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‫بسمه تعالی‬

‫ صبح‬10 :‫ساعت شروع‬ 5 :‫تعداد صفحات‬ ‫کليه رشته ها‬ )3( ‫ زبان انگليسي‬:‫سؤاالت آزمون نهايي درس‬
‫دقيقه‬120 :‫مدت آزمون‬ ‫پايه دوازدهم دوره دوم متوسطه‬ :‫نام و نام خانوادگي‬ 1402 / 10 / 16 :‫تاريخ آزمون‬
‫مركز ارزشیابی و تضمین كیفیت نظام آموزش و پرورش‬
1402 ‫ بزرگسال و داوطلبان آزاد داخل و خارج کشور در نوبت دی ماه سال‬،‫دانش آموزان روزانه‬
‫نمره‬ )‫سؤاالت (پاسخبرگ دارد‬ ‫رديف‬

)False( ‫) و جمالت غلط را با‬True( ‫ سپس جمالت صحیح را با‬،‫ در این بخش به فایل صوتی با دقت گوش دهید‬،‫دانش آموزان عزیز‬ A
.‫مشخص نمایید‬
1) Sam has come to work. a) True b) False
2 2) Sam felt well yesterday. a) True b) False
3) The doctors are checking Sam's health condition. a) True b) False
4) Sam's friend thinks he has a serious health problem. a) True b) False
.‫ به مکالمه زیر با دقت گوش دهید و سپس گزینه صحیح را انتخاب نمایید‬،‫دانش آموزان عزیز‬ B
5) The woman ---------------------.
a) likes to drive in snow b) likes snow c) hates snow
6) The man thinks that the snow is --------------.
2 a) pretty b) dangerous c) heavy
7) The woman should drive -------------- to work.
a) 5 miles b) 6 miles c) 7 miles
8) They are going to get -------------- snow.
a) 12 inches b) 20 inches c) 2 inches
.‫ به مکالمه زیر با دقت گوش دهید و جاهای خالی را با کلمه مناسب کامل کنید‬،‫دانش آموزان عزیز‬ C
A: How many (9) --------------- have you traveled to?
B: I’ve visited all the provinces throughout my (10) ---------------.
A: Who do you usually go with?
3 B: I often go with my (11) ---------------, sometimes with my best friends.
A: Have you ever been (12) -------------?
B: Yes, I have. I came to Italy last year for a business (13) --------------.
A: What language do you use when traveling?
B: English, but sometimes I have to use (14) ------------- language since not all people are good at English.
.‫ به متن زیر با دقت گوش دهید و جاهای خالی را با کلمات مناسب کامل کنید‬،‫دانش آموزان عزیز‬ D
In this lesson, we provide you with some helpful tips on how to use a dictionary effectively. Once
you find an (15) ---------- you can find the exact meaning of the word, its pronunciation, part of
speech, synonyms, antonyms, and probably its (16) ----------. Through sentence examples, try to
learn ‘words in (17) ----------. If you immediately jump into using the dictionary without
understanding the pronunciation (18) ----------, it can be difficult to figure it out.
‫ادامه سواالت در صفحه دوم‬

‫بسمه تعالی‬
‫ صبح‬10 :‫ساعت شروع‬ 5 :‫تعداد صفحات‬ ‫کليه رشته ها‬ )3( ‫ زبان انگليسي‬:‫سؤاالت آزمون نهايي درس‬
‫دقيقه‬120 :‫مدت آزمون‬ ‫پايه دوازدهم دوره دوم متوسطه‬ :‫نام و نام خانوادگي‬ 1402 / 10 / 16 :‫تاريخ آزمون‬
‫مركز ارزشیابی و تضمین كیفیت نظام آموزش و پرورش‬
1402 ‫ بزرگسال و داوطلبان آزاد داخل و خارج کشور در نوبت دی ماه سال‬،‫دانش آموزان روزانه‬
‫نمره‬ )‫سؤاالت (پاسخبرگ دارد‬ ‫رديف‬

