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Richard O.


Ethics to Information Technology Issues

The articles in this special section express a com- Knowing their technology-based actions will inter-
mon theme: the use of information technology in cede in the course of human affairs, how should they
society is creating a rather unique set of ethical direct them? The crucial point occurs when a moral
issues that requires the making of new moral choic- agent—one that by definition has choices—decides
es on the part of society and has spawned special to change the state of information or information
implications for its members. Technology itself is technology in a human system. Changes in hardware,
not the only, nor necessarily the most responsible, software, information content, information flow,
cause of these issues. All ethical questions arise ini- knowledge-based jobs, and the rules and regulations
tially out of human agency. Technology, due to its affecting information are among the many things
capability to augment mental and physical powers of agents do that affect others. I call these crucial junc-
human beings, does stand in the role of a coconspir- ture points moments-of-truth. If those of us who make
ator. The lure of power-enhancing capabilities decisions in any of these areas are to behave ethically,
makes technology an inducer of sorts, a necessary we must be able to identify the significant moments-
but not sufficient underpinning to many of the ethi- of-truth in which we participate and be able to reflect
cal issues we face today. on the effects of our actions. We must use our moral
An ethical issue is said to arise whenever one imagination to guide our choices so that we can con-
party in pursuit of its goals engages in behavior that tribute positively toward making the kind of ethical
materially affects the ability of another party to pur- world in which we want to live and want to bequeath
sue its goals. When the effect is helpful—good, to our future generations.
right, just—we say the behavior is praiseworthy or How can we do this? The ACM Code of Ethics [1],
exemplary. When, however, the effect is harmful— as well as the schemes and other articles in this spe-
bad, wrong, unjust—the behavior is unethical. This cial section provide initial grist for the mill. More fun-
purposeful theory of ethics is reflected in the issues damental, however, is our conscience, aided by our
discussed in these articles. For example, email and understanding and expertise in information technol-
being online are applications of information tech- ogy. If we have an inkling our behavior as informa-
nology, the lure of which is based on their ability to tion professionals might in some way harm others, we
expand the scope, range, speed, and ease of inter- probably should examine our decisions a little more
personal and corporate communications. carefully and from an ethical point-of-view.
Useful as they are, the schemes and the manifold
of issues addressed leave one question unanswered: Getting the Morally Relevant Facts
What moral guidance can be provided to the agents The facts of an ethical situation can be summarized
whose behavior create these issues? And, this ques- by four factors. The first factor is to clearly identify
tion leads to others: How should the many knowl- the moral agent. Whose actions will bring about the
edge workers, systems analysts, programmers, technology-induced change? The frameworks and
hardware designers, authors, executives, and so discussions presented here will be helpful because
forth, who set in motion the actions which bring they point to a variety of possible forms of agency.
these issues to the fore, guide their own behavior? The next factor is the set of alternative courses-of-

COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM December 1995/Vol. 38, No. 12 55

