 7 Dragonballs (3d12)
It is possible during a longer Hunt that there can be a back-and-forth. Consider the Asset and
complications involved like a see-saw. If an Extra takes a Dragonball from you, lower your Asset
and raise their Complications, and so on and so forth. Similar to the Doom Pool, once you have
all 7 Dragonballs, you can spend the 3d12 to narrative an event to be true, with some
● You cannot kill someone, unless you use the Black Star Dragonballs or Super
● You cannot undo an event from ever happening.
● You cannot wish for more wishes.
Minus Energy And The Shadow Dragons
This is an optional rule for those who likes GT and/or wish to avoid Dragonballs from being
overused. This mod adds in a new kind of stress: Minus Energy. Minus Energy Stress, as
normal, starts at D0. Every set of Dragonballs has its own Minus Energy Stress. Whenever
someone makes a wish on a set of Dragonballs, that set steps up its Minus Energy Stress.

If Minus Energy Stress exceeds d12, the dragonballs crack revealing a “black smoke” version of
the normal dragon. The Dragonballs then give birth to a set of Shadow Dragons who must be
defeated before the Dragonballs can be used again.

Letting the Dragonballs Cool Off

If you like the above rule, but feel it's too punitive. You can have Minus Energy Stress step down
at the end of any Saga where that set of Dragonballs are not used. However, this optional rule
will likely just result in players gaming the system and the Shadow Dragons will never get
summoned. Some may prefer this, however, and just want these rules to keep players from
always going after the Dragonballs whenever a problem arises.

Either with the Potara Earings or the Metamoran Fusion dance, Z-Fighters can temporarily fuse
into one being. Due to Dragonball Super, both forms of fusion follow a similar ruleset: when
fusion is activated, the two entities become one being for 30 minutes to 1 hour and the power of
the two entities is significantly magnified.

When two Z-Fighters wish to fuse, they first have to have access to the ability to fuse. They
either need to obtain a set of Potara Earrings or learn the Metamoran Fusion Dance. Either one
costs 1 XP from both parties and needs to come up during the adventure. Afterwards, they have
access to fusion from that point forward.

To initiate fusion, both parties spend 1 PP. The two characters cease being separate entities and
instead make a new character sheet for their merged form. The Fusion has both powersets of
the fused characters and the fused character’s relationships, the Fusion makes its Attributes
and Demeanor like a starting character, the Fusion has the choice of any three Distinctions that
belong to the two characters, and the Fusion has access to all the fused characters
Transformations. The Fusion now has three points to spend as follows:
● Step up a Power
● Double a Attribute, Distinction, or Demeanor
● Raise your Power Level
● Add a d8 Power
● Add a SFX

The Fusion may reallocate these points every time the fused characters fuse.
The Fusion had a d0 Time Limit complication at the start of the Fusion. Every round, that
complication steps up. Fusions may step up the complication to step up their effect die. When
the Time Limit complication exceeds d12, the Fusion is split back into the fused characters and
both characters have d10 physical stress. Fusions always revert at the end of the scene as
described prior.

One Last Note On Character Types

Dragonball has numerous species, androids, deities, etc. Roleplaying games often have
elaborate systems to model the little differences between every single entity type. That is not our
goal here. There will be narrative limitations, of course. Only Saiyans can go Super Saiyan, for
example. However, there is no list of species, androids, etc. to use when making your character.
Any distinctions that arise can be easily handled with Distinctions, Power Sets, and

A Good Series On Making A Dragonball Story And

For those who want a quick video series on making a Dragonball Story Arc, MasakoX had a
video series on making Dragonball Story Arcs called Build A Baddie. It might be helpful for
people seeking advice on making villains, minions, a goal, a setting, and some unique
transformations. MasakoX is more Toyotaro than Toriyama when making Transformations but
the rest is solid.

