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Name: David Hadi Nugroho

NIM: 2201301002
Topic: TOEIC Single Passage

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for each question.

Startup Innovations Ltd.

Startup Innovations Ltd. is a dynamic company that has quickly gained recognition in the tech industry. Founded just five years ago, the
company has been at the forefront of innovation, specializing in developing cutting-edge solutions for businesses and consumers alike.
The key to Startup Innovations' success lies in its commitment to creativity, agility, and customer satisfaction. The company fosters a
culture of innovation, encouraging employees to think outside the box and bring fresh ideas to the table. This approach has led to the
development of groundbreaking products and services that have disrupted traditional markets.
One of the company's flagship products is the SmartOffice Suite, a comprehensive set of cloud-based tools designed to enhance
productivity and collaboration in the modern workplace. The suite includes project management software, communication tools, and file-sharing
capabilities, all seamlessly integrated for a streamlined user experience.
In addition to its technological prowess, Startup Innovations is also recognized for its commitment to sustainability. The company
actively promotes eco-friendly practices within its operations, from using energy-efficient office spaces to implementing recycling programs.
This commitment has not only contributed to a positive corporate image but has also resonated with environmentally conscious clients.
As the company continues to grow, it remains dedicated to its core values of innovation, agility, and customer satisfaction. With a team of
passionate and skilled professionals, Startup Innovations Ltd. looks forward to shaping the future of technology and making a lasting impact on
industries worldwide.
1. When was Startup Innovations Ltd. founded?
a) 10 years ago
b) 5 years ago
c) 20 years ago
d) 2 years ago

2. What is emphasized as the key to Startup Innovations' success?

a) Traditional practices
b) Creativity, agility, and customer satisfaction
c) Static workplace culture
d) Large-scale market disruption

3. What is the SmartOffice Suite, and how is it described in the passage?

a) A set of physical office furniture
b) A suite of cloud-based tools for personal use
c) A comprehensive set of cloud-based tools for workplace productivity and collaboration
d) A suite of entertainment apps
4. What does the passage mention as one of Startup Innovations' commitments besides technological innovation?
a) Exclusivity
b) Environmental sustainability
c) Rapid expansion
d) Competition with traditional markets

5. What is the company's approach to fostering innovation, as mentioned in the passage?

a) Restricting employees' creative thinking
b) Limiting ideas to within the box
c) Encouraging employees to think outside the box
d) Ignoring the importance of fresh ideas

Note: correct answers are styled with bold and italic

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