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Homework has been a longstanding tradition in the education system, with the belief that it helps

students reinforce their learning and develop important skills such as time management and
responsibility. However, in recent years, there has been a growing debate on the effectiveness and
necessity of homework. In Finland, a country known for its top-performing education system, the
approach to homework may surprise you.

No Homework Policy
In Finland, students are not assigned homework until they reach their teenage years. Even then, the
amount of homework given is minimal, with an average of only 30 minutes per night. This is in stark
contrast to the average of 3 hours of homework per night for American students. So why does
Finland have such a different approach to homework?

Focus on Play and Well-Being

One of the main reasons for Finland's no homework policy is their focus on play and well-being.
Finnish education prioritizes the overall well-being of students, including their physical, emotional,
and social health. This means that students have more time to engage in extracurricular activities,
hobbies, and spending time with family and friends. This emphasis on play and well-being has been
linked to better academic performance and overall happiness among students.

Quality over Quantity

In Finland, the emphasis is on quality over quantity when it comes to education. This means that the
time spent in school is highly focused and efficient, with little time wasted on busy work or
unnecessary assignments. This approach allows students to complete their work during school hours,
leaving them with more free time in the evenings.

Ordering Homework Help

While the no homework policy in Finland may seem like a dream for students, the reality is that
homework is still a necessary part of education. For students who struggle with their assignments,
seeking outside help can be a great option. ⇒ ⇔ offers professional homework
assistance for students of all levels and subjects. With experienced writers and affordable prices,
ordering homework help from ⇒ ⇔ can save you time and stress.