Totally Not Mark has a solid series examining Dragonball from a literary perspective. The
Anatomy Of Anime series has a lot of Dragonball entries. The subject of the flat character arc is
just useful in general for pulp series like Dragonball and I suggest further reading outside the
series on the subject for those writing pulp.
Character Generation
Starting Character Generation
When making a new starting Z-Fighter, use the following steps:
1. Your Power Level is d8.
2. Assign d10, d8, d6 between your Attributes.
3. Assign d10, d8, d6, d4 to your Demeanors.
4. Create three Distinctions. Unlock Hinder. Leave two slots open for each for further
5. You have 8d8 to spend on powers and specialities.
a. A d8 can be spent to…
i. Add two d6 Powers
ii. Add a d8 Power
iii. Add an SFX to a Power Set
b. 2d8 can be spent to…
i. Add a d10 Power
c. Every Z-Fighter must have at least one Power Set, one Power, one SFX, one
Limit per Power Set, and one Speciality.
d. You may add one additional Limit to a Power Set to get an additional d8.
6. You have a d6 Relationship with every Z-Fighter in your party. Give the Relationship a
Trait Statement. You have 4 points. One point can be spent to raise a Relationship by
one step or add a new d6 Relationship with a NPC.
Z-Level Play
Some groups may prefer to start their group at a higher level. This is Z-Level play. Use the
following steps for Z-Level play:
1. Your Power Level is d8.
2. Assign d10, d8, d6 between your Attributes.
3. Assign d10, d8, d6, d4 to your Demeanors.
4. Create three Distinctions. Unlock Hinder. Leave two slots open for each for further
5. You have 12d8 to spend on powers and specialities.
a. A d8 can be spent to…
i. Add two d6 Powers
ii. Add a d8 Power
iii. Add an SFX to a Power Set
b. 2d8 can be spent to…
i. Add a d10 Power
c. Every Z-Fighter must have at least one Power Set, one Power, one SFX, one
Limit per Power Set, and one Speciality.
d. You may add one additional Limit to a Power Set to get an additional d8.
6. You have a d6 Relationship with every Z-Fighter in your party. Give the Relationship a
Trait Statement. You have 6 points. One point can be spent to raise a Relationship by
one step or add a new d6 Relationship with a NPC.
7. You have one d6 Transformation. Define it.
8. You have ten Battles in your Battle Record. Define them. These are Bonus Battles.
Spend them whenever you wish. You can ignore Saga Limit when using Bonus Battles.
Dragonball Parallels
A friend of mine who goes by Fuego Fish is working on a Powered By The Apocalypse game
called Dragonball Parallels. Sometimes, the biggest issues with a Dragonball game is that the
timeline and world is not too expansive. Sometimes, when you want to play, it’s hard to figure
out when and where. My friend came up with a solution: what ifs. And he came up with that
before the YouTube community latched onto the idea.

I therefore suggest considering setting your world in a different world. Perhaps you are alternate
versions of the main cast or an all new cast. I even used this concept when I ran my own game
using Valor:

MasakoX is the former voice actor for Goku on Dragonball Abridged. He has an extensive
series on alternate timelines for Dragonball. His "What If Raditz Turned Good Series?" even
spawned an illustrated audio drama: Dragonball R&R. He also has a good video on making your
own original arc, enemies, transformations, etc:

I am also a big fan of Geeks For Fun’s Dragonball DC series. The group also does a few more
general What Ifs, like Dragonball Norse. The later of which is another good example of how you
can make a new Saga for Dragonball to explore:

YouTube in general has a good range of channels that handle this subject matter, but your
mileage may vary. Also, a good number of these what-ifs are “what if X went to Y planet instead”
so remember that just going “we are new characters replacing the original ones” is always on
the table.
Example Dragonball Parallels Premise And Group
At the end of the Tournament of Power, Android 17 wished for “all Universes that were erased to
be restored.” This simple wish had some complications for the cosmos. The Kais often go back
in time to destroy timelines that would not be beneficial to the world. Contrary to popular belief,
Shin actually did his job on occasion to stop timelines that would cause problems for the
universe. If Beerus wasn’t asleep all the time, things would have gone better.

17’s wish brought back not just the losers of the Tournament, but every erased universe ever,
including every timeline that didn’t come to be in those universes. Of course, these timelines
couldn’t all become true for galactic stability. As such, they were taken to a containment zone
outside the 12 Dragon Worlds.

Among these myriad of Earths, numerous versions of the cosmos play out at once. Worse, the
sudden return of these worlds caused cosmic shakeups. There are a few orphaned individuals
who ended up on the wrong Earth. These individuals try their best to find their original Earth in
the endless options of this expansive pocket verse.

One such group is as follows:

● A Kid Gohan who was the son of Goku and Bulma.

● A Goku assigned female at birth.
● A Krillin who had unintentionally wished to be a Sayian.
● A Gine who went to Earth with her son.
● A Bulma who used her genius to keep up with martial artists.
● A Videl who became the student of Muten Krillin and Guardian of Earth as Goku never
arrived on Earth.

