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As a reviewer for manuscripts discussing robotics, your role is to ensure the accuracy,

significance, and relevance of the research findings or analyses presented. Here's a guideline

for being an effective reviewer in this domain:

​ Expertise Assessment: Evaluate whether the manuscript aligns with your expertise and
knowledge in robotics. Consider your familiarity with robotic systems, algorithms,
sensors, actuators, and related technologies.
​ Confidentiality: Maintain confidentiality throughout the peer review process. Treat the
manuscript and its findings with discretion, refraining from discussing or disclosing any
details to unauthorized individuals.
​ Timeliness: Aim to complete your review within the specified timeframe provided by the
journal editor. Notify the editor promptly if you anticipate any delays and request an
extension if necessary.
​ Research Contribution: Assess the novelty and significance of the research contribution
presented in the manuscript. Determine whether the study addresses important
challenges or issues in robotics and whether it advances the state-of-the-art in the field.
​ Methodological Rigor: Evaluate the rigor and appropriateness of the research
methodology employed in the manuscript. Assess the experimental setup, data
collection methods, algorithms, and validation techniques used in the study.
​ Experimental Results: Verify the accuracy and reliability of the experimental results
presented in the manuscript. Determine whether the findings are well-supported by the
data and whether they provide meaningful insights into the performance or behavior of
robotic systems.
​ Relevance and Applicability: Consider the relevance and applicability of the research
findings or analyses presented in the manuscript. Determine whether the study has
practical implications for robotics applications in various domains, such as
manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, or exploration.
​ Clarity and Presentation: Assess the clarity, organization, and coherence of the
manuscript. Ensure that the writing is clear, concise, and logically structured, making the
content accessible to readers with varying levels of expertise in robotics.
​ References and Citations: Verify the accuracy and relevance of the references cited in
the manuscript. Ensure that relevant literature on robotics, automation, artificial
intelligence, and related topics is appropriately acknowledged and cited according to the
journal's guidelines.
​ Adherence to Journal Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with the specific formatting
requirements and guidelines of the journal. Ensure that the manuscript adheres to these
guidelines in terms of formatting, word count, figure/table presentation, and citation style.
​ Professional Conduct: Maintain objectivity, impartiality, and professionalism throughout
the review process. Avoid personal biases or conflicts of interest that may influence your
evaluation of the manuscript.
​ Recommendation: Based on your assessment, provide a clear recommendation to the
editor regarding the suitability of the manuscript for publication. Your recommendation
may include acceptance, revision, major revisions, or rejection, accompanied by a
detailed rationale for your decision.
​ Constructive Feedback: Provide constructive feedback to the authors, highlighting both
the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript. Offer specific suggestions for
improvement, particularly regarding areas where clarification, additional analyses, or
revisions may be needed.
​ Follow-Up: Be prepared to provide additional feedback or clarification to the editor or
authors upon request. Engage in constructive dialogue to address any queries or
concerns raised during the review process.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can contribute to ensuring the quality and integrity of

manuscripts discussing robotics. Your expertise and critical evaluation play a crucial role in

advancing the field of robotics and its applications.

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