).‫ (یک جمله اضافی است‬.‫ مشخص کنید هر جمله مربوط به کدام تصویر است‬،‫با توجه به تصاویر‬ E

19 20 21 22
a) I can see some tiny insects by means of a magnifying glass.
b) The stars are tiny points of light in the space.
c) He has hearing loss, and he uses a hearing device.
d) All people must obey the traffic rules.
e) Yesterday afternoon, I went to the park and I flew my kite there.
).‫ (یک کلمه اضافی است‬.‫ جمالت زیر را کامل کنید‬،‫با استفاده از کلمات داده شده‬ F
(circled / share / polluted / remind)
1/5 23) Wind turbines ------------- me of what I read about using wind power in Yazd’s buildings.
24) The plane ------------- the airport before landing.
25) We never ------------- our toys with our cousins.
).‫ اضافی است‬B‫ (یک تعریف در ستون‬.‫ پیدا کنید‬B ‫ یک تعریف از ستون‬A ‫برای هر کلمه از ستون‬ G
26) I spared no pains to teach my students. a) to produce or cause something
1/5 27) Water and sunlight can generate a lot of electricity. b) to suddenly decide to do something
28) The man arranged the children in lines according to c) to do whatever you can
their height. d) to put things in a neat, attractive, or
useful order
).‫ (اولین حرف کلمات داده شده و خط تیره ها نشان دهنده تعداد حروف آن کلمه است‬.‫جاهای خالی را با دانش واژگانی خود کامل کنید‬ H
1 29) Try to a - - - - foods that contain a lot of fat because they are dangerous for our health.
30) People have used the sun as a h - - - source for thousands of years.
.‫گزینه صحیح را انتخاب کنید‬ I
31) What --------------- you do if your friend --------------- you for help?
a) would / ask b) will / asked c) would/ asked d) will /ask
32) Nahid's father bought her a new laptop because she --------------- it.
a) has lost b) had lost c) lost d) has been lost
2/5 33) Should the medicine --------------- in the fridge?
a) be kept b) kept c) keeps d) been kept
34) The woman --------------- glasses is my teacher.
a) who she wears b) that wears c) who wear d) whom wears
35) I see a lot of clouds in the sky. It is going to rain, ---------------?
a) do I b) is it c) don't I d) isn't it
‫ادامه سواالت در صفحه سوم‬

‫بسمه تعالی‬
‫ صبح‬10 :‫ساعت شروع‬ 5 :‫تعداد صفحات‬ ‫کليه رشته ها‬ )3( ‫ زبان انگليسي‬:‫سؤاالت آزمون نهايي درس‬
‫دقيقه‬120 :‫مدت آزمون‬ ‫پايه دوازدهم دوره دوم متوسطه‬ :‫نام و نام خانوادگي‬ 1402 / 10 / 16 :‫تاريخ آزمون‬
‫مركز ارزشیابی و تضمین كیفیت نظام آموزش و پرورش‬
1402 ‫ بزرگسال و داوطلبان آزاد داخل و خارج کشور در نوبت دی ماه سال‬،‫دانش آموزان روزانه‬
‫نمره‬ )‫سؤاالت (پاسخبرگ دارد‬ ‫رديف‬

.‫شکل صحیح فعل داخل پرانتز را در جای خالی بنویسید‬ J

1 36) I had eaten lunch before I --------------- out. (to go)
37) People --------------- each other at the party, don't they? (to respect)

.‫ یک جمله معنادار بنویسید‬،‫با استفاده از کلمات درهم ریخته زیر‬ K

1/5 38) be / can / to meet / different goals / hybrid cars / designed / ? /

.‫ به سوال زیر پاسخ کامل دهید‬،‫الف) با توجه به تصویر داده شده‬ L

39) What did the boy do last night?
The dinner --------------- by ------------- -------------.
.‫) جمله زیر را کامل نمایید‬who, whom, which( ‫ب) با توجه به تصویر داده شده و ضمایر موصولی‬
to eat 40) The boy --------- was ---------- ---------- between 8 and 9 last night was my friend.
.‫ گزینه صحیح را مشخص نمایید‬،‫با توجه به مفهوم جمالت داده شده‬ M
41) We must care for those who once cared for us. We all know how parents cared for their children
for every little thing. Children must love them, respect them, and care for them.
a) Parents love and respect those who once cared for us.
b) Parents know how children care for us.
c) We have to take care of parents because they have done it for us so earlier.
d) All parents care for their children as all children once cared for them.