Currently, this group is being led by Bulma in her ship across the pocket dimension. Their hope
is to find their own homes.

On their latest stop, they found an Earth under invasion from familiar foes. Three Sayians in
service to an alien dictator who wishes to conquer the blue world. However, while the faces are
the same, they serve a much different lord: Darkseid. While these individuals may view this
world as a pitstop, they may soon become its saviors.
Example Characters

Example Starting Character: Kid Gohan, GokuxBulmaverse

Name: Gohan
Chargen: Starting
Timeline: What If Goku Married Bulma?

Backstory: This Gohan came from a

discarded timeline in which Goku and Bulma
married, instead of Goku and Chi Chi. This
Gohan is very similar to the original timeline,
but possesses an enhanced intellect. Unlike
the prime timeline, this Gohan was trained
more freely by Goku, and received a superior
education from Bulma.
Power Attributes: Demeanor: Stress: Trauma:
Level: d8 Physical: d8 ● Cunning Strategist: d10 Physical: Physical:
Mental: d10 ● Fun-Loving Fool: d6 Social: Social:
Social: d6 ● Noble Coward:. d8
● Power-Hungry Warrior: d4

● My Dad Is The Strongest In The World D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Gain a PP when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
○ Unlock:
○ Unlock:
● My Mom Taught Me About This! D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Gain a PP when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
○ Unlock:
○ Unlock:
● Sheltered Rich Kid D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Gain a PP when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
○ Unlock:
○ Unlock:

Human/Saiyan Hybrid
Enhanced Durability d8; Enhanced Intelligence d8; Enhanced Reflexes d8; Enhanced
Strength d8
● SFX: Clever Tinkerer. Add a d6 and step up the effect die when using Enhanced
Intelligence to make assets.
● SFX: Lateral Thinking. Split Enhanced Intelligence into 2d6.
● SFX: Multipower. Use two or more Human/Saiyan Hybrid powers in a single dice pool
and step each power down by one for each additional power beyond the first.
● SFX: Rage Burst. Step or Double any Human/Saiyan Hybrid for one action. If you fail,
add the power die to the doom pool.
● Limit: I’m Sleepy. Shut down any Human/Saiyan Hybrid power to gain a PP. Activate
an opportunity to restore the power.

Goku d8 (She’s My Dad From Another World); Krillin d6 (Woah, He Has A Tail Like Me); Gine
d8 (She’s My Grandma?); Bulma d10 (Mommy can find now?); Videl d6 (She Is Sooo Cool!)


Battle Record
Example Z-Level Character: Goku, Girlkuverse

Name: Goku
Chargen: Z-Level
Timeline: What If Goku Was Female?

Backstory: This Goku comes from a timeline

where Goku was AFAB. Goku went on similar
adventures, but the main differences were
how people interacted with her. Mainly, her
situation with Chi Chi and Krillin were
reversed. Chi Chi became her rival and Krillin
and Goku eventually got married and had a
child, Kuroda.
Power Attributes: Demeanor: Stress: Trauma:
Level: d8 Physical: d10 ● Cunning Strategist: d8 Physical: Physical:
Mental: d6 ● Fun-Loving Fool: d10 Social: Social:
Social: d8 ● Noble Coward:. d4
● Power-Hungry Warrior: d6

● Come on, Let’s Spar! D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Gain a PP when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
○ Unlock: I Want To Fight Someone Tougher. When fighting someone with a
higher Power Level, you can double this Distinction.
○ Unlock:
● Don’t Hold Back Because I’m A Girl D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Gain a PP when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
○ Unlock:
○ Unlock:
● Master Martial Artist D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Gain a PP when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
○ Unlock:
○ Unlock:

Saiyan Physiology
Ki Blast d8; Subsonic Flight d8; Superhuman Durability d10; Superhuman Reflexes d10;
Superhuman Strength d10; Teleport d10
● SFX: Can’t Lose Such A Good Fight So Early. Spend a PP to move your Physical
Stress to your Ki Pool.
● SFX: Kamehameha. Step up or double Ki Blast against a single target. Remove the
highest rolling die from your pool and add 3 dice together for your total.
● SFX: Multipower. Use two or more Saiyan Physiology powers in a single dice pool and
step each power down by one for each additional power beyond the first.
● SFX: Spirit Bomb. Spend a PP to make a Spirit Bomb Asset at d8. Every turn you
spend on this Asset, it increases by one size. If it would go over d12, it doubles to
2d12 but does not grow any larger. Once used, the asset is gone.
● Limit: Need A Ki Signature. To use Teleport, you must either sense a Ki or been there
● Limit: Phew, I’m Beat. Shut down any Saiyan Physiology power to gain a PP. Activate
an opportunity to restore the power.