Final Thoughts
While the debate on the effectiveness of homework continues, it's clear that the Finnish approach has
its merits. By prioritizing play and well-being and focusing on quality over quantity, students in
Finland are able to excel academically while still having time for other important aspects of their
lives. And for those who need a little extra help with their homework, ⇒ ⇔ is always
there to lend a hand.
If you still doubt about the qualification of teachers in Finland, you have to note that only 10% of
college graduates are able to receive the master’s degree, and all teachers in Finland must have it.
The greatest challenge is the change in their role. Finland Is Instituting “Phenomenon-Based
Teaching” Finnish schools will begin reorganizing their classrooms during the 2016-2017 school year
based on the country's new National Curriculum Framework. Training differentiation, the allocation
of some subjects and their profound studying to the detriment of others is not welcomed. After that,
he attended four years of primary school, and there his education ended. England, Wales, Scotland
and Northern Ireland are already above the OECD average for the number of days taught. This chain
of trust is seen right through society, and is very prevalent in our education system. One problem has
previously been that pupils have not always known why they were given a certain grade. The
world’s largest parent-teacher meeting is part of the 100 Finland project, which details 100 projects
or experiments from Finland in order to share them. With saunas; summer cottages; “baby boxes” full
of supplies for new parents; and Everyman’s Right, which gives everyone permission to roam the
forests and countryside; Finland is a nation where people know how to live well by living simply. If
there are some weaker students, they are provided by extra assistance. Children spend far more time
playing outside, even in the depths of winter. The reform replaced the primary and grammar school
system with the nine-year comprehensive school, which consisted of a six-year lower level and a
three-year upper level. Also, we can get some ideas about benefits of Finland’s education system. In
Finland, “Real Winners Do Not Compete” Here in the United States, competition is so pervasive, we
hardly notice it, let alone question whether it should have a place in the teaching our youth. In
Finland, the attitude towards education is positive and education is valued. She soon found that non-
native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities.
SCORE 2041 When people ask me “Plz” because it’s shorter. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
peoples should be aware that this website may contain images or names of people who may have
passed away. If the instruction in secondary mathematics is the same or sometimes worse than those
found in the US, why are Finnish students succeeding and ours are failing. Finnish pupils do not
have a clue about the pressure of passing tests, so the learning process is mainly aimed to prepare
successful and independent individuals. If you fail in a test, you can try again later, and learn things
in between,” says Anneli Rautiainen. Suffering? Here are 4 Reasons to Share Your Personal Journey
with Others Liver Cleansing Beet Juice Recipe You may also like Harnessing the Virgo Full Moon: A
Guide for Every Star Sign Bridging the Well-being Gap: The Unique Power of Nature for Low-
Income Individuals The Dark Side of 15-Minute Cities: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing. In recent years,
a group of Wall Street financiers and philanthropists such as Bill Gates have put money behind
private-sector ideas, such as charter schools, which have doubled in number in the past decade. Every
person who came on the trip was able to take something away with them, which will shape the way
they teach, lead and influence in the future. Lastly, there is no homework or surprise test given to
students in Finland. Their learning path is flexible, as shown below in the education system’s
structure. When they are actively involved in such discussions their motivation will grow,” explains
Anneli Rautiainen. When he was not studying science, geography and math, Besart was seated next
to Louhivuori’s desk, taking books from a tall stack, slowly reading one, then another, then
devouring them by the dozens. Some pupils may like to talk while they are learning, while others
will want to be quiet,” says Anneli Rautiainen.
One problem has previously been that pupils have not always known why they were given a certain
grade. Becoming a good teacher is not something you can learn; teachers are usually very passionate
about their job and that is why the process of studying in Finland and its results are the best ones in
the whole world. Decisions related to education are not taken with the Pisa ratings in mind. The
practical approach in this class is indicated in the 'Business Blasters', a competition started by the
Delhi government to encourage students to come up with start-up ideas and students were provided
with ?1000. This time we're after your question on universities. Now, no classes will be held for
subjects like physics, maths, history, geography, etc. All children under eighteen have access to
school nurses, doctors, psychologists, social workers and free dental care. Now tell me,
Mr.American-Insulter-of-Chinese-Systems, exactly what non-standardized approach you’re going to
use to individualize the education of the children of ONE. BILLION. PEOPLE. Of course China
leans heavily on standardization. An emphasis on positive pedagogy was supported by care for the
overall wellbeing of students. Finnish daycares and preschools follow the national Early Childhood
Education and Care (ECEC) curriculum that strongly believes in letting children be children, by
focusing on play, health, and the overall wellbeing of the child. Even tuition outside schools is not
allowed or needed, leaving no scope for commodifying education, unlike in India, where multiple
coaching centres and private schools require exorbitant fees. SCORE 147 24 and still not feeling like
an adult SCORE 93 Things are getting pretty Syrias SCORE 85 Well, Summer. It is normal when
junior and elder school buildings are suppurated from each other belongings. Student-Oriented
Model The school teachers believe in a simple thumb rule; students are children who need to be
happy when they attend school to learn and give their best. Teachers believe that the time wasted on