42) You can use a free online dictionary. And also, there are some free dictionaries for PCs
and apps for smart phones.
a) A free online dictionary is like a smart phone.
b) Free dictionaries may be offered as online, for PCs and apps for smart phones.
c) You should pay some money to buy some free apps for smart phones.
d) Free online dictionaries may be bought for PCs, apps and smart phones.
43) Water is the most essential element in our life. We need huge resources of water to
generate electricity on a large and commercial scale.
a) Electricity can generate the most essential element in our life.
b) Water is a huge resource for generating elements on commercial scale.
c) Water is essential just for generating electricity on large scale.
d) Electricity can be generated from huge resources of water.

44) Many countries now think that cars that burn fossil fuels should be replaced by electric
cars. Electric cars don’t burn gasoline in the engine, so they don’t pollute the air.
a) Electric cars are better than other cars as they do not pollute the air.
b) Electric cars should replace fossil fuels in the engine.
c) Electric cars burn gasoline in the engine to produce electricity.
d) Electric cars should be replaced by cars that burn fossil fuels.

‫ادامه سواالت در صفحه چهارم‬

‫بسمه تعالی‬
‫ صبح‬10 :‫ساعت شروع‬ 5 :‫تعداد صفحات‬ ‫کليه رشته ها‬ )3( ‫ زبان انگليسي‬:‫سؤاالت آزمون نهايي درس‬
‫دقيقه‬120 :‫مدت آزمون‬ ‫پايه دوازدهم دوره دوم متوسطه‬ :‫نام و نام خانوادگي‬ 1402 / 10 / 16 :‫تاريخ آزمون‬
‫مركز ارزشیابی و تضمین كیفیت نظام آموزش و پرورش‬
1402 ‫ بزرگسال و داوطلبان آزاد داخل و خارج کشور در نوبت دی ماه سال‬،‫دانش آموزان روزانه‬
‫نمره‬ )‫سؤاالت (پاسخبرگ دارد‬ ‫رديف‬

. ‫متن زیر را با دقت بخوانید و به سواالت داده شده پاسخ دهید‬ N

A collocation is two or more words combined together. These combinations sound natural to native
speakers, but students of English have to learn them with exercise because they are often difficult to
guess. The unnatural combinations are wrong for native speakers of English. As an example, the adjective
"fast" collocates with "cars" but not with "look." Learning collocations is the most important part of
learning the vocabulary of a language. Some collocations seem fixed or very strong. In "take a photo,"
no word other than "take" collocates with the photo to give the same meaning. The other example is
"make an effort" and not "do an effort."
Some collocations are more open, because several words may go together to give a similar meaning,
for example, "keep to or stick to the rules." Sometimes, a pair of words may not be wrong, and people
will understand it, but it may not be the natural collocation. If someone says I did a few mistakes, a fluent
4 speaker of English may understand, but it would probably say, "I made a few mistakes."
❖ True / False
45) A word that is often used naturally is called collocation. a) True b) False
46) In learning the words of a language, learning collocation is important. a) True b) False
❖ Choose the best answer.
47) Which of the following is NOT true about collocation?
a) Learning collocations is important b) Collocations can be learned by practice
c) Collocations are natural to native speakers d) Guessing collocations is always hard for all
48) According to the passage, which of the following is a natural collocation -----------------.
a) I did a few mistakes b) I did an effort c) fast cars d) fast look
❖ Answer the following questions.
49) Why are some collocations called more open?
50) What is a collocation?
. ‫متن زیر را با دقت بخوانید و به سواالت داده شده پاسخ دهید‬ O
Most of our energy comes from fossil fuels: oil, coal, and natural gas. Fossil fuels are from plants and animals
that lived millions of years ago. They are nonrenewable energy resources since they take millions of years to
form, and we cannot replace them easily. By burning oil and coal, we get energy. It may be impossible to find
them someday to create this energy. We need to use less energy to save these natural resources for the future.
There are many options to lower home energy use with simple changes and good energy habits. It is about
being aware of our energy uses. Simple actions can reduce energy consumption. Many people are using more
and more energy. It causes our weather conditions to change and may result in higher energy bills. We all need
to be more energy efficient and use less, reuse, and recycle it in our homes. Working together to save energy will
help us have a healthier planet for future generations.
❖ True / False
4 51) We have burnt plants and animals as fossil fuels for millions of years. a) True b) False
52) Simple changes and good energy habits lower home energy use. a) True b) False
❖ Choose the best answer.
53) The above passage can provide answer to all following questions Except ------------.
a) What are the different kinds of fossil fuels?
b) Where are fossil fuels from?
c) How can we have a healthier planet for future generations?
d) When should we use less energy to save natural resources?
54) The underlined word "consumption" is closest in meaning to ----------------.
a) demanding b) saving c) using d) changing
❖ Answer the following questions.
55) What causes our weather conditions to change?
56) Why are fossil fuels nonrenewable energy resources?
‫ادامه سواالت در صفحه پنجم‬

