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1. (a) Rewrite the following sentences after making necessary corrections, if any. Do not make
unnecessary changes in the original sentences: 5

(i) Letter after letter pinpoint the need for hard work.

Ans:- Letter after letter pinpoints the need of hard work.

Expl:- When a noun is followed by a preposition and repeated, the noun is singular and is also followed
by a singular verb. So pinpoint will be replaced with pinpoiunts.

(ii) He, being an M.A, is qualified for a post.

Ans: He, being an M.A is qualified for the post.

Expl:- ‘a’ article will be replaced with definite article ‘the’.

(iii) Run fast, lest you will miss the bus.

Ans:- Run fast lest you should miss the bus.

Expl:- ‘Lest’ is always followed by should. It is not followed by ‘will’.

(iv) We learnt at school that the earth was not flat but round like a ball.

Ans: We learnt at school that the earth is not flat but round like a ball.

Expl:- ‘Was’ will be replaced with ‘is’ because, universal truth is always expressed in Present Indefinite
irrespective of any situation.

(v) He has no a little or no knowledge about this topic.

Ans: He has little or no knowledge about this topic.

Expl: ‘a little’ will be replaced with ‘little’. ‘a little’ has the positive sense and ‘little’ has the negative
sense. In this sentence, ‘no knowledge’ will be equated with the negative sense. Hence, we used ‘little’ at
the place of ‘a little’.

(b) Use the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets: 5

(i) Don’t make a noise; the child………is sleeping……now (sleep)

(ii) It is I who……am…… suffer. (be)

(iii) My dog…barks…..a lot, but he isn’t ……barking….at the moment. (bark)

(iv) Water……overflowed……….the bridge in the last rainy season.(overflow)

(v) Here……comes……..Mr Rahul, the chief guest of the party. (come)

(c) Change the Voice: 5.

(i) Who taught you grammar?

Ans: By whom were you taught grammar. or

By whom was grammar taught to you?

(ii) I want to take rest.

Ans: I want rest to be taken.

(ii) Should we take him seriously?

Ans: Should he be taken seriously by us?

(iv) Shall we ever forget those happy days?

Ans: Will those happy days be ever forgotten by us?

(v) What did he do?

Ans: What was done by him?

(d) Change the following sentences into indirect speech: 5

(i) She said, “What pity?”

Ans: He exclaimed and told that that was a great pity.

(ii) They said, “Long live the king!”

Ans: They wished the king a long life.

(iii) Vineet said, “Lata is going to Mumbai tomorrow. I can also go with her”.

Ans: Vineet said that Lata was going to Mumbai next day and he could also go with her.

(iv) I said to him, “Where have you lost the pen I brought for you yesterday.”

Ans: I asked him where he had lost the pen I had brought for him the previous day.

(v) “ Are there no prisons?”, asked Scrooge.

Ans: Scrooge wanted to know if there were no prisons.

2. (a) Use each word in the given pairs in a different sentence in order to bring out the difference in their
meanings (No marks will be awarded for vague and ambiguous sentence) 10
(i) Apposite, Opposite
Apposite:- (Right, good) Her behavior is quite apposite with all.
Opposite:- (Against, In front of)- Her house is opposite to the Govt Ser. Sec School.

(ii) Canon, Cannon

Canon:- (Rules) – We must adopt the canons of character.
Cannon:- ( A kind of weapon) – Our soldiers were facing cannons from all in the war with Pakistan.
(iii) Hue, Hew
Hue: (Noise)- Children made a hue and cry for nothing.
Hew:- (Cutting or shaping)- Master carpenters would hew the logs with an axe.

(iv) Wet, Whet

Wet:- (covered in a liquid, especially with water)- While going to morning walk, I found that the grass in park was
Whet:- (to Sharpen)- The carpenter whetted his plainer.

(v) Elicit, Illicit

Elicit:- (to get something) – The principal could not get any information about the lost student.
Illicit:- (Illegal)- He was arrested for selling illicit copies of the software.

b) Use the following idioms/phrasal verbs in sentences of your own to bring out their meaning clearly: 10
(i) At a loss:
At the sight of the result, the student was at a loss to see to do next.
(ii) At large:
Amongst the population at large, the support for the present regime is virtually zero..
(iii) To break the ice:-
The widow sat silent but when she saw her baby, she broke the ice and began to cry.
(iv) To do away with:-
No one can do away with the marriage rituals in all.
(v) A fool’s paradise:-
Do not live in a fool’s paradise, you cannot crack the exam without hard work.
(vi) To have an axe to grind:-
Beware of selfish people especially of those who have an axe to grind.
(vii) A clean slate:-
The children are a clean slate up to the time we corrupt them.
(viii) To hold a brief:-
Wise, selfless and nationalists never hold a brief of bad elements of society.
(ix) A queer fish:-
Her behavior with everyone in the office has made her a queer fish as she is out of the
understanding of all staff members.