assignments can be used to perform hobbies, art, sports, or cooking. Special needs kids tend,
comparatively to other countries, to be underserved. If you still doubt about the qualification of
teachers in Finland, you have to note that only 10% of college graduates are able to receive the
master’s degree, and all teachers in Finland must have it. Here's How Finland's Schools Are
Overhauling The Way They Do Things. But before making any assumptions that the laid-back
Finnish approach must be the way forward, you could just as easily look to the educational hot
houses of Singapore or South Korea. They finished the trip with an even deeper passion for lifelong
learning. Schools and localities will be given some degree of freedom over how they implement this
method of teaching. SCORE 96 Illusions, Michael SCORE 86 An oldy but a goody SCORE 214
rawr SCORE 117 God made me a picky man SCORE 60 The nose knows SCORE 105 The portion
plate. Parents trust teachers because they are always highly qualified and do love their job. These
Finnish projects are using AI to solve pressing problems right now. At HuffPost, we believe that a
free press is critical to having well-informed voters. For example, an average high school student in
the US has to spend about 6 hours a day doing homework, while in Finland, the amount of time
spent on after school learning is about 3 hours a day. With your help, we'll bring you hard-hitting
investigations, well-researched analysis and timely takes you can't find elsewhere. Schools provide
food, counseling and taxi service if needed. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external
sites. This means that, by the time they do start formal schooling, they’re developmentally ready to
Students are given a great deal of freedom, can pursue interests, and teachers are held up as shining
examples to be emulated. The world’s largest parent-teacher meeting is part of the 100 Finland
project, which details 100 projects or experiments from Finland in order to share them. Beyond Your
Years: 17 Signs That Reveal You’re an Old Soul 6 Indicators To Show Our World-Wide Awakening
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Policy Site Map. Hence, the answer is vii (Statistical proof of education success). Research supports
this philosophy, too: “In the short and long term, play benefits cognitive, social, emotional and
physical development,” according to an American research summary entitled The Power of Play. The
food is reasonably priced, healthy, and really tasty,” Jari says. Some pupils may like to talk while
they are learning, while others will want to be quiet,” says Anneli Rautiainen. Over the years,
Finnish education has constantly evolved, and now Finland is entering a new learning phase again.
Training differentiation, the allocation of some subjects and their profound studying to the detriment
of others is not welcomed. The physical book enriches the learning process and serves as a tangible
commitment to mindfulness, easily shared among family and friends. But when it comes to the
international Pisa tests, Finland is in sixth place and the UK is 23rd in reading; and Finland is 12th
and the UK is 26th in maths. And completing this picture of less is more, Finnish children do not in
theory have to start school until they are seven - although most will have been in classes from an
earlier age. With all our standardized testing, long school days, mountains of homework and
relatively high expenditure per student, we’re still falling behind. One of his sixth-grade students, a
recent immigrant, was falling behind, resisting his teacher’s best efforts. Finnish kids have about 10
weeks of summer holiday as well as holidays in autumn, Christmas break and winter usually in
February. I developed a six-letter acronym to describe the key features of Finnish education.
Teachers will talk to pupils about the goals they want to set themselves. Join the conversation - find
us on Facebook Do you want to get involved with our coverage. That is why one of the most sought
after positions in Finland is the position of a primary school teacher. They are also expected to take a
lot of responsibility for their own education. If you still doubt about the qualification of teachers in
Finland, you have to note that only 10% of college graduates are able to receive the master’s degree,
and all teachers in Finland must have it. If you are reading this page on the BBC News app, you will
need to visit the mobile version of the BBC website to submit your question. One of the best school
systems globally will implement the decision for senior students of age equal or above 16 years.
School year starts in the middle of August and ends in May. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have
taken many students to a band 9. Also, according to the OECD, Finns have the most democratic
amount of school homework in the world. Public schools were organized into one system of
comprehensive schools for ages 7 through 16. With your help, we'll bring you hard-hitting
investigations, well-researched analysis and timely takes you can't find elsewhere. Lastly, there is no
homework or surprise test given to students in Finland. What if they were really made to feel valued
in the education system.
So every child gets its own marks in accordance with his or her own tasks and missions. The most
important goal is teach youngsters the skills they will need in future. Some participants fully self-
funded their trip, while others received full or partial funding from their employer. Our journalists
will continue to cover the twists and turns during this historic presidential election. Special needs
kids tend, comparatively to other countries, to be underserved. And I’ve since concluded that novel
pedagogies, tech gadgets and shiny facilities are nice, but they’re secondary. SCORE 2041 When
people ask me “Plz” because it’s shorter. England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are already
above the OECD average for the number of days taught. This is based on the belief that children
under seven are not ready to start school and that the early years are a time for creativity. India is at
its demographic dividend stage; more than half of its population is within the working-age group of
14 to 60 years. Over the past few years, Wake Up World has faced significant online censorship,
impacting our financial ability to stay online. Image source, Thinkstock Image caption, Finland has