‫بسمه تعالی‬
‫ صبح‬10 :‫ساعت شروع‬ 5 :‫تعداد صفحات‬ ‫کليه رشته ها‬ )3( ‫ زبان انگليسي‬:‫سؤاالت آزمون نهايي درس‬
‫دقيقه‬120 :‫مدت آزمون‬ ‫پايه دوازدهم دوره دوم متوسطه‬ :‫نام و نام خانوادگي‬ 1402 / 10 / 16 :‫تاريخ آزمون‬
‫مركز ارزشیابی و تضمین كیفیت نظام آموزش و پرورش‬
1402 ‫ بزرگسال و داوطلبان آزاد داخل و خارج کشور در نوبت دی ماه سال‬،‫دانش آموزان روزانه‬
‫نمره‬ )‫سؤاالت (پاسخبرگ دارد‬ ‫رديف‬

.‫گزینه صحیح را انتخاب نمایید‬ P
57) It is raining heavily, ----------.
a. so drive more carefully b. or you should wash the yard
1 c. and the street is dry d. but he took a taxi
58) John likes to read books, ----------.
a) or the books are English b) so he rests and sleeps a lot
c) but he is deaf d) and he spends too much time to do it
).‫ )یک کلمه ربط اضافی است‬.‫) کامل کنید‬but/or/so( ‫جمالت ناقص زیر را با کلمات ربط‬ Q
1 59) You can send a message to him, --------- you can call him.
60) I wanted to watch the movie, --------- my brother wanted to watch the game.
(Concluding Sentence) ‫) و یک جمله نتیجه گیری‬Topic Sentence( ‫ یک جمله موضوعی‬،‫برای پاراگراف داده شده‬ R

1 61) Swimming -------------------------------------------------------. It is important to learn how to swim

properly. Swimming is a great way to stay fit and healthy. It is also an enjoyable way to cool
down during hot summer days. Swimming is done in various places such as pools, lakes, and
oceans. (62) Thus, --------------------------------------------------------.
.‫ به موارد زیر پاسخ دهید‬،‫با توجه به پاراگراف داده شده‬ S
Doctors are those who make the sick people healthy again. In order to become a doctor, a person has
to study medicine. Doctors have a hard life. Their lives are very busy. They get up early in the morning
and go to the hospital. They work without taking a break. They are always polite and patients feel
comfortable with them. Therefore, doctors work so hard to cure sick people and we must know their
63) The supporting sentences of the above paragraph -------------.
a) give examples b) give reasons
c) tell a short story d) explain the idea in the topic sentence
❖ Find and write.
64) The topic of the paragraph: ---------------------------------------.
65) The controlling idea of the paragraph: ---------------------------------------.
66) The concluding sentence of the paragraph: ---------------------------------------.
.‫) در پاسخبرگ بنویسید‬wind( ‫ یک پاراگراف با موضوع‬،‫با استفاده از تمام عبارات داده شده زیر‬ T
.‫( باشد‬Concluding Sentence) ‫) و‬Supporting Sentences( ،(Topic Sentence) ‫پاراگراف باید شامل جمالت‬
- a source of energy for human
- not polluting the earth
3 - a renewable form of energy
- generating electricity
67) Wind ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 ‫موفق باشید‬