Kid Gohan d8 (So, He’s My Son Where I’m His Dad?); Krillin d10 (He Looks Just Like My Husband);
Gine d8 (Wait, She’s My Mom?); Bulma d8 (Guess I Have Another Rival); Videl d8 (It’s awesome to
meet one of Krillin’s Students)

Super Sayian d8: You can transform into the Legendary Super Saiyan.
● SFX (d8): Aaah!. Step up Physical Stress by one to step up Strength, Durability, and Reflexes
by one until the end of the scene.

Battle Record
Goku vs Yamcha; Goku vs Krillin; Goku vs Nam; Goku vs Roshi; Goku vs Tien; Goku vs Tambourine;
Goku vs Piccolo; Goku vs Vegeta; Goku vs Reccome; Goku vs Freeza
Example Starting Character: Krillin, SayianKrillverse

Name: Krillin
Chargen: Starting
Timeline: What If Krillin Became A Saiyan?

Backstory: This Krillin lived a very similar life

to the Prime Krillin. However, this Krillin's
timeline diverged when he made an
interesting life choice: he asked Shenron to
make him as strong as Goku. The wish
resulted in Krillin being turned into a Sayian.
While the full implications of this have yet to
come to play, it will certainly change the
young Sayian’s life.
Power Attributes: Demeanor: Stress: Trauma:
Level: d8 Physical: d8 ● Cunning Strategist: d8 Physical: Physical:
Mental: d6 ● Fun-Loving Fool: d6 Social: Social:
Social: d10 ● Noble Coward:. d10
● Power-Hungry Warrior: d4

● H-Hey! Let’s Talk This Out! D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Gain a PP when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
○ Unlock:
○ Unlock:
● Newly Saiyan D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Gain a PP when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
○ Unlock:
○ Unlock:
● Proud Student Of The Turtle Hermit D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Gain a PP when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
○ Unlock:
○ Unlock:

Saiyan Physiology
Ki Blast d8; Subsonic Flight d8; Enhanced Durability d8; Enhanced Reflexes d8; Enhanced
Strength d8
● SFX: Destro Disk. Add a d6 to your dice pool for an attack and step down the highest
die in pool by one. Step up the effect die by one.
● SFX: Kamehameha. Step up or double Ki Blast against a single target. Remove the
highest rolling die from your pool and add 3 dice together for your total.
● SFX: Multipower. Use two or more Saiyan Physiology powers in a single dice pool and
step each power down by one for each additional power beyond the first.
● Limit: Phew, I’m Beat. Shut down any Saiyan Physiology power to gain a PP. Activate
an opportunity to restore the power.

Kid Gohan d8 (So, He’s Goku’s Son, huh?); Goku d8 (Other Me Marrying “Girlku” Makes Me
Uncomfortable); Gine d6 (Wait, I’m A Saiyan?); Bulma d6 (Huh, Never Considered Using
Tech To Fight); Videl d10 (Huh? I’m Her Teacher!?)


Battle Record
Example Z-Level Character: Gine, Gineverse

Name: Gine
Chargen: Z-Level
Timeline: What If Gine Went With Goku To

Backstory: This Gine is a much more

important figure in her timeline than the
relative footnote of Prime Gine. This Gine
went to Earth alongside her son. There, she
met Grandpa Gohan and raised her son with
the help of the old man. Attempting to protect
her son, Kakarot, Gine trained to unlock her
saiyan potential. Her power increased
exponentially, alongside her son. This Gine
even unlocked the Super Sayian
transformation, after the death of her other
son, Raditz, at the hands of Freeza. However,
her son, Kakarot, still ultimately defeated the
Power Attributes: Demeanor: Stress: Trauma:
Level: d8 Physical: d6 ● Cunning Strategist: d6 Physical: Physical:
Mental: d8 ● Fun-Loving Fool: d10 Social: Social:
Social: d10 ● Noble Coward:. d8
● Power-Hungry Warrior: d4