systematically put an emphasis on improving education since the 1970s Teaching is a high-status job
in Finland and teachers are accorded a great deal of professional independence. Facebook Pinterest
Twitter Email Tumblr Reddit Flipboard Copy Link. Tatu, now in the fifth grade, enjoys going to
school and dreams of becoming an actor. In the US, we’re packing so much work into our math
lessons that we have to introduce a new topic on average every two days, which puts a hige amount
of pressure on us as teachers and on students. Why Sean wrote this article: We asked readers to send
BBC Education correspondent Sean Coughlan their questions on schools. Research supports this
philosophy, too: “In the short and long term, play benefits cognitive, social, emotional and physical
development,” according to an American research summary entitled The Power of Play. Sean chose
four questions, and we asked you to select your favourite, which came from Lukas Milancius, a 16-
year-old student. Image source, Thinkstock Image caption, Finland's school system is high
performing, but pupils spend relatively few hours in school While children in England and Wales are
still toiling away in school into the middle of July, the Finns have already been on holiday for six
weeks, in a summer break that lasts 10 to 11 weeks. People began flooding teaching programs due to
this newfound autonomy and respect. While most schools worldwide believe in Charles Darwin's
survival of the fittest, Finland follows the opposite but still comes out at the top. Compared To The
Indian Education Model Firstly, Finnish children enrol in schools at the age of six rather than in
India, where the school age is usually three or four years old. We felt there was an extraordinary
respect for education and learning that was obvious everywhere. They are seen as a kind of blood
pressure check, enabling us to occasionally consider which way we are heading, but they are not a
permanent focus. Thirdly, the school hours in Finland do not start early morning at 6 am, or 7 am as
done in India. Even though individualism is promoted during evaluation based on every student's
needs, collectivity and fostering cooperation among students and teachers are deemed crucial. In
Finland, Sinkari said, nine years of compulsory education began only when a child reached seven
years of age. Learning groups will be formed so as to ensure the goals set in the curriculum can be
reached. Moreover, the education system connects all institutions, from kindergarten to university.
Instead the essential factor is the information that children and young people will need in the future,”
says Pasi Sahlberg.
The transformation of its education system began some 40 years ago but teachers had little idea it
had been so successful until 2000. Sean chose four questions, and we asked you to select your
favourite, which came from Lukas Milancius, a 16-year-old student. He himself did not learn any
foreign languages in school. Hence, the answer is vii (Statistical proof of education success). There
are no punishments even for the laziest students. Like us on Facebook, connect with us on LinkedIn
and follow us on Twitter, Instagram. Here's How Finland Has Emerged As A Global Example Of
Quality, Inclusive Education Writer: Mrinalini Kaushik (Remote Intern) Mrinalini Kaushik Remote
Intern She is a student of journalism, keen on learning new ways to unlearn, deconstructing news
and life. Each student is provided with free school meals, straightforward access to health care,
psychological counseling and personalized student guidance. School year starts in the middle of
August and ends in May. The food is reasonably priced, healthy, and really tasty,” Jari says. That’s
what I realised when I observed teaching in Finland. They mostly get everything done in the
duration of the school timings as they only have a few classes every day. They then spend only nine
compulsory years at school, after which they choose their path from three options. Image source,
Thinkstock Image caption, Finland has systematically put an emphasis on improving education since
the 1970s Teaching is a high-status job in Finland and teachers are accorded a great deal of
professional independence. SCORE 44 Infinite Hog Supply SCORE 153 This dog realized she can
stand in the pool SCORE 98 that damn pillow SCORE 83 I guess things are so bad after all. A select
twenty-five of them are being trialed in schools across the country. But when it comes to the
international Pisa tests, Finland is in sixth place and the UK is 23rd in reading; and Finland is 12th
and the UK is 26th in maths. Much as Finland has learned from the United States, Canada,
Germany, England, Sweden, and other nations about pedagogy and curricula, Finland may now be
looked to for lessons about educational policy.”. Here's How By Rebecca Klein Senior Reporter,
HuffPost Mar 28, 2015, 04:37 PM EDT LEAVE A COMMENT (FILES) This file picture dated 17
August 2005 shows children listening to their teacher in a primary school in Vaasa, on the second
day of school in Finland. Also, we can get some ideas about benefits of Finland’s education system.
Even tuition outside schools is not allowed or needed, leaving no scope for commodifying education,
unlike in India, where multiple coaching centres and private schools require exorbitant fees. All
children under eighteen have access to school nurses, doctors, psychologists, social workers and free
dental care. If you are reading this page on the BBC News app, you will need to visit the mobile
version of the BBC website to submit your question. For years, Finland has led the pack in
international test scores, becoming a source of fascination for education policymakers and experts.
And in the case of Finland, Mr Tuominen says the Finnish school system is inseparable from the
culture which it serves. After this, no student has to pass through an entire course on physics or
chemistry with a speculation of “What do I need to know this for?”. The most important goal is
teach youngsters the skills they will need in future. Even though individualism is promoted during
evaluation based on every student's needs, collectivity and fostering cooperation among students and
teachers are deemed crucial. The following article may provide answers to your questions. In
essence, we’re caught between Finland and China, and we’re trying to sample the best of both.

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