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Assignment 2

Name: Rishvi Sharma

Batch: B1
Sap Id: 500105650
Course: Object Oriented Programming
Program: B. Tech CSE-CSF
Semester: III

Q.1 Explain the concept of the Wrapper class in Java.

In Java, wrapper classes act as a bridge between primitive data types and
objects. They essentially encapsulate primitive types like int, char, boolean,
etc., into objects, granting them object-oriented features and capabilities.
Here's a breakdown of the concept:

1. What are primitives?

Primitive data types are basic building blocks of data in Java. They're not
objects, but hold simple values like integers, characters, or booleans. While
efficient for storing data, primitives lack functionalities available to objects.

2. Enter wrapper classes:

Each primitive type has a corresponding wrapper class. For example, int has
Integer, char has Character, and so on. These wrapper classes essentially
"wrap" the primitive value within an object, offering several advantages:
• Object-oriented functionalities: Wrapper classes provide methods like
conversion to strings, comparison with other values, etc. which are not
available to primitives.
• Collections compatibility: Collections in Java require objects, and
wrapper classes let you store primitive data in collections like ArrayList or
• Autoboxing and unboxing: Java automatically converts primitives to their
corresponding wrapper objects (autoboxing) and vice versa (unboxing),
simplifying code.
3. Some key points about wrapper classes:
• Each wrapper class has a constructor to initialize it with a primitive value.
• Wrapper classes offer methods like intValue(), doubleValue(), etc., to
retrieve the underlying primitive value.
• They provide additional methods specific to the data type, like charAt()
for Character or toString() for all wrappers.
Overall, wrapper classes play a crucial role in Java by enabling seamless
interaction between primitive data and object-oriented features, enhancing the
expressiveness and flexibility of your code.

Here are some additional resources you may find helpful:

• Java Tutorial - Wrapper Classes:
• Baeldung - Wrapper Classes in Java:
• W3Schools - Java Wrapper Classes:

Q. 2 Explain the functionality of the following methods:

• yield()
The functionality of the yield() method depends on the context in which it's
used. Here are two common interpretations:
1. In Java's Thread class:
The yield() method in Java's Thread class is a suggestion to the operating
system's thread scheduler. It indicates that the current thread is willing to
temporarily relinquish control of the CPU and allow other threads of equal
priority to run. However, it's important to remember:
• yield() is just a hint, not a guarantee. The operating system may choose to
ignore it and keep the current thread running.
• It only affects threads with equal priority. Higher priority threads will still
preempt the current thread even after it yields.
• Using yield() excessively can actually harm performance by causing
unnecessary context switches between threads.
Therefore, it's generally recommended to use yield() sparingly and only when
necessary. Consider using other synchronization mechanisms like wait-notify or
semaphores for more predictable thread behavior.
2. In Python generators:
In Python, the yield keyword is used within generator functions. It allows the
function to pause its execution and return a value to the caller, but then resume
execution later where it left off. This enables generators to produce a sequence
of values one at a time, without having to store everything in memory at once.
Here's an example:
def my_generator():
for i in range(5):
yield i**2 # This yields the square of i each time

# Calling the generator function doesn't actually run it

generator_obj = my_generator()

# Use next() to retrieve values one by one

print(next(generator_obj)) # Outputs 0
print(next(generator_obj)) # Outputs 1
print(next(generator_obj)) # Outputs 4
# You can also loop over the generator
for value in generator_obj:
print(value) # Outputs 9 and 16
Use code with caution. Learn more
In this case, the yield keyword allows the my_generator function to partially
execute each time next() is called, returning the next square number until all
values are yielded.
Remember, the specific functionality of yield() depends on the context and
programming language.

• wait ()

The functionality of the wait() method also depends on the context in

which it's used. Here are the two most common interpretations:
1. In Java's Object class:
The wait() method in Java's Object class is used in conjunction with
the notify() and notifyAll() methods for inter-thread communication
and synchronization. It essentially tells the calling thread to
temporarily relinquish the lock it holds on an object and enter a
waiting state. The thread remains in this state until:
• Another thread calls notify() or notifyAll() on the same object:
This wakes up the waiting thread and allows it to try to reacquire the
lock and resume execution.
• A specified timeout period elapses: If a timeout value is
provided as an optional argument to wait(), the thread will
automatically wake up and resume execution after the specified time,
regardless of any notification from other threads.
• The thread is interrupted: An interrupt can also wake up the
waiting thread, but it's generally considered bad practice to rely on
interrupts for thread synchronization.
Here are some key points about wait() in Java:
• It releases the lock on the object, allowing other threads to
acquire it and access the shared resource.
• It can be used to implement various synchronization patterns,
such as producer-consumer, monitor pattern, etc.
• Using wait() without proper synchronization mechanisms can
lead to deadlocks and race conditions.
2. In Python's threading module:
The wait() method in Python's threading module is used with a
Condition object to synchronize threads accessing shared resources. It
works similarly to the wait() in Java, but within the context of
Python's threading model.
Here are some key points about wait() in Python:
• It requires a Condition object to be used with.
• It releases the lock associated with the Condition object.
• It waits until another thread calls notify() or notifyAll() on the
same Condition object.
Remember, the specific functionality of wait() depends on the context
and programming language.