● Gentle Soul D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Gain a PP when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
○ Unlock:
○ Unlock:
● Stay Away From My Son! D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Gain a PP when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
○ Unlock:
○ Unlock:
● Strongest Mom In The Universe D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Gain a PP when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
○ Unlock:
○ Unlock:

Saiyan Physiology
Ki Blast d10; Subsonic Flight d8; Superhuman Durability d10; Superhuman Reflexes d10;
Superhuman Strength d10;
● SFX: Kamehameha. Step up or double Ki Blast against a single target. Remove the
highest rolling die from your pool and add 3 dice together for your total.
● SFX: Maternal Protection. Spend 1 PP to add a character you have a relationship with
Physical Stress die to your dice pool for one action when using a Saiyan Physiology
power. Step back the die and return it to the character afterwards.
● SFX: Multipower. Use two or more Saiyan Physiology powers in a single dice pool and
step each power down by one for each additional power beyond the first.
● Limit: I’m Too Old For This. Shut down any Saiyan Physiology power to gain a PP.
Activate an opportunity to restore the power.

Kid Gohan d6 (My Grandson’s Hair Looks Different); Goku d10 (I Always Did Want A Girl);
Krillin d6 (When Did He Become A Saiyan?); Bulma d6 (Reminds Me Of A Tuffle); Gine’s
Goku d8 (How Is My Son Fairing?); Gine’s Raditz d8 (How Is My Other Son Fairing?); Videl
d6 (Reminds Me Of The Other Sayian Women I Knew)

Oozaru d8
● SFX (d8): Giant Monster. Spend a PP to add a d6 and keep an additional effect die for
each additional target past the first.
Super Sayian d8: You can transform into the Legendary Super Saiyan.
● SFX (d8): Aaah!. Step up Physical Stress by one to step up Strength, Durability, and
Reflexes by one until the end of the scene.

Battle Record
Gine vs Grandpa Gohan; Gine vs Yamcha; Gine vs Piccolo Daimou, Gine vs Raditz; Gine vs Nappa;
Gine vs Vegeta; Gine vs Guldo; Gine vs Recoome; Gine vs Ginyu; Gine vs Freeza
Example Starting Character: Bulma, IronBulmaverse

Name: Bulma
Chargen: Starting
Timeline: What If Bulma Trained Like Goku?

Backstory: This Bulma took a very different

message from her meeting with Goku.
Instead of seeing Goku as her protector, she
viewed him as a rival. She wanted to protect
herself and saw Goku as a benchmark for her
own ability. While she couldn’t match him
physically, she devoted her technological
pursuits to matching his capabilities with
technology. While Bulma has always been
important to Prime Earth, the Bulma of this
timeline was one of the greatest warriors of
her timeline.
Power Attributes: Demeanor: Stress: Trauma:
Level: d8 Physical: d6 ● Cunning Strategist: d10 Physical: Physical:
Mental: d10 ● Fun-Loving Fool: d4 Social: Social:
Social: d8 ● Noble Coward:. d8
● Power-Hungry Warrior: d6

● I Can Improve It D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Gain a PP when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
○ Unlock:
○ Unlock:
● Iron Woman D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Gain a PP when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
○ Unlock:
○ Unlock:
● Smartest In The Universe D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Gain a PP when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
○ Unlock:
○ Unlock:

Iron Bulma
Enhanced Durability d8; Superhuman Intelligence d10; Enhanced Reflexes d8; Enhanced
Strength d8
● SFX: Clever Tinkerer. Add a d6 and step up the effect die when using Superhuman
Intelligence to make assets.
● SFX: Lateral Thinking. Split Superhuman Intelligence into 2d8 or 3d6.
● SFX: Multipower. Use two or more Iron Bulma powers in a single dice pool and step
each power down by one for each additional power beyond the first.
● SFX: Redirect Power. Shut down your highest rated Iron Bulma power, other than
Intelligence, to step up another Iron Bulma power by one. Activate an opportunity to
restore the power.
● Limit: My Head Hurts. Shutdown Intelligence and gain a PP. Activate an opportunity
to restore.
● Limit: Suit Malfunction. Shutdown all powers other than Intelligence and gain a PP.
Test to recover.

