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Insert Date

Dear (Manager’s or Supervisor’s name),

I would like to attend the upcoming (insert course name) course, to be held at Swinburne’s Hawthorn
campus / via Swinburne’s live online delivery (select one) on the (insert date).

This training course will enable me to gain an understanding of (insert skill or area of expertise) and the
key issues that I am facing, including (provide key areas that your organisation is facing in this aspect
that you would like to improve on the course.)

Developing these skills through a training course will greatly reduce the research time and costs which
we would normally incur to source or learn the same capabilities.

I will also be able to discuss these issues in greater detail with the industry facilitator for this program,
who has extensive expertise within this space. Access to this level of knowledge would cost more
through a consultant.

The course would enable me to discuss the issues that I am facing in my role with participants from
industry during the course. I feel that I will gain a lot of insight from discussing and benchmarking
against this peer group.

The full price training course fee is $xxxx. The opportunity for me to develop my skill set and find
solutions to the issues that I have outlined above and discuss them with my peer group, make my
attendance at the course crucial to my current role.

(Insert your name)


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