‫باسمه تعالی‬

‫رشته‪ :‬كليه رشته ها‬ ‫تعداد صفحه ‪2:‬‬ ‫راهنمای تصحیح آزمون نهايي درس‪ :‬زبان انگلیسی (‪)3‬‬
‫تاريخ آزمون‪1402/10/16 :‬‬ ‫نوبت ‪ 10 :‬صبح‬ ‫پايه دوازدهم دورۀ دوم متوسطه‬
‫مركز ارزشیابی و تضمین كیفیت نظام آموزش وپرورش‬
‫دانش آموزان روزانه‪ ،‬بزرگسال و داوطلبان آزاد داخل و خارج كشور در نوبت دی ماه سال ‪1402‬‬
‫نمره‬ ‫راهنمای تصحیح‬ ‫رديف‬

‫با سالم خدمت همكاران محترم‬

‫هر پاسخ صحیح (‪ )0/5‬نمره‬ ‫‪A‬‬
‫‪1. (b) False‬‬ ‫‪2. (b) False‬‬ ‫‪3. (a) True‬‬ ‫‪4. (b) False‬‬
‫هر پاسخ صحیح (‪ )0/5‬نمره‬ ‫‪B‬‬
‫‪5. (c) hates snow‬‬ ‫‪6. (a) pretty‬‬ ‫‪7. (b) 6 miles‬‬ ‫‪8. (a) 12 inches‬‬

‫هر پاسخ صحیح (‪ )0/5‬نمره‬ ‫‪C‬‬

‫‪9. places‬‬ ‫‪10. country‬‬ ‫‪11. family‬‬ ‫‪12. abroad‬‬ ‫‪13. trip‬‬ ‫‪14. body‬‬
‫هر پاسخ صحیح (‪ )0/5‬نمره‬ ‫‪D‬‬
‫‪15. entry‬‬ ‫‪16. origin‬‬ ‫‪17. combination‬‬ ‫‪18. guide‬‬

‫هر پاسخ صحیح (‪ )0/5‬نمره‬ ‫‪E‬‬

‫)‪19. (e‬‬ ‫)‪20. (a‬‬ ‫)‪21. (d‬‬ ‫)‪22. (c‬‬
‫هر پاسخ صحیح (‪ )0/5‬نمره‬ ‫‪F‬‬
‫‪23. remind‬‬ ‫‪24. circled‬‬ ‫‪25. share‬‬
‫هر پاسخ صحیح (‪ )0/5‬نمره‬ ‫‪G‬‬
‫)‪26. (c‬‬ ‫)‪27. (a‬‬ ‫)‪28. (d‬‬

‫هر پاسخ صحیح (‪ )0/5‬نمره‬ ‫‪H‬‬

‫‪29. avoid‬‬ ‫‪30. heat‬‬
‫هر پاسخ صحیح (‪ )0/5‬نمره‬ ‫‪I‬‬

‫‪2/5 31. (c) would/ asked‬‬ ‫‪32. (b) had lost‬‬ ‫‪33. (a) be kept‬‬

‫‪34. (b) that wears‬‬ ‫‪35. (d) isn't it‬‬

‫هر پاسخ صحیح (‪ )0/5‬نمره‬ ‫‪J‬‬
‫‪36. went‬‬ ‫‪37. respect‬‬

‫پاسخ صحیح (‪ )1/5‬نمره (بارم هر قسمت ‪ 0/25‬مي باشد‪).‬‬ ‫‪K‬‬

‫?‪38. Can hybrid cars be designed to meet different goals‬‬
‫هر پاسخ صحیح (‪ )1‬نمره‬ ‫‪L‬‬
‫‪39. was eaten by the boy last night‬‬
‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪0.5‬‬ ‫‪0.25‬‬ ‫‪0.25‬‬
‫‪40. who was eating the dinner‬‬
‫‪0.5‬‬ ‫‪0.25‬‬ ‫‪0.25‬‬
‫«ادامه در صفحه دوم»‬