Kid Gohan d10 (I’m Too Young To Be A Mom!); Goku d8 (Goku Or Girlku, I Still Won’t Fall
Behind); Krillin d6 (Guess He Also Wanted To Catch Up); Gine d8 (An Actual Alien!); Videl d6
(Glad To Have Another Human Onboard)


Battle Record
Example Z-Level Character: Videl, WorldWithoutGokuverse

Name: Videl
Chargen: Z-Level
Timeline: "Universe 9: A World Without

Backstory: In this timeline, Goku never

made it to Earth. His pod was destroyed by
Cooler, Freeza’s older brother. Instead, the
humans of Earth were alone when it came to
defending their world. The humans of Earth
were much stronger in this timeline, a result
of having to stop all of the world’s threats
without Goku’s help. They were even mighty
enough to defeat Cooler, with the unwanted
help of Dr. Gero’s experiments. When Dabura
and Babidi arrived on Earth, Videl, a pupil of
the new Turtle Hermit, Krillin, opposed their
threat. Without the massive energy of the
Super Sayians, Majin Buu did not awaken in
their fight. Even without Buu, Dabura and
Baidi were a massive threat. Videl still
needed the help of the Supreme Kai to
overcome this challenge. She became
wielder of the Z-Sword and defeated the
demon and the wizard. Since then, their world
has known a long peace, as Beerus had no
interest in a world without a Super Saiyan
Power Attributes: Demeanor: Stress: Trauma:
Level: d8 Physical: d8 ● Cunning Strategist: d8 Physical: Physical:
Mental: d6 ● Fun-Loving Fool: d6 Social: Social:
Social: d10 ● Noble Coward:. d4
● Power-Hungry Warrior: d10

● Daughter Of The Champion D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Gain a PP when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
○ Unlock:
○ Unlock:
● Guardian Of Earth D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Gain a PP when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
○ Unlock: I Won’t Fail My World. Step up your Social stress and add it to your
dice pool for one action.
○ Unlock:
● I Always Dreamed Of Fighting Someone This Strong D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Gain a PP when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
○ Unlock:
○ Unlock:

Prized Pupil Of The Turtle Hermit

Enhanced Durability d8; Enhanced Strength d8; Enhanced Reflexes d8; Subsonic Flight d8;
Z-Sword d10
● SFX: Clear Focus. If a pool includes a Prized Pupil Of The Turtle Hermit power, you
may replace two dice of equal size with one die one step larger.
● SFX: Don’t Underestimate Me. Step up or double a Prized Pupil Of The Turtle Hermit
power against a single target. Remove the highest rolling die from your pool and add 3
dice together for your total.
● SFX: I Can Make It Work. Spend a PP to reroll when using any Prized Pupil Of The
Turtle Hermit power.
● SFX: I’m Not Giving Up. Before taking an action with a Prized Pupil Of The Turtle
Hermit power, send your Physical Stress to the Doom Pool. Step up your power die
for this action.
● SFX: Legendary Weapon. Add a d6 to your dice pool for an attack using Z-Sword and
step down the highest die in your pool by one. Step up the effect die by one.
● SFX: Master Swordsman. You can split Z-Sword to 2d8 or 3d6.
● SFX: Multipower. Use two or more Prized Pupil Of The Turtle Hermit powers in a
single dice pool and step each power down by one for each additional power beyond
the first.
● Limit: Gear. Shutdown Z-Sword to gain a PP. Test to restore the power.
● Limit: Running Low. Shut down any Prized Pupil Of The Turtle Hermit power to gain a
PP. Activate an opportunity to restore the power.

Kid Gohan d8 (I Won’t Let You Hurt A Kid); Goku d8 (Sounds Like Her World Had It Easier);
Krillin d10 (It’s Weird Seeing My Master So Young...And With A Tail); Gine d6 (Reminds Me
Of My Mom); Bulma d10 (It’s Good Seeing Another Human Here)
Kaioken Next Level d10: You can double all your physical capabilities at the cost of great
strain on your body.
● SFX (d8): Aaah!. Step up Physical Stress by one to step up Strength, Durability, and
Reflexes by one until the end of the scene.
● SFX (d10): Going To My Limit. Spend a PP to double Strength, Durability, and
Reflexes for one action. If the action fails, step up Physical Stress by one.

Battle Record
Videl vs Tien; Videl vs Yamcha; Videl vs Spopovich; Videl vs Shin; Videl vs Pui Pui; Videl vs
Yakon; Videl vs Dabura; Videl vs Babidi; Videl vs Dabura 2; Videl vs Babidi 2
Example GMPC Based On Dragonball DC

Example Mob: Parademon

Timeline: What If The Sayians Were In DC | The

Sayian Saga

These hordes serve Darkseid. While the Saiyans act as

his heralds, they will serve them as well. These
mindless beasts were once citizens of the worlds that
Darkseid, often led by his Saiyan envoys, conquered.
They now serve a greater purpose in service to their
new lords.