(x)To wink at:-

It is the duty of a leader that he should not wink at the acts of corruption of their favourites and
3. While visiting to Shimla in a public transport, you met with some boys who had taken drugs. Write a letter to
the Deputy Commissioner of your district in about 400 words complaining about the incident. Also highlight the
bad effects of such indents on public and upcoming generations. Also seek some measures to stop such kind of
incidents in future.

#21, Rauda
Sec-1, Bilaspur(HP)

07th Nov 2023

The Deputy Commissioner

Districts Administrations

Subject: Regarding increasing incidents of Drug abuse in public places.

I hereby write this letter to bring into your kind notice the matter of increasing cases of drug addiction in public
places and how it is being majorly noticed among teenagers.
Yesterday, I was travelling through public transport from Bilaspur to Shimla. After some time, some boys boarded
the bus. They started creating problem in the bus by hooting and teasing people present in the bus. When bus
conductor tried to stop them, they were almost about to fight with him and put oil on the fire. All the people
present in the bus handled the problem and matter was reported to the local police. After inspection, it was found
that they were the students of school and college and had consumed drugs. Sir, Misuse of prescription drugs,
including prescription opioid pain medications such as oxycodone hydrocodone, and morphine used for pain, as
well as the use of illicit drugs and alcohol by adolescents and young adults, is a problem that plagues urban,
suburban, and rural communities alike. We know that drugs can very badly influence not only your mental but also
your physical health. It is known to have caused severe insomnia and headaches. Not to mention that drugs can
badly affect your social life as well. Your self-respect and social standing can be completely ruined by them. It is
high time we came to think over the point that such kinds of cases impose bad effect on upcoming generations
too. When we talk of an ideal society, such incidents ruin the ideality of the public/society. Today’s youth will be
the future of tomorrow.
Some precautionary measures can be taken to stop such incidents in society. One way educational
institutions/colleges can help is by intentionally creating campus cultures that engage students academically and
socially and those foster norms that discourage the use of drugs. Second, schools can help by training teachers,
administrators, counselors, coaches, and nurses to look for signs that students are misusing drugs. Colleges can
train residential directors and peer-advisors as well as clinical personnel to notice these signs with the use of
standardized screening tools. Moreover, schools and colleges can help combat such incidents by supporting
primary drug prevention programs, offering counseling and mental health support to students in need. Besides
this state government can run campaign to stop such incidents. Some police squads can be set up. I hope my kind
suggestions will help a little bit to tackle with the problem.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely
Imagine yourself Rohit/Ruhani, the victim of cyber bullying. Write a letter to the Chief Minsiter of your state
requesting him to take the prominent steps to create awareness in the state. Also suggest some measures to curb
the same.

Letter can be written as per the given format

Sender’s Address


Receiver’s Address



Body (At least three paragraphs)

Name and desigrantion

4. Recent Floods and natural disasters have made a huge loss of property and lives in Himachal Pradesh. Hon’ble
Chief Minister has asked about the measures that should be taken to come out from this loss. Also suggest some
precautionary measures along with preparedness for the same in future. You are the secretary of the State
Disaster Management committee. Prepare a report in about 300 words and submit it to the Hon’ble Chief Mnister.
Shimla, being the capital city has been the centre of attraction for tourists during the festive season. Increasing
traffic, parking capacity, hotel bookings and problems of water scarcity have been increased in recent years.
Hon’ble Chief Minister has set up a committee to cope with this situation. Imagine yourself as the Head of the
committee and prepare a report in about 300 words to highlight the problems in brief and suggest some measures
to deal with such problems. 10

Report on Heavy Traffic and parking problem during festive season
07 Nov 2023
Prepared by: ABC
Head of the Committee (Designation/Company Name)

