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Using the websites provided on title slides, you will be
doing some research on 2024 presidential platforms.
You will be looking at 3 issues:
● Healthcare
● Education
● Immigration
You will need to answer questions that relate to each
topic and candidate, then provide a reflection.

At the end of your research you will have a final

reflection about all the topics and candidates searched.

Please answer all the questions and follow

the directions.
Website: Healthcare Platforms

What type of healthcare system does each
candidate favor?

Ryan Binkley thinks healthcare monopoly

should come to an end and wants to lower
the cost.
Nikki Haley “said she would give medicaid
funds to the states increase transparency,
reduce costs, increase competition, and
increase access to mental healthcare.”
Donald Trump has made medicine more
affordable. He removed obamacare.

What type of healthcare system does each

candidate favor?

Joe biden made it where medicare can

negotiate the prices of prescription drug
Dean phillips will work with congress to
develop medicare for all national health


Which candidate matches your views

and why?
Trump because I agree with a lot of his
policies. Especially his foreign policy
because he wants strength and peace
while Biden gave up our power to the
Website: Immigration Platform

List 2 of the things each candidate would
like to change about immigration?

1.Trump wants to remove illegal alien gang

members and criminals.

2. Ryan Binkley wants physical borders.

List 2 of the things each candidate would
like to change about immigration?

1.Dean phillips think people should be

able to come over to seek refuge.

2. Dean phillips think people should be

able to come over for peace and safety


Which candidate matches your views

and why?

Trump because I agree with some of

the stuff he’s done and wants to do.
Website: Education Platforms

List 1 of the things each candidate would
like to change about Education?

1.Trump wants every child to have great

Ryan Binkley wants to increase community
involvement in education.
Nikki Haley wants to increase transparency
for parents,
List 1 of the things each candidate would
like to change about Education?

1.Dean phillips wants every American child

to receive world-class public education.


Which candidate matches your views

and why?

Trump because I agree with many of

his views.
FinAL reFlECtiON

Using your research and reflections, explain which candidate

you most identify with. Explain your answer in 4-6
sentences. Provide examples from your research!!!!

I like trump because he wants to secure our second

amendment to bear arms. I agree with him on this because
even if guns are banned and people cant buy them
criminals will still be able to get their hands on them. I
also like how he wants to get illegal aliens and criminals
out of our country. Another thing I like that he says is that
he believes that we owe our children great education
because great education leads to great jobs.

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