action available to the agent. These are the real- mine how much pleasure or pain, good or bad, hap-
world acts that will have an effect on the human sys- piness or unhappiness, benefits or costs they inflict
tem under consideration. Acts have consequences, on stakeholders. The guiding principle, which origi-
hence the third factor: a delineation of the results nates with Bentham and Mill, is that an agent
that are expected to occur if each act is taken. Finally, should choose an act resulting in the greatest good
it is essential to identify the stakeholders who will be for the greatest number. The good society is
affected by the consequences of the acts. A stake- reached according to this theory by doing good for
holder is any individual, group, organization, or others. However, since what is good for the collec-
institution that can affect as well as be affected by an tive-at-large may not be good for a given individual
agent’s actions. In a word, stakeholders have an (or may violate a basic duty or right), advice emanat-
interest in what an agent does [3]. These four fac- ing from this consequentialist tradition may conflict
tors—agent, acts, results and stakeholders—are the with advice deriving from other theories.
basic facts from which an ethical analysis proceeds. A third great tradition is the pursuit of virtue. This
theory focuses on improving the character or traits of
Applying Ethical Theories the agent. The ancient Greeks averred that a moral
Renowned medical ethicist William F. May refers to person should take acts that enable and enhance the
the method of ethical reflection as corrective vision. agent’s courage, prudence, temperance and justice.
“Ethics supplies a type of corrective lens,” he Their predecessors focused on accumulating individ-
observes, “and relies heavily on the distinction ual power. “Might is right” formed the basis of their
between what is and what ought to be” [4]. These concept of virtue. One of their successors, St. Thomas
four crucial factors serve to establish what is. For Acquinas, drew on the Pauline tradition to add the
what ought to be we must turn to ethical theories. more spiritual virtues of faith, hope and charity to the
These theories are the prisms—the optometrist's col- list. And, in the industrial age, industry, honesty, and
lection of lenses—through which we can observe trustworthiness were added because they were neces-
reality and see the choices to make as we attempt to sary for commercial relationships. All of these virtue-
direct reality towards our ethical ideals. oriented guides have the effect of creating a good
There are many, perhaps an infinity, of theories we society by having each agent be a good person.
might apply. The optics of ethics is very large indeed. Finally, there is the tradition of the pursuit of jus-
We can be comforted in this effort, however, by the tice. Justice requires that every stakeholder in the sys-
realization that the evolution of ethical thinking has tem should enjoy, so far as possible, an equal
resulted in four major themes. These are meta-lenses opportunity to develop his or her knowledge, skills
through which to look at an ethical situation. and talents, and to reach his or her potentialities. This
One theory emphasizes an agent’s duty. This theory comes from fair dealing and right action and is usually
seeks to create a good society by having people do based on rules that society has made, rules that should
the right things. As Immanuel Kant emphasized, be the same for all and applied equally. The rules are
there are prohibitions against taking some acts and based on criteria such as merit, need, work or other
obligations to take others. We have a prima facie or a agreed-upon standards. The social contract theories to
priori duty, for example, to respect the autonomy of which several of the authors refer have emerged as a
others according to one principle evolving out of this part of this tradition. The good society according to
theory; any acts an agent might take that would theories of justice is achieved by doing fairly, both in
invade a stakeholder’s privacy or right to choose for the fair allocation of privileges, duties, and goods, and
themselves should be avoided. More specifically, it is in the meting out of punishments.
reasonable to assume members have a prima facie When facing a moment-of-truth, one is well advised
duty to adhere to the provisions of the ACM Code of to view the situation through each of these ethical
Ethics. But, and this is a significant point, we may not lenses. Each provides insight into the moral complexity
always be obliged to do so. Subsequent theorists in of the issue being examined. Frequently, however, the
this deontological vain, W. D. Ross in particular [5], guidance deriving from one of these theories will con-
have held that while these duties are compelling they flict with that of one or more of the others. This
are not definitive. When two or more duties come requires a moral judgment, one that shows how one
into conflict the agent must make a reasoned choice. theory or principle trumps another. The reasons
For example, the advantages obtained from using behind the choice made should be grounded in at
email may be deemed to be more important than least one moral theory and justified accordingly.
the exposure to loss of privacy it brings about. These The pitting of facts against theories is a necessary
moral losses, however, should be made explicit in —and the most important—aspect of deciding on
making a moral choice. The same principle applies, an ethical issue. There are also four additional con-
as we will see, among theories themselves. siderations to take into account: Who should
The second great tradition is the pursuit of hap- decide? Who should benefit? How should the deci-
piness. Applying this theory requires that we assess sion be made? And, how can the issue be prevented
the consequences of the agent’s actions and deter- from arising in the future?