‫باسمه تعالی‬

‫ كليه رشته ها‬:‫رشته‬ 2: ‫تعداد صفحه‬ )3( ‫ زبان انگلیسی‬:‫راهنمای تصحیح آزمون نهايي درس‬
1402/10/16 :‫تاريخ آزمون‬ ‫ صبح‬10 : ‫نوبت‬ ‫پايه دوازدهم دورۀ دوم متوسطه‬
‫مركز ارزشیابی و تضمین كیفیت نظام آموزش وپرورش‬
1402 ‫ بزرگسال و داوطلبان آزاد داخل و خارج كشور در نوبت دی ماه سال‬،‫دانش آموزان روزانه‬
‫نمره‬ ‫راهنمای تصحیح‬ ‫رديف‬

‫) نمره‬0/5( ‫هر پاسخ صحیح‬ M

41. (c) We have to take care of parents because they have done so earlier.
42. (b) Free dictionaries may be offered as online, for PCs and apps for smart phones.
43. (d) Electricity can be generated from huge resources of water.
44. (a) Electric cars are better than other cars as they do not pollute the air.
.‫ نمره) دارد‬1( ‫ هر كدام‬50 ‫ و‬49 ‫) نمره دارد و سواالت‬0/5( ‫ هر كدام‬48 ‫ تا‬45 ‫پاسخ صحیح سؤاالت شماره‬ N
45. (b) False 46. (a) True
4 47. (d) Guessing collocations is always hard for all 48. (c) fast cars
49. (Some collocations are more open) because several words may go together to give a similar
meaning, for example
50. A collocation is two or more words combined.
.‫ نمره ) دارد‬1( ‫ هر كدام‬56‫ و‬55 ‫) نمره دارد و سواالت‬0/5( ‫ هر كدام‬54 ‫ تا‬51 ‫پاسخ صحیح سؤاالت شماره‬ O
51. (b) False 52. (a) True
53. (d) When should we use less energy to save natural resources? 54. (c) using
55. Many people are using more and more energy. It causes our weather conditions to change.
56. (They are nonrenewable energy resources) because they take millions of years to form, and we cannot
replace them easily.
‫) نمره‬0/5( ‫هر پاسخ صحیح‬ P
57. (a) so drive more carefully 58. (d) and he spends too much time to do it

‫) نمره‬0/5( ‫هر پاسخ صحیح‬ Q

59. or 60. but
‫) نمره‬0/5( ‫هر پاسخ صحیح‬ R
‫(پاسخ های زير صرفا پیشنهادی است و در صورتي كه دانش آموز پاسخ هايي را بنويسد كه در آن اصول نوشتن جمله موضوعي و‬
1 )‫نتیجه گیری رعايت شده باشد و از نظر معنايي با جمالت بدنه متناسب باشد نمره كامل تعلق مي گیرد‬
61. is a physical activity.
62. swimming can help us to live healthier.
‫) نمره‬0/5( ‫هر پاسخ صحیح‬ S
63. (d) explain the idea in the topic sentence
2 64. Doctors
65. are those who make the sick people healthy again
66. Therefore, doctors work so hard to cure sick people and we must know their values.

3 .‫ لحاظ گردد‬67 ‫ با توجه به رعايت اصول پاراگراف نويسي نمره سوال‬،‫همكار محترم‬ T

40 ‫جمع نمره‬ ‫با آرزوی سالمتي و شادكامي برای شما همكاران عزيز‬


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