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1. Disease means _________ of the body (a) orderliness (b) tiredness (c) disorder (d)
2. The agents that transmits communicable disease are called ______ (a) insects (b) fungi (c)
spirogyra (d) pathogens
3. A disease is _________when it exists in isolated patches in most localities such that they
become acute and die down (a) villages (b) pandemic (c) endemic (d) sporadic
4. _____ disease is such that is common to a geographical area or population (a) endemic (b)
sporadic (c) pandemic (d) epidemic
5. When a disease affects a large number of people at the same, it can be said to be ________ (a)
sporadic (b) pandemic (c) epidemic (d) endemic
6. A disease transmitted from one person to another either directly or indirectly is called (a)
intransmittable (b) uncommunicable (c) communicable (d) pandemic
7. Airbourne disease can be contracted by ______ (a) sexual intercourse (b) toilets (c) dust (d)
8. Belly intestine discharge is mostly transmitted through (a) dust (b) dirtiness (c) food (d) cough
9. Measles is a ______ disease (a) bacterial (b) viral (c) fungal (d) sexual
10. Malaria is transmitted through a bite from ____ (a) dog (b) mosquitoes (c) ants (d) tsetse fly
11. Cholera is a serious _____ infection (a) bacterial (b) fungal (c) viral (d) sexual
12. Gonorrhea mostly affects the _______ (a) brain (b) sexual organs (c) heart (d) blood cells
13. Obesity is an abnormal increases in the amount of body (a) oil (b) weight (c) height (d) fat
14. Disease affecting the amount of heomoglobin in the red blood cell is called _____ (a) anemia (b)
obesity (c) sickle cell (c) low blood cell
15. Kwashiorkor is caused by ____ (a) man-nutrition (b) too much fat (c) lack of eating (d) germs
16. Disease caused by insect or animal’s bite is called _____ (a)vector borne disease (a) open liason
(c) respiratory (d) belly intestine
17. Control of HIV includes the following except (a) abstinence from unprotected sex (b) avoid
sharing sharp objects (c) usage of contraceptive avoid sex completely
18. STI mean ____ (a) sexually transmitted disease (b) sexually transmitted infection (c) sexual and
toilet infection (d) science teachers initiatives
19. The pathogens that cause STI and STDs include the following except (a) protozoa (b) viral (c)
bacterial (d) toilets
20. Open liason disease gain entrance into the body through_____ (a) opening (b) toilets (c) food
(d) sex

SECTION B: Answer Question One and any other three

1. Explain the following (i) sporadic (ii) endemic (iii) epidemic (iv) pandemic
2. Explain the any four signs of HIV/AIDS
3. Mention 10 prevention and control of infections and disease
4. Explain (i) obesity (ii) sickle cell (iii) anemia (iv) kwashiorkor
5. Explain with examples communicable and non-communicable disease
6. Explain HIV/AIDS with four signs and symptoms

1. ______ contact sport refer to the contest between two or more persons which may involve
fighting (a) wrestling (b) judo (c) non-contact (d) contact
2. Non-contact sport, contestants are ____ (a) separated (b) joint to run (b) to fight
3. ____ is the oldest known martial art sport (a) judo (b) wrestling (c) karate (c) bocing
4. All are the types of wrestling except (a) Gracio Roman (b) freestyle (c) WWE (D) Traditional
5. ______ wrestling permits the use of hands and leg and can hold opponent below belt region (a)
freestyle (b) gracio roman (c) traditional (d) RAW
6. In winning ______ wrestling, one must put the opponent’s back to the ground (a) traditional (b)
WWE (c) freestyle (d) gracio roman
7. The type of wrestling where contestants do not use leg or holds below the belt region is___ (a)
traditional (b) WWE (c) freestyle (d) gracio roman
8. The japaneese modern wresling which requires great strength is _____ (a) karate (b) Judo (c)
karate (d) taekwondo
9. Counter attack is an offensive move by an opponent who is under ___ (a) drugs (b) influence
(c) attack (d) spell
10. ____ is the process of destroying opponent’s balance (a) push (b) throw (c) grip (d) stance
11. The choke in Japanese is also referred to as_____ (a) Tong yui (b) waza waza (c) chime waza
(d) Yo chin fu
12. The Nigerian Amateur Judo Association was formed in ____ (a) 1972 (b) 2072 (c) 1995 (d)
13. Judo was introduced in Nigeria between ______ (a) 1963-1972 (b) 1984-1985 (c) 1927-1930
(d) 1995—1996
14. ____ is the movement of the body in he water (a) floating (b) swimming (c) back stroke (d)
breast stroke
15. Judo was first introduced in _____ state (a) Oyo State (b) Plateau (c) Kano (d) Lagos
16. ____ is an offensive move to free one’s self from a grip (a) attack (b) escape (c) counter attack
(d) grip
17. Judo skills include the following except ____(a) the stance (b) the grip (c) warm up (d) the
18. The act of inhaling and exhaling while in water is called _____ (a) floating (b) breathing (c) back
stroke (d) breast stroke
19. _____ is the type of sport that requires fast moving and bending of the body (a) apparatus (b)
swimming (c) gymnastic (d) judo
20. Apparatus refer to ______ use in gymnastic (a) equipment (b) instructions (c) clothes (d) venue

SECTION B: Answer Question one and any other three

1. Explain any 2 skills in wrestling

2. Define swimming and list any four benefits
3. List five benefits of contact and non-contact sport
4. List five safety measures of contact and non-contact sport
5. List five safety measures of swimming
6. Define wrestling and list the three types of wrestling

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