The Chief Minister of Himchal Pradesh

As per your orders, a committee was set up and I was chosen/Elected as the head of the committee on
Increasing traffic, parking capacity, hotel bookings and problems of water scarcity have been increased in
recent years.
We know that Shimla, being the capital city has been the centre of attraction during festive season. The
beauty of Shimla is unbeatable. But due to increasing number of tourists there are many problems that
have been noticed. Being the head of the committee, I looked in to the matter closely along with my
team members. There are a number of problems that have been faced by the tourists as well as the local
a) Since we have limited resources in the city including hotel capacity and other infrastructure, so at the
season time due to heavy flow of tourist we lack in the hotel availability including the parking problem.
b) During season time or festive season, water scarcity has been noticed.
c) Heavy traffic is very common and locals and office going people face difficulty.
d) Since hospitals like IGMC and others also are located at Shimla, so patients also face problem due to
heavy traffic.
e) Due to overflow of tourists, other environmental problems including noise pollution, land pollution
are also rising.
a) A software can be created in which parking and hotel capacity details should be given. When numbers
of bookings meet to the number of total capacity, the booking should be stopped.
b) We should increase the water supply during festive season or some new water supply projects can be
c) We should increase the infrastructure as per the requirements.
d) Roads can be broadened and by-pas roads should be constructed for other transportation.

Sir, if we follow the suggestions, we can try to overcome the problem. I hereby, submit the report for the
aforesaid topic.

Reports can be prepared as per the given format
Administrative Report Format:
- Title or title page
- By line
- To whom report is being referred
- An introduction describing your purpose in writing the report
- A body with the details of what has been accomplished on the project and the next steps
- Conclusion or recommendation depending on the purpose of the report

5. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
(1) What does the force or law help in? (2)

Ans:- The force of law helps in transforming irresponsible citizens into responsible ones.

(2) State the role played by the police in the day to day life of man. (2)

Ans: The police is responsible for protecting privileges of all citizens, check violent activities that prevail
within the society and ensure peace among citizens by safeguarding one’s own individual rights.

(3) What is the central idea of the passage? (2)

Ans:- The passage discusses the role of the army and police in different circumstances.

(4) Who has the supreme control of law and order situation of the state? How? (2)

The supreme control of law and order in a State is in the hands of the Home Minister who is responsible
to the State Assembly and is assisted by the Inspector General of Police, Home Secretary and other

(5) Briefly describe the importance of laws. (2)

Ans: - Laws aim to prevent different types of crimes that pose threat to the security of people and safety
of their property, such as larceny, murder and numerous other illegal practices involving violence of any
type. Besides ensuring security of the property of the citizens against theft and damage, laws also try to
protect the rights of communities and castes so long as they do not conflict with the rights of others.
6. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

(1) What was Ann Davison discovering about the learning of other long-distance sailors? (2)

Ans: The other long-distance sailors had learnt that the single-hander’s main enemies were lacking of
confidence, having discouragement and loneliness. This was discovered by Ann Davison.

(2) Why do you think the author says, “the sound was good for her morale”? (2)

Ans: One learns from the passage that sailing was a passion for Ann. But, since her boat was not working
properly, she had decided to sail a little every day. This would help her not to lose her confidence and
keep her motivated. Hence, I think, the author says, “It was good for her morale”.

(3) What did Ann Davison do when squall struck and she could not sail anymore? (2)

Ans:- When a squall struck her boat, Ann gave up trying to sail and consoled herself by reading poetry in
the cabin.

(4) Why did Ann Davison decide to head for Barbados although she had originally planned for Antigua?

Ans: Ann was suffering from fatigue which she suspected was as a result of a vitamin deficiency.
Therefore, owing to her deteriorating physical health and mental depression, she decided to head for
Barbados instead of Antigua, as it was nearer
(5) What exhausted her even more? (2)

Ans: For steering better, Ann tried to stream heavy ropes backwards. But, due to the changing directions
of the violent wind, the ropes got tangled up and she had to pull them to the cockpit to untangle them.
This exhausted her even more.

7. Make a precis of the following passage and give a suitable title. The precis should be written in your own
language . 20

Depending on one’s own effort is a source of success to all. It solves man’s problems. The evil habit of
depending on others weakens man’s mental powers. It must be fought against. Man must fight against
unfavourable circumstances. It will not have a depressing but a healthy effect on man’s life. But it is
really sad that the habit of self-reliance is not taught in the colleges today. The modern system of
education does not encourage se1freliance among the students who only depend upon help books.

Title: Self Reliance

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