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MAR 23

Essay on the reduction of carbon emissions in the automotive


Currently, the reduction of carbon emissions is a relevant and

urgent issue in the automotive industry. As awareness of climate
change grows, car manufacturers face pressure to produce cleaner
and more sustainable vehicles. In this essay, we will analyze how
the reduction of carbon emissions in the automotive industry has
become a key issue, considering the historical context, the key
figures and the impact of this trend. In addition, we will explore
different perspectives on this topic, considering both positive and
negative aspects, and we will propose possible future
developments in these industry.

Concern about carbon emissions in the automotive industry is not

a new phenomenon. Since the 1970s, efforts have been made to
reduce pollution caused by motor vehicles. However, in recent
years, the urgency of addressing climate change has led to a more
intense focus on reducing carbon emissions. With the Paris
Agreement in 2015, countries pledged to limit the increase in
global temperature to less than 2 degrees Celsius, which has led to
greater pressure on the automotive industry to reduce its
environmental impact.

In this context, key figures such as Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla,

have played a fundamental role in the promotion of electric
vehicles as a sustainable alternative to traditional vehicles. Tesla
has been a pioneer in the manufacture of high-performance
electric cars, which has shown that it is possible to combine
sustainability with performance. Other car manufacturers, such as
BMW and Toyota, have also invested in clean technologies and
have launched a variety of electric and hybrid vehicles to reduce
their carbon emissions.

The impact of reducing carbon emissions on the automotive

industry is significant in several aspects. On the one hand, the
adoption of clean technologies and the production of more
sustainable vehicles are contributing to the reduction of air
pollution and the improvement of air quality in cities. In addition,
the transition to cleaner vehicles is creating new business and
employment opportunities in related sectors, such as battery
manufacturing and charging infrastructure. However, there are
also challenges, such as the dependence on rare materials for the
manufacture of batteries and the need to improve the charging
infrastructure to boost the adoption of large-scale electric

In summary, the reduction of carbon emissions in the automotive

industry is a crucial issue that is shaping the future of sustainable
mobility. With the leadership of key figures and technological
advances in the field of electric vehicles, the automotive industry
is moving towards greater sustainability. However, to achieve a
true transformation, it will be necessary to address the existing
challenges and work in collaboration with governments,
companies and society in general. Only through a comprehensive
and collaborative approach will we be able to achieve a cleaner
and more sustainable future for all.

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