56 December 1995/Vol. 38, No. 12 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM

Who Should Decide? does not emerge again, at least in the same degree
Presumably if you are facing a moment-of-truth you of intensity or severity. Thus, procedures and
are also engaged in a decision process. Should you processes should be put in place, eliminating the
go it alone? Often, not. Before an agent acts he or root causes of this issue or handling it more effec-
she should take into account the answers to two tively in the future. The essential question: In mak-
questions: 1) Which other stakeholders ought to par- ing this ethical decision, what sort of social
ticipate in the making of this decision because of transcript do we want to write?
their knowledge, their values, or their interests? The The last four considerations have a common
voices of future generations should always be consid- thread: To be ethical, a decision-maker must think
ered in this determination as well as the voices of beyond just the facts and theories pertinent to the
contemporaries. 2) Which other stakeholders must current issue.One must reach beyond the present
take part in the decision and its implementation and be sure to bring in additional voices, insure that
because of their institutional jobs, responsibilities or ethical procedures are employed, adopt a humane
the resources they control? As debates on the basis of style of conduct, and look to the future.
a “just war” have concluded, a decision that does not
carry legitimacy or a reasonable probability of success Moving Ahead
is unlikely to lead to a satisfactorily moral outcome. The articles in this issue form a rather gritty as well as
a cerebral basis for getting on with the task of creating
Who Should Benefit from the Decision? a good society in our information age. The ethics of
Many stakeholders may be affected by a decision. being online, using tools such as email, and infusing
Some of these outcomes should have been consid- of information technology into our lives in areas rang-
ered during the application of ethical theories to ing from business process reengineering to installing
the situation at hand. Nevertheless, before enacting large-scale systems are, arguably, among the most
a choice one should assure himself or herself the important ethical issues of our time. As good citizens
benefits of the decision flow to morally justifiable in this information age we must be able to identify the
parties and that no undue harm is done. crucial moments-of-truth in which our behavior as
information professionals shapes the direction our
How Should the Decision be Made and society will take. By understanding the facts of each
Carried Out? case, drawing on ethical traditions for guidance, and
From a stakeholder’s point-of-view a decision cannot doing this with a concern for the broader implications
be separated from the way it is made and delivered. of our actions, we can create the kind of ethical society
Whenever possible, important moral decisions we want. This is the challenge of our times [2]. C
should be made as the result of due process. Beyond
any legal requirements, the processes by which deci- References
sions are made should be fair and they should follow 1. Anderson, R.E., Johnson, D. G., Gotterbarn, D. and Perrolle,
J. Using the new ACM code of ethics in decision-making. Com-
established procedures when applicable. It is essen- mun. ACM 36, 2 (Feb. 1993), pp 98–107
tial the parties who are potentially harmed by deci- 2. Mason, R.O., Mason, F.M., and Culnan, M. J. Ethics of Informa-
sions, as well as those who are benefited, recognize tion Management. Sage, Thousand Oaks, Calif., 1995.
the legitimacy of the decision-making process. This, 3. Mason, R.O. and Mitroff, I. Challenging Strategic Planning
however, is not enough. Decisions should be carried Assumptions. Wiley, New York, 1981.
4. May, W.F. The Physician’s Covenant. Westminster Press,
out in a humane, moral way. During the trumping Philadelphia, 1983.
process just described, some ethical principles or dic- 5. Ross, W.D. Moral Duties. Macmillan, London, 1969.
tates are relegated to a secondary position. But they
do not go away. A decision should be framed and ful- Richard O. Mason is Carr P. Collins Professor of Management Informa-
filled in a manner which maximizes the accomplish- tion Sciences at the Edwin L. Cox School of Business, Southern Methodist
ment of all of the ethical principles identified. All University, Dallas, Tex.
decisions should be carried out with due respect, in
the sense that they should preserve the dignity of all Parts of this article are based on material originally developed for Mason,
stakeholders involved to the extent possible. R., Mason, F., and Culnan, M. Ethics of Information Management. Sage, Thou-
sand Oaks, Calif., 1995.
How Can the Issue be Prevented from Arising in
the Future?
Permission to make digital/hard copy of part or all of this work for person-
Every decision becomes a precedent in the future. A al or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not
decision that resolves an acute and pressing moral made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage, the copyright
notice, the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given
issue today may not look so good in light of the pas- that copying is by permission of ACM, Inc. To copy otherwise, to republish,
sage of time. It may create worse problems than the to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists requires prior specific permis-
ones it solves. Or, our moral reflection may reveal sion and/or a fee.
flaws in our institutions that can be—perhaps,
should be—changed so the ethical issue at hand © ACM 0002-0782/95/1200 $3.50

COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM December 1995/Vol. 38, No. 12 57

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