Power Level: d6 Mob Trait: d8 d8 d8

● Darkseid Is D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Add a d6 to the Doom Pool or step up the lowest die in the Doom
Pool when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
● Endless Horde D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Add a d6 to the Doom Pool or step up the lowest die in the Doom
Pool when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
● Mindless Drone D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Add a d6 to the Doom Pool or step up the lowest die in the Doom
Pool when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.

Genetically Engineered Horde

Enhanced Durability d8; Enhanced Reflexes d8; Enhanced Strength d8
● SFX: Area Attack. Spend a to add a d6 and keep an additional effect die for each
additional target past the first.
● SFX: Multipower. Use two or more Genetically Engineered Horde powers in a single dice
pool by one step for each additional power.
Example Extra: Raditz, DBDC

Name: Raditz
Timeline: What If The Saiyans Were In DC |
The Saiyan Saga

Background: After the destruction of Planet

Vegeta at the hands of Rogol Zar, Raditz and
the other remaining saiyans were kidnapped
by Darkseid. On Apokolips, Raditz was
subject to horrible mental attacks until he
broke to serve Darkseid. He was then
subjected to brutal training to prepare himself
to be his herald.
Power Attributes: Demeanor: Stress:
Level: d8 Physical: d8 ● Cunning Strategist: d8 Physical:
Mental: d10 ● Fun-Loving Fool: d4 Social:
Social: d6 ● Noble Coward:. d6
● Power-Hungry Warrior:

● Darkseid Is D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Add a d6 to the Doom Pool or step up the lowest die in the Doom
Pool when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
○ SFX: I Cannot Fail Him Or Else. Step up your Social Stress and add your Social
to a dice pool for one action.
● I Am Nothing D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Add a d6 to the Doom Pool or step up the lowest die in the Doom
Pool when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
○ SFX: I Have Endured Worse. Spend a die from the Doom Pool and send either
your Physical or Social stress to the Doom Pool.
● Last Of My People D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Add a d6 to the Doom Pool or step up the lowest die in the Doom
Pool when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.

Saiyan Physiology
Ki Blast d10; Supersonic Flight d10; Superhuman Durability d10; Superhuman Reflexes d10;
Superhuman Strength d10
● SFX: Clever Trickster. Split Ki Blast into 2d8 or 3d6.
● SFX: Double Sunday. Spend a die from the Doom Pool to add a d6 and keep an
additional effect die for each additional target past the first.
● SFX: Multipower. Use two or more Saiyan Physiology powers in a single dice pool and
step each power down by one for each additional power beyond the first.
● Limit: Is This My Limit?. Shut down any Saiyan Physiology power to add a d6 to the
Doom Pool or step up the lowest die in the Doom Pool. Activate an opportunity to restore
the power.

Darkseid d10 (I Live To Serve); Napp d6 (Lousy Lumox); Vegeta d10 (He Is Still My Prince)

Example Powerful Extra: Nappa, DBDC

Name: Nappa
Timeline: What If The Saiyans Were In DC |
The Saiyan Saga

Background: After the destruction of Planet

Vegeta at the hands of Rogol Zar, Raditz and
the other remaining saiyans were kidnapped
by Darkseid. On Apokolips, Nappa was
forced to fight in Gladiatorial matches for the
amusement of Darkseid. For decades, he
fought endless foes and won another day of
life. His power rose, even as he was further
disgraced and disfigured.
Power Attributes: Demeanor: Stress:
Level: d10 Physical: d10 ● Cunning Strategist: d6 Physical:
Mental: d6 ● Fun-Loving Fool: d8 Social:
Social: d8 ● Noble Coward: d4
● Power-Hungry Warrior:

● Darkseid Is D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Add a d6 to the Doom Pool or step up the lowest die in the Doom
Pool when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
● Gladiatorial Champion D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Add a d6 to the Doom Pool or step up the lowest die in the Doom
Pool when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
○ SFX: Crushed His Opponents. When inflicting stress or complications related
to fear, intimidation, or general terror, add a d6 to your dice pool and step down
the highest die in the pool by one. Step up the effect die by one.
○ SFX: Used To Fighting Groups. Spend a dice from the Doom Pool to make an
asset related to fighting a group equal to the size of the die spent.
● World Conqueror D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Add a d6 to the Doom Pool or step up the lowest die in the Doom
Pool when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
○ SFX: Relentless. Spend a die from the Doom Pool to ignore physical stress.
○ SFX: The Muscle. When inflicting physical stress or complications using only
your brute force, add a d6 to your dice pool and step down the highest die in
the pool by one. Step up the effect die by one.

