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CSCI 210 Practice Set Week 5

Prof. Andrea Schuman (

Due: Feb 11, 2024

You MUST show your work. If work is not shown, you will not receive credit.

Question 1.

Task 1
Draw a schematic for a 32-bit ALU that has the following operations:

ALUControl Function
000 AND
001 OR
010 XOR
011 ADD

Table 1: Required ALU functions

Task 2
Using the HDL of your preference, implement the ALU you designed above (behavioral or structural modules
are acceptable).

Task 3
Write a test bench for the ALU implemented in the HDL above. Write test vectors that test nominal
functionality as well as corner cases. Explain a test case for each of the functions in Task 1. Use it to test
your ALU.
Question 2.
Express the following base 10 numbers in 12 bit fixed-point sign/magnitude format with six integer bits and
six fraction bits. Then convert your answer to hexidecimal. Show step-by-step how you performed your
calculation or you will not receive credit, even if the answer is correct.

• 22.25
• -14.5
• -6.375

Question 3.
Add the following IEEE 754 single-precision floating-point numbers. Show step-by-step how you performed
your calculation or you will not receive credit, even if the answer is correct.

• 5B21C307 + 60A4EF12

CSCI 210 Prof. Andrea Schuman Practice Set Week 5

• FA5B701E + A1B2C4D3
• D0CE6A72 + 5A4B3D12

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