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Buyer's Empathy Map


Buyer's Empathy Map:

● Basic Demographics:
● Age: 32
● Gender: Female
● Income: $60,000 per year

● Other Demographics:
● Personality Traits: Introverted, analytical, empathetic
● Quirks: Enjoys collecting vintage books, has a pet cat
● Habits: Starts her day with meditation, reads news online, prefers shopping
at local stores

● Customs: Celebrates her family's cultural festivals with traditional food and

● Beliefs: Values sustainable living, supports local artisans

Buyer's Experience Map:

1. Awareness:
● Buyer sees an online ad for an eco-friendly subscription box promoting local

● Researches the brand's website and reads about their commitment to sustainability.
● Watches video testimonials from other subscribers sharing their positive

2. Consideration:
● Buyer browses the subscription box options and reads detailed product

● Checks social media to see unboxing videos and user-generated content from
current subscribers.

● Compares prices and features with other subscription boxes.

3. Purchase:
● Buyer selects a subscription box and proceeds to checkout.
● Appreciates the transparent pricing and the option to customize the box.
● Feels confident in the purchase due to the positive reviews and the brand's values.


4. Unboxing and Usage:

● Buyer eagerly awaits the arrival of her first subscription box.
● Excitement builds as she opens the box, discovering carefully curated items from
local artisans.

● Posts her own unboxing video on social media, tagging the brand and expressing
her excitement.

5. Advocacy:
● Buyer continues to receive monthly subscription boxes, each time sharing her
experience on social media.

● Engages in online communities discussing sustainable living and shares her positive
brand experiences.

● Refers friends and family, becoming a loyal advocate for the brand.

High Five Content:

​ Educational Blog Post: "The Impact of Supporting Local Artisans on the

​ Video Series: "Meet the Artisans: Behind-the-Scenes of Our Box Creations"

​ Customer Showcase: Monthly feature of subscribers' unboxing photos and


​ Webinar: "Sustainable Living: Tips and Tricks from Our Subscribers"

​ Referral Program: Incentivize referrals with discounts and rewards for both the
referrer and the new subscriber.

Key Insights:
● The buyer values sustainability, local products, and personalized experiences.
● Social media plays a significant role in her decision-making process.
● Authenticity, transparency, and positive reviews are crucial for building trust.
● The buyer's journey aligns with the organization's values and offerings.

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