Saiyan Physiology
Ki Blast d10; Supersonic Flight d10; Superhuman Durability d10; Superhuman Reflexes d10;
Superhuman Strength d10
● SFX: Bomber DX. Spend a die from the Doom Pool to add a d6 and keep an
additional effect die for each additional target past the first.
● SFX: Multipower. Use two or more Saiyan Physiology powers in a single dice pool and
step each power down by one for each additional power beyond the first.
● Limit: I Need...A Minute. Shut down any Saiyan Physiology power to add a d6 to the
Doom Pool or step up the lowest die in the Doom Pool. Activate an opportunity to
restore the power.

Darkseid d10 (I Live To Serve); Raditz d6 (Weak Coward); Vegeta d10 (He Is Still My Prince)

Example Boss: Vegeta, DBDC

Name: Vegeta
Timeline: What If The Saiyans Were In DC |
The Saiyan Saga

Background: After the destruction of Planet

Vegeta at the hands of Rogol Zar, Raditz and
the other remaining saiyans were kidnapped
by Darkseid. On Apokolips, Vegeta was
raised as Darkseid’s many children under
Granny Goodness. He trained endlessly to
conquer and defeat Darkseid. Time and time
again he would try and fail to kill Darkseid,
growing stronger from the experience. Finally,
one day, he won. That day, Darkseid showed
that was merely an avatar and showed
Vegeta his true, endless form. Broken,
Vegeta became Darkseid's loyal soldier from
that day forward.
Boss Trait: Power Attributes: Demeanor: Stress:
d10 d10 Level: d12 Physical: d10 ● Cunning Strategist: d6 Physical:
d10 Mental: d6 ● Fun-Loving Fool: d8 Social:
Social: d8 ● Noble Coward:. d4
● Power-Hungry Warrior: d10

● Broken Man D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Add a d6 to the Doom Pool or step up the lowest die in the Doom
Pool when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
● Darkseid Is D8
○ SFX: Hinder. Add a d6 to the Doom Pool or step up the lowest die in the Doom
Pool when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4.
○ SFX: Bow To His Reign. When attempting to instill fear and terror, add a d6 to
your dice pool for an attack or complication and step down the highest die in pool
by one . Step up the effect die by one.
● Prince Of All Saiyans
○ SFX: Hinder. Add a d6 to the Doom Pool or step up the lowest die in the Doom
Pool when you switch out this distinction’s d8 for a d4..
○ SFX: Lingering Pride. Spend a die from the Doom Pool to ignore social stress or
complications meant to instill fear, panic and shame, unless from Darkseid.

Saiyan Physiology
Ki Blast d10; Supersonic Flight d10; Superhuman Durability d10; Superhuman Reflexes d10;
Superhuman Strength d10
● SFX: Boss. This character cannot be taken out through the normal method. Bosses can
be taken out by targeting their boss trait with attacks; each time the attack would create
or step up a complication or stress that exceeds the boss trait die rating, one die is
knocked off and the complication is removed.
● SFX: Galick Gun. Step up or double Ki Blast against a single target. Remove the highest
rolling die from your pool and add 3 dice together for your total.
● SFX: Multipower. Use two or more Saiyan Physiology powers in a single dice pool and
step each power down by one for each additional power beyond the first.
● Limit: I-I Can’t Fall Here: Not Now!. Shut down any Saiyan Physiology power to add a d6
to the Doom Pool or step up the lowest die in the Doom Pool. Activate an opportunity to
restore the power.
● Limit: Not My Tail!. Shut down your Ozzaru transformation to add a d6 to the Doom Pool
or step up the lowest die in the Doom Pool. It can never be restored.

Darkseid d10 (I Live To Serve); Nappa d8 (He Was My Bodyguard); Raditz d6 (Weakling)

Ozzaru d8: You can transform into a towering giant ape!
● SFX: Large And In Charge. Spend a die from the doom pool to step up Strength and
Durability by one until the end of the scene.

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