The notifyAll() method, also known as notify() in some contexts, plays a crucial
role in thread communication and synchronization. It operates in conjunction
with the wait() method to manage access to shared resources and prevent race
conditions. Here's a breakdown of its functionality:

• Java's Object class: This is the most common context where notifyAll() is
used. It's also used in other object-oriented languages with similar thread
synchronization mechanisms.


• Wakes up all threads waiting on the object's monitor: When a thread calls
notifyAll() on an object, it essentially sends a signal to all threads that are
currently in a waiting state due to calling wait() on the same object. These
waiting threads are then eligible to compete for the object's lock and resume

• Doesn't guarantee immediate execution: While notifyAll() wakes up all

waiting threads, it doesn't guarantee which thread will acquire the lock and
resume execution first. The operating system's thread scheduler determines
which thread gets the lock based on factors like priority and scheduling

• Doesn't release the lock: It's important to note that notifyAll() does not
release the lock on the object. The thread that called it will still hold the lock
until it explicitly releases it, allowing controlled access to the shared resource.

Use cases:

• Producer-consumer pattern: In this pattern, one thread (producer)

produces data while another thread (consumer) consumes it. notifyAll() allows
the producer to notify the consumer when new data is available.

• Monitor pattern: This pattern uses a single object to synchronize access to

shared resources. notifyAll() allows threads waiting on the object to be notified
when a specific condition has changed, allowing them to safely access the
shared resource.

Important points:

• Using notifyAll() without proper synchronization mechanisms like

acquiring and releasing locks can lead to race conditions and unpredictable
• It's generally recommended to use notifyAll() in conjunction with other
synchronization methods like wait() and synchronized blocks for optimal thread

• The specific behavior of notifyAll() may vary slightly depending on the

programming language and its thread synchronization implementation.

The functionality of notify() is similar to that of notifyAll() in thread
communication and synchronization, but it has a key difference – it wakes up
only one thread waiting on the object's monitor, rather than all of them. Here's a
detailed breakdown:


• Primarily used in Java's Object class, though it might appear in other

object-oriented languages with comparable thread synchronization mechanisms.


• Wakes up one waiting thread: When a thread calls notify() on an object, it

signals only one waiting thread, chosen arbitrarily by the operating system's
thread scheduler. This thread then becomes eligible to compete for the object's
lock and resume execution.

• Doesn't guarantee specific thread: Unlike notifyAll(), there's no guarantee

which waiting thread will acquire the lock and resume first. The specific choice
depends on the operating system's scheduling algorithms and thread priorities.

• Doesn't release the lock: Similar to notifyAll(), the calling thread retains
the lock on the object even after using notify(). It's crucial to release the lock
explicitly for controlled access to the shared resource.

Use cases:

• Implementations where only one thread needs to be notified: For

example, imagine a queue where only one consumer thread needs to be notified
when a new item is added. notify() ensures only one consumer wakes up to
process the item, preventing unnecessary context switching.
• Fine-grained control over thread wake-up: notify() provides more control
compared to notifyAll() as it allows you to choose which waiting thread gets
notified, potentially based on specific criteria like priority or thread ID.

Important points:

• Potential for unpredictable behavior: If not used carefully, notify() can

lead to unexpected thread interactions, especially without proper
synchronization mechanisms like acquiring and releasing locks.

• Consider context and purpose: Choose notify() only when you need to
wake up only one specific thread and understand the potential for unpredictable
behavior if used excessively.

Comparison with notifyAll():

• Scope: notify() wakes up one thread, while notifyAll() wakes up all

waiting threads.

• Control: notify() provides more control over which thread gets notified,
while notifyAll() wakes up all threads indiscriminately.

• Efficiency: notify() can be slightly more efficient than notifyAll() as it

avoids unnecessary context switches between all waiting threads.

Remember, the best approach depends on your specific needs and the context of
your application. Use notify() when waking up only one thread is necessary and
consider proper synchronization mechanisms for optimal thread safety.

Q.3: Discuss the concept of deadlock in multithreading,

give an example.

Deadlock in Multithreading: A Recipe for Stalemate

Deadlock is a scenario in multithreading where two or more threads become

permanently blocked, waiting for resources held by each other. Imagine a traffic
jam where cars can't move because they're all waiting for each other to clear the
way – that's essentially what happens in a deadlock.
Here are the key ingredients for a deadlock to occur:

1. Mutual exclusion: Each resource can only be used by one thread at a time.

2. Hold and wait: A thread holding a resource can wait for another resource held
by a different thread.

3. No preemption: Resources cannot be forcibly taken away from a thread.

4. Circular wait: There must be a circular chain of waiting threads, each waiting
for a resource held by the next.


Imagine two threads, Thread A and Thread B, trying to access two files: file1.txt
and file2.txt.

Thread A:

Acquires lock on file1.txt

Tries to acquire lock on file2.txt (held by Thread B)

Waits indefinitely for file2.txt to be released

Thread B:

Acquires lock on file2.txt

Tries to acquire lock on file1.txt (held by Thread A)

Waits indefinitely for file1.txt to be released

Neither thread can proceed, creating a deadlock. They're both stuck, waiting for
something that will never happen.

Consequences of Deadlock:

Deadlock can lead to several problems:

Performance degradation: Threads are blocked, preventing progress and wasting
system resources.

Unresponsiveness: Applications may appear unresponsive or frozen due to

waiting threads.

Complexity: Debugging and recovering from deadlocks can be challenging.

Preventing Deadlock:

Several techniques can help prevent deadlocks:

Ordering resource acquisition: Acquire locks in a specific order to avoid circular


Timeouts: Set timeouts for acquiring resources to avoid indefinite waiting.

Resource pool: Use a pool of resources to avoid contention for individual


Deadlock detection and recovery: Implement mechanisms to detect and recover

from deadlocks when they occur.


Deadlock is a serious threat in multithreading, but by understanding its causes

and employing preventative measures, you can write safe and efficient
concurrent applications. Remember, deadlocks are like traffic jams - avoid
creating them and be prepared to break them when they happen!

Q.4: Explain the concept of Inner classes in Java.

Inner Classes in Java: Nesting for Clarity and Efficiency

Inner classes, also known as nested classes, are a powerful feature in Java that
allow you to declare classes within other classes. They offer several benefits,
Increased code clarity: Inner classes can group logically related classes together,
making your code more readable and maintainable.

Improved data encapsulation: Inner classes can access the private members of
the enclosing class, allowing you to encapsulate related data and functionality
within a single unit.

Enhanced modularity: Inner classes can hide implementation details from the
outside world, promoting modularity and reducing code complexity.

There are four main types of inner classes in Java, each with specific
characteristics and use cases:

1. Nested Inner Classes:

These are declared within another inner class. They have the most restricted
access, only being accessible from within the enclosing inner class.

Useful for creating helper classes specific to a particular functionality within the
enclosing inner class.

2. Static Nested Classes:

These are declared with the static keyword and do not have access to the non-
static members of the enclosing class.

Useful for grouping related classes that don't need access to the enclosing class's
state or behavior.

3. Member Inner Classes:

These have access to all members (including private) of the enclosing class.

Useful for encapsulating functionality that is tightly coupled to the enclosing


4. Local Inner Classes:

These are declared within a method and can only be accessed from within that
Useful for creating temporary classes specific to the logic of the enclosing

Here are some additional points to remember about inner classes:

Inner classes can have their own constructors, methods, and fields.

They can be instantiated and used like any other class.

Inner classes can be anonymous, meaning they can be declared and instantiated
without a name, simplifying code for short-lived functionality.

Overall, inner classes are a powerful tool that can enhance the clarity,
maintainability, and modularity of your Java code. By understanding the
different types and their use cases, you can leverage them effectively to build
robust and efficient applications.

Q.5 Develop a small project on JDBC of your choice.

Project: Book Management App with JDBC

This project will create a simple book management application using JDBC to
connect to a database and manage book data.


Add new books with details like title, author, genre, and publication date.

Update existing books by modifying their details.

Delete books from the database.

Search for books by title, author, or genre.

Display a list of all books in the database.



MySQL (or any other preferred database)


Set up the database: Create a table in your database to store book information.
This table should have columns like book_id (primary key), title, author, genre,

Connect to the database: Use a JDBC driver to connect your Java application to
the database. Popular choices include MySQL Connector/J for MySQL and
PostgreSQL JDBC for PostgreSQL.

Implement CRUD operations:

Create: Develop methods to insert new book records into the database using
prepared statements and parameters.

Read: Create methods to retrieve book data based on various criteria like
book_id, title, author, or genre. You can use prepared statements with WHERE
clauses for efficient querying.

Update: Develop methods to update existing book details by specifying the

book_id and modifying relevant fields.

Delete: Implement methods to delete book records from the database using
prepared statements with WHERE clauses based on the chosen identification

Develop the user interface: You can use any platform for building the UI, such
as a console application, a web interface with a framework like Spring MVC, or
a desktop application using JavaFX or Swing. The UI should allow users to
interact with the book data through menus, forms, and tables.

Implement error handling: Use exception handling mechanisms to gracefully

handle database errors or user input errors.

Additional features (optional):

Implement user authentication for secure access to book data.

Integrate with third-party APIs for book recommendations or bibliographic

Implement filtering and sorting options for book searches.

Add functionality for book lending and borrowing management.


Learn core JDBC concepts like connection management, prepared statements,

and data manipulation.

Gain practical experience with database interactions in Java applications.

Develop an understanding of CRUD operations and data persistence.

Create a functional application with real-world value for book organization and

This project can be customized to your specific interests and skill level. Feel
free to explore different UI options, database features, and additional
functionalities to enhance your learning and build a valuable tool for managing
your book collection or even as a prototype